[My God, is this the power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers? Isn't it terrible? 】

[I am now in the Cangxuan Territory in the northernmost part of Nantian Divine Continent, and I was almost killed by the sword energy. 】

[God bless me, the Qiongming Cave where I was was also cut in half with a sword. Fortunately, no one died. 】

[The ancient city of Beiyuan where I was was cut off by this sudden sword, causing countless casualties. 】

[Qiongming Cave Heaven and Beiyuan Ancient City are both the northernmost ends of Nantian Divine Continent. With this sword, Ren Wo Xing actually cut off the entire Nantian Divine Continent? 】

[Is this really the Jidao Emperor's weapon? 】

In the live broadcast room, overwhelming shock and wails emerged one after another.

Through the onlookers from various places, they finally understood the terrifying power of this sword.

Almost cut off the entire Nantian Divine Continent!

Is this still the Jidao Imperial Soldier?

No one can imagine it!

Not only them, but Ye Hongyu and Jiang Mubai who watched this scene with their own eyes were scared to death.

My mouth kept sucking in air-conditioning...

"Great... Great Emperor, is this sword really so terrifying? It cut off the entire Nantian Divine Continent?"

Ye Hongyu summoned up the courage and asked in shock.

Hear the words!

Ye Qingtian nodded lightly.


"The Ji Dao Imperial Weapon in Ren Woxing's hand is very terrifying. There is no Imperial Weapon in the world of gods that can compare with it."

"This sword has indeed cut through the Nantian Divine Continent."

"It's fortunate that Ren Woxing's cultivation level is not high. Otherwise, if he were to control it with the Great Emperor's cultivation level, I'm afraid the entire world of Shenhuang would be cut off with this sword."


So scary?

Hearing Ye Qingtian's answer, Ye Hongyu's eyes widened and he was extremely shocked.

Even with her knowledge, she could not imagine what kind of power it would be to cut through the world of the gods with one sword.

"Great Emperor, what kind of imperial weapon is that?"

"I don't know!"

"The imperial weapons in Ren Woxing's hands should not be owned by Shenhuang World, nor should they belong to any great emperor."


Isn’t this Imperial Weapon from the Divine Desolate World?

So where did it come from?

Ye Hongyu was both infinitely shocked and full of curiosity.


Ye Qingtian did not reveal too much information about the Sword of Sacrifice.

In fact!

He doesn't know either...

at the same time.

Mountain world!

Tushan Cangyue, Yin Siming and others are also paying close attention to the situation of the Taiyi God Clan through the live broadcast room.

When they saw the corpse of the Fallen Demon Lord and the great emperor of the Taichu Imperial Clan appearing one after another, they were naturally shocked.


What they didn't expect was that in the hands of the evil trio, they actually had the ultimate imperial weapon.

In fact, the power of this extremely powerful imperial weapon far exceeded their knowledge and imagination.

"Great Heavenly Master, cut off the Nantian Divine Continent with one sword. What is the concept of that?"

In the temple!

Tu Shannuo asked Yin Siming with an expression of infinite shock.

To this.

Yin Siming shook his head slightly.

"The land of the Divine Continent is divided into the Eastern Divine Continent, the Southern Divine Continent, the Western Divine Continent, the Northern Divine Continent, and the Central Divine Continent."

"This sword is equivalent to cutting off one third of the land of Shenzhou."

"And the size of Nantian Divine Continent is at least equivalent to a hundred thousand wildernesses. You can imagine it."


One hundred thousand deserts?

Hearing this, everyone around him took a breath of air-conditioning and looked extremely shocked.

In their opinion, the wilderness is big enough.

However, compared with what Yin Siming described, it is just like a corner of the world.

As for cutting off the Nantian Divine Continent with one sword, they could not imagine how terrifying and powerful it was.

"It's strange that this Ji Dao Imperial Weapon in Ren Woxing's hands seems to have never appeared in the world of Shenhuang."

"Throughout the ages, every great emperor and the imperial weapons they refined have been clearly recorded."

