Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 727 Cut off the Nantian Divine Continent with one sword!

[Is it crazy to let me go? 】

[Yes, that is the body of the great emperor. Although it is the dead emperor, his imperial power is still not something that human beings can resist. 】

[With a mortal body, fighting against the most powerful emperor in the world and letting me do whatever I want is simply asking for death. 】

【not necessarily! 】

[As the soul of the evil trio, Ren Woxing, how could he be so stupid as to commit suicide? 】

[Yes, since people dare to do this, they must have strong confidence. 】

[It seems that Ren Woxing still has a trump card against the emperor...]

at this time!

Seeing Lin Wudao charging towards the Fallen Demon Lord with great momentum, the eyes of the hundreds of millions of cultivators watching in the live broadcast room suddenly widened.

Each one of them was in disbelief!

The emperor's corpse is also the great emperor!

Although he is dead, he is still not an ordinary person in the world who can compete with him.

The supreme imperial power alone is enough to crush people to death.


They didn't think Lin Wudao was a fool. Since he did this, he must have strong confidence.

Think of this.

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately widened their eyes and stared at Lin Wudao without blinking.

at the same time!

Seeing Lin Wudao madly rushing towards the emperor's corpse, Zhen Dingtian, who was sent flying by a punch, also had a cold and sinister smile on his lips.

“There is a road to heaven but you don’t take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in.”

"Since you are looking for death, I will help you today..."

"Soul-leaving Technique!"

Zhen Dingtian used the fastest speed to activate the mysterious magic formula.


Along with a faint cyan mysterious light, his soul and consciousness immediately separated from his body.


He quietly sank into the body of the Fallen Demon Lord.

after all!

The Fallen Demon Lord is dead, his consciousness and true spirit have been completely destroyed, leaving only the corpse of the great emperor.

Although the Emperor's Corpse is powerful, it has no independent consciousness and therefore cannot make effective attacks.

But if you have a sense of autonomy, it will be different.

Zhen Dingtian has been cultivating this imperial corpse of the Fallen Demon Lord using secret methods for a long time.


He has been able to slightly control this emperor's corpse with his soul and consciousness.

He can use about 20% of the strength of the Fallen Demon Lord during his lifetime.

Although there are very few, he is a great emperor!

Enough to suppress all living creatures below the Great Emperor...

"Reach for the Stars Mahamudra!"

After the divine soul merged with the emperor's corpse, Zhen Dingtian immediately mobilized the vast power of the emperor's corpse and suppressed Lin Wudao with a fierce palm.


At the same time, behind Zhen Dingtian, there was also the manifestation of Holy Emperor Futian.

This time!

His Star-catching Mahamudra also blessed the power of the Three Futian Styles.


The Three Futian Styles are the Great Emperor's methods, and only the Great Emperor can display them perfectly.

Previously, Zhen Dingtian was unable to carry the terrifying power of Futian's three movements due to physical limitations.

But things are different now. With the corpse of the Fallen Demon Lord, his power will be amplified and enhanced like never before.


He pressed down with his palm, and the whole world seemed to collapse. Waves of extremely terrifying aura and power were crushing towards Lin Wudao.

See this scene.

A fierce light flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes...

"Hmph, Zhen Dingtian, I didn't expect that you are really capable. You are actually able to combine your soul and consciousness with the corpse of the Fallen Demon Lord."

"But, even so, do you think you can kill me?"

"You have the emperor's body, and I also have the emperor's soldiers!"

While talking.

Under the gaze of countless people, a black light flashed in Lin Wudao's hand, and an extremely mysterious black ancient sword appeared instantly.




After the black ancient sword appeared, with Lin Wudao as the center, the surrounding space seemed to be unable to bear its power and began to collapse continuously.


Along with the sharp cracking sounds, countless terrifying void cracks appeared one after another.

The momentum and sword energy emitted by the black ancient sword continuously cut the surrounding space and then obliterated it.


