Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 775 The precious blood of the sky, the five elements emperor bone!

Name: Precious Blood of Heaven

Level: Great Emperor

Introduction: Taken from a medium-sized world, a ray of the innate emperor's treasure evolved from the origin of heaven. By refining it and integrating it into one's own body, one can become an unparalleled emperor.

Name: Great Five Elements Emperor Bone

Level: Great Emperor

Introduction: The Great Emperor Root Bone is taken from a medium-sized world and evolved from the origin of the innate five elements. After being refined, it can become an unparalleled Great Emperor.

The Eye of the Great Dao scanned it, and information about the two great emperor's treasures was immediately presented in front of them.

To this!

Lin Wudao nodded with satisfaction.

"not bad."

"Shopkeeper Ji, how do you sell these two treasures of the Great Emperor?"

"Original price, 50 billion top-quality divine crystals!"

"Is it two items together, or is it the price of one item?"

"One price."

Ji Yuan replied respectfully.

Hearing this, Lin Wudao sighed secretly, and immediately took out one quadrillion top-quality divine crystals and handed them over.


"I have no money again."

Seeing that there were only the last 400 trillion top-grade divine crystals left on the books, Lin Wudao couldn't help but feel a touch of bitterness in his heart.


His expenses are getting bigger and bigger...

"I hope that Emperor's Cemetery can make me a lot of money."

"In addition, the resources of the Shenhuang World are almost running out, and we must start preparing to develop outside the world."

He kept thinking in his mind.

Say it!

Lin Wudao stayed in the Jiutian Tower for a while, and then returned to the Shanling Realm.

Qingshan Temple!

This time, he stayed in the City of All Heavens for a total of two and a half months, and two years passed in the Mountain Realm.

The idol space.

Lin Wudao looked at Tushan Cangyue under the altar and found that she had already refined most of the power of heaven and earth.

His own cultivation level has also reached the level of Emperor Quasi-Emperor.

At this rate, it won't take long before he may be able to break the shackles of the quasi-emperor and become an emperor.

See this scene!

Lin Wudao did not disturb her, and immediately used his divine power to carve out a separate space in the temple for Tu Shan Cang Yue to practice.


He looked at Ji Beiming and others from the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan.


His spiritual thoughts swept across the mountain realm, and Lin Wudao discovered that after living here for two years, Ji Beiming and others seemed to have begun to integrate into the life here.

at this time.

They were talking and laughing with the Tushan clan, and the scene seemed relatively harmonious.

Lin Wudao was naturally satisfied with this change.


This is exactly the result he wanted...


With a thought in his mind, he used the mighty power of the Great Demon God of Qingshan to instantly move Ji Beiming and others to the temple.

"This is where?"

"Hey, wasn't I on the first floor of the sky before? Why did I come here all of a sudden?"

"This seems to be...a temple?"

Looking at the unfamiliar environment around them, everyone was filled with surprise and surprise.


Just when they were shocked and surprised, along with the mighty divine light, a majestic and majestic shadow of the god appeared from the statue.

"Greetings to the great god!"

"Greetings to the great god!"

"Greetings to the great god!"

Dong Dong Dong~

After a slight hesitation, Ji Beiming and others knelt down on the ground one after another, bowed and bowed.

After two years of living together, they all began to let go of their grudges and gradually integrated into the Tushan clan.

Instead of resisting and ending up dead, it is better to return to the Tushan clan and strive for a better life.

In the past two years, everyone's mentality has changed greatly...

Even the Great Emperor Ji Beiming recognized the facts and lost the resistance he had in the past.

Lin Wudao saw their changes.

"Get up!"

"It seems that you have all lived well in the past two years in Shanling Realm, and you have all recognized the reality."

"I am very happy about this!"

"After all, both the Daqingshan and Dahuang ancient clans are all derived from the Tushan clan and come from the same origin."

"It makes sense to come back now."

A majestic voice slowly sounded from the statue.

Hear this!

Everyone felt a little bitter and sighed, and no one spoke, which was regarded as acquiescence to return to the Tushan clan.

"Ji Beiming, as the great emperor of the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan, although you have the name of the great emperor, you are not the actual emperor."

"Relying on the great emperor's golden elixir to achieve enlightenment is not the right path after all."

"In view of your situation, I have found a copy of the Great Five Elements Emperor Bone for you. This is the supreme treasure of the Great Emperor."

"Refining it and integrating it into yourself can complete your own foundation and heritage and become an unparalleled emperor."

Talking time!

Lin Wudao raised his hand and pointed, and a jade spine glowing with mighty divine light appeared in front of Ji Beiming out of thin air.


The Great Five Elements Emperor Bone turned into a divine light and integrated into Ji Beiming's body.


Under the power of Divine Power, Lin Wudao helped Ji Beiming sacrifice and refine the Great Five Elements Emperor Bone, so that it could be perfectly integrated with himself.

When the fusion was completed, Ji Beiming immediately felt that there was vast divine power flowing through his body.

The muscles, bones, flesh and blood around the body, and even the soul, are full of the power of the five elements.

His strength is more than ten thousand times stronger than before...


He felt that he could compete with even the Second Heavenly Emperor.

And all of this comes from the Great Five Elements Emperor Bone given by Lin Wudao.

Think of this.

Ji Beiming suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, his eyes bursting with strong surprise and gratitude.

"Thank you, God, for your grace!"

He bowed solemnly.


To achieve enlightenment with the help of the Great Emperor's Golden Pill was to be a deviant. He originally thought that he would be unable to make any progress in this life.

Unexpectedly, Lin Wudao actually changed his destiny forcibly and allowed him to achieve nirvana and be reborn.

Naturally, he was extremely moved by this move...


Seeing Ji Beiming's sudden and shocking change, Ji Yinyang, Ji Wudi and others next to him all showed strong yearning.

"You don't have to be envious!"

"What Ji Beiming has, you will also have in the future."

"Anyone who devoutly believes in this God can obtain great opportunities and good fortune."


"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

With Lin Wudao's assurance, everyone was very excited, and their eyes were full of expectations.

"Next, you go back to the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan first."

"Then, organize a grand sacrificial ceremony as soon as possible to officially return to the Tushan clan."

"At that time, this god will open a gate to the world, connecting the Mountain Realm and the Tomb Realm, so that the people of the two realms can travel freely."


After the words fell, Lin Wudao immediately opened up a space passage with the power of commanding the divine power and sent everyone back to the burial place.

"I haven't seen them for more than two months, and I don't know how Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu are doing."

"The matter of the Burial Land is basically over. Now it's time to target the Land Abandoned by the Gods."

"In addition, you must personally participate in the wars between the Twelve Mountains of the Imperial Way and the Xuantian Divine Dynasty."

"Oh, they're all crowded together..."

He sighed secretly.


There are more and more things he needs to worry about.

After careful calculation, Lin Wudao immediately prepared to go to Burial Ground to see the situation of the crazy Taoist and the others.


Just when he was about to leave, there was a cold sound in his mind.

But it is the City of Ten Thousand Demons that is holding a ceremony to worship the gods...

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