"However, the imperial weapon in front of me does not belong to any great emperor in history."

"Where on earth did he get it?"

At this time!

A burst of surprise came from Yin Siming's mouth.

His eyes were fixed on the sword of sacrifice in Lin Wudao's hand.


It seems that we have seen some clues...

"High Priest, I feel that this Ji Dao Imperial Weapon is not something from the world of gods and wilderness."

"Maybe it comes from the outside world."

"Actually, outside of the world of the gods, there is a broader world, including countless big worlds."

"Through my observation, the imperial weapon in Ren Woxing's hand has an extremely ancient and magnificent aura, and it has evolved innately."

"The power and power of this sword surpass all existing imperial weapons in the divine world."

"Its true origin is that it comes from the Zhenwu Universe, and then passes through... ahem..."

Before Yin Si Ming could finish his words, a great wave of terror suddenly came upon him.

All of a sudden!

He spit out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

This sudden scene immediately frightened everyone in the temple.

"Great Heavenly Master!"

"Great Heavenly Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Great Heavenly Master, are you okay?"

Everyone asked in shock.

His eyes were full of shock and confusion.

They didn't know that Yin Siming was fine just now, but why did he vomit blood all of a sudden?

Even Tushan Cangyue cast a surprised look on him.

"Are you okay?"

She frowned and asked.

Hear the words!

A flash of fear flashed across Yin Siming's eyes, and he shook his head bitterly.

"Can't die."

"High Priest, the origin of this sword is definitely far beyond imagination. I tried to deduce it based on the "Book of Fate", but it was backfired."

"That Fang Zhenwu Universe is so terrifying!"

"Also, the person who masters it is definitely not from the Godly World."

"At least, it comes from the Zhenwu Universe..."

Yin Siming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and spoke with fear.

The communication between him and Tushan Cangyue just now was all conducted through sound transmission into the secret.

after all!

Such secret things are not suitable for too many people to know.

Zhenwu universe?

Hearing this name, Tushan Cangyue frowned.

For some reason, when she chanted the words "Zhenwu Universe", she would always feel an inexplicable throbbing.

That way!

There seems to be a familiar feeling and an inexplicable kindness.

Not only that.

Even the Seal of the Great World in her body trembled slightly.

this moment!

Tushan Cangyue could clearly feel the joy coming from the Great World Seal.

This sudden situation made her feel very confused.

"High Priest, there is one more thing."

"I just tried to deduce the imperial weapon in Ren Woxing's hand. Although it was counterattacked, I felt a familiar feeling."

"I feel that the breath of that sword seems to be the same as the great god..."

"Great Heavenly Master, you think too much!"

Just when Yin Siming was about to say the next half of the sentence, Tushan Cangyue immediately interrupted him.


With the authority and will of the Lord of the World, she attracted the original power of the Shanling Realm and integrated it into Yin Siming's body.

In just an instant, his injuries returned to their original state.

"Thank you, High Priest!"

Yin Si Ming bowed and thanked.


A strange light flashed across his eyes.

"Am I thinking too much?"

He shook his head and laughed.

Tushan Cangyue obviously knew that there were no three hundred taels of silver here. With his intelligence, he could naturally guess some.

However, he still didn’t know what it was specifically, and he didn’t dare to think about it in depth.

"Maybe, it's just a coincidence..."

He chuckled and shook his head.

Say it!

Everyone continued to focus on the Human Divine Mirror in their hands.

at this time.

Lin Wudao was holding the sacrificial sword and was fighting crazily with the Emperor Corpse of the Fallen Demon Lord.


The Great Emperor is always the Great Emperor, even if he is dead, no living thing in the world can fight against him.


With the powerful blessing of the Three Futian Styles and the Emperor's Corpse, Lin Wudao also showed unparalleled power, but he was still at a disadvantage.


He was slapped away by Zhen Dingtian...

at the same time!

On the other side, Wan Xiangsheng, facing Qin Daofu's strong suppression, also launched the craziest counterattack.

Intense ferocity and madness burst out from his eyes.

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