Seeing this extremely terrifying scene, whether it was Ye Hongyu and Jiang Mubai who were watching from a distance, or the hundreds of millions of monks in the live broadcast room, they all took a breath of air.

[What is that thing that is so terrifying? Can’t even bear the space around you? 】

[This...this can't be...the Jida Emperor Weapon, right? 】

[It should be correct. Looking at the entire world of Shenhuang, except for the Ji Dao Emperor Weapon and the main artifact, there is no weapon with such power. 】

[My Ditian, even the void has been wiped out abruptly. What kind of terrifying existence is in my hands? 】

[Even the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers don't seem to have such terrifying power, right? 】

[Fuck, first there was the emperor’s corpse, then the Qingtian Emperor of the Taichu Imperial Clan appeared in the world, and now another Ji Dao Emperor Weapon appeared. Isn’t this scene too big? 】

[On one side are the emperor's corpses, and on the other are the Ji Dao emperor's soldiers. This is the most exciting scene I have ever seen in my life. 】

The audience watching in the live broadcast room were shocked to the extreme and at the same time extremely excited.

This was their first time to see such a big scene.

In fact!

Not only them, but the Qingtian Emperor himself also integrated a ray of the Emperor's consciousness into his incarnation at this time.

"The emperor's corpse of the Fallen Demon Lord?"

"Unexpectedly, it was actually found by the Zhen family, and its consciousness was successfully integrated into it."

"Although he can only exert at most 20% of the strength of the Fallen Demon Lord, it is still enough to rival an ordinary great emperor."

Ye Qingtian's eyes swept over the body of the Fallen Demon Lord, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

And when his eyes fell on the sword of sacrifice in Lin Wudao's hand, the surprise in his eyes became more intense.

"Hey, it's actually a Ji Dao Emperor Weapon?"

"Looking at its momentum and strength, there seems to be no imperial weapon in the world of gods that can compare with it."

"Which great emperor left this imperial weapon?"

"The smell and shape are so strange. I have never seen or heard of it before."

"Could it be that it's not something from the desolate world..."

Ye Qingtian was secretly surprised.

at this time!

He looked at the Sword of Sacrifice with a trace of seriousness, but more of it was surprise and confusion.

Since ancient times, great emperors have always been there!

As the emperor's exclusive weapons, the Jidao Emperor's weapons are naturally numerous and have relevant records.


Several times in the world of the gods, none of the Ji Dao imperial weapons that have appeared since ancient times seems to be consistent with the sword of sacrifice.

All of a sudden!

Ye Qingtian also became very curious about the origin of the Sword of Sacrifice.

According to his guess, this is definitely not something from the divine world...

at the same time.

Through guessing about the sword of sacrifice, Ye Qingtian also became curious about Lin Wudao's identity and origin.


Even though he had reached the ultimate level of the Great Emperor, he still could not get any useful information from Lin Wudao.


"Is it an extraterrestrial world~"

He murmured secretly.

The look in Lin Wudao's eyes gradually changed.

Lin Wudao ignored the shock and concern from the outside world.

After taking out the sword of sacrifice, he used all his strength and slashed down with his sword in the air.


The sword of sacrifice can cut down the heaven and the world, and cut down all living beings in the world. Nothing can withstand its power.

As Lin Wudao slashed down with his sword, Zhen Dingtian's big hand that was crazily suppressed was forcibly cut off.

Not only that!

The terrifying Sacrifice Sword Qi directly split the entire Taiyi Mountain into two halves with one sword strike.


The sword energy raged across the world, carrying unparalleled power, cutting from the Taiyi God Clan to the edge of the Nine Directions.

It can be said.

This sword almost cut off the entire Nantian Divine Continent.


After the sword energy passed, a terrifying chasm that was ten feet wide and whose depth was unknown appeared on the surface.

From the Taiyi Divine Clan, it extends all the way to the outside of the Nantian Divine Continent...

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