


In a dark world of underworld, the boundless power of underworld surges.

In an instant.

There is endless power of the underworld, which appears out of thin air like a big river, and breeds countless terrible evil substances.

They are intertwined and intertwined, crazily eroding and contaminating Wanxiangsheng's physical body and soul.

Under the pollution of the underworld, Wan Xiangsheng's cultivation level is lost every moment, and his life span is also continuously shortened.


His body is constantly withering, his vitality is passing away crazily, and his whole person is aging rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a moment, he became a decayed person who was about to die...

That way.

It seems like it will perish at any time!

This sudden and shocking incident made Wan Xiangsheng feel both frightened and filled with hatred.

Stimulated by despair, unprecedented madness appeared in his eyes.

"Since we are going to die, let's all die together!"

"Imperial Formation: All directions will be destroyed!"


A loud roar came from Wan Xiangsheng's mouth.


As he activated the secret technique, ten ancient stone pillars suddenly appeared in the surrounding void with Taiyi Mountain as the center.

These stone pillars are outlined with complicated patterns and lines, and reveal the terrifying imperial power.


It also covers all directions of heaven and earth...

"not good!"

"Qin Daofu, be careful. This is an emperor-level magic circle. This old guy Wan Xiangsheng will die with us."

Looking at the ten stone pillars that suddenly appeared, the crazy Taoist who had just killed Yan Dongji in the distance immediately started yelling.


The Great Emperor's Array? perish together?

Upon hearing this, Qin Daofu also changed his expression slightly.

"Tower of the Underworld!"

Without any hesitation, the moment the mad Taoist's voice sounded, an ancient and mysterious black pagoda suddenly appeared above his head.

Billions of rays of light fell down, firmly guarding him and the crazy Taoist.


When he was still in the divine realm, the Tower of Underworld could withstand the attacks of the Great Sage.

Claimed to be invincible under the quasi-emperor!


He was promoted to the Holy Realm and became the Saint King. Many of the restrictions on the Tower of Underworld were lifted.

Nowadays, the Tower of Huangquan can withstand the attacks of ordinary emperors.


Qin Daofu is completely unafraid of the threat from Wanxiangsheng...


Just when he sacrificed the Tower of Underworld, Wan Xiangsheng instantly triggered the Ten Directions Destruction Formation.

All of a sudden!

The power of the Supreme Emperor exploded, with the Taiyi Mountain as the center, the surrounding mountains began to collapse, and the void was also annihilated by its power.

In just an instant, Taiyi Mountain, which had been cut in half by Lin Wudao with a sword, was wiped out.

An extremely huge black hole appeared out of thin air.


"Is this the destruction of all directions? Isn't it too terrifying?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Qin Daofu couldn't help but cursed loudly.

at this time!

Huge waves of attraction surged out from the black hole under their feet, trying to swallow them up.

Seeing this scene, Lin Wudao, who had just stood up from the ruins in the distance, his expression suddenly changed.


Without any hesitation, he raised his hand and slashed out with his sword in the air. The terrifying sacrificial sword energy streaked through the void, directly cutting off the ten-direction annihilation formation arranged by Wan Xiangsheng with one sword strike.

Immediately afterwards.

His palm suddenly stretched out, and the majestic divine power turned into a big hand that reached into the sky and the earth, and penetrated into the black hole.

Want to capture Qin Daofu and the crazy Taoist by force...


What happened was counterproductive!

Just when Lin Wudao's big hand had just penetrated the black hole, suddenly, a monstrous palm print fell from the sky and wiped out his big hand.

The one who took action was Zhen Dingtian!


He possesses the power of the Great Emperor of the Fallen Demon Lord, and his power is naturally not something that Lin Wudao can match.

at the same time!

Seeing the great formation of annihilation in all directions cut off by Lin Wudao's sword, Wan Xiang was shocked and cast an ancient spell as fast as possible.

"In the name of the Heavenly Master of the Divine Desolate World, I exile Qin Daofu and the crazy Taoist trio of evildoers."

"Let them fall into the land abandoned by God and never return for eternity."



As Wan Xiangsheng muttered something, the mysterious talisman suddenly glowed brightly and turned into two chains.

Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu were not allowed to resist at all. Any chance of resistance was tied directly to them.

Immediately afterwards.

Driven by the mysterious power, an ancient and vast space passage was opened up.

The two chains forcibly pulled Qin Daofu and Crazy Taoist down towards the passage.

"Fuck, are these the shackles of heaven?"

The crazy Taoist was shocked and angry.

He did not expect that in order to deal with them, Wan Xiangsheng would actually affect the will of heaven in the divine world.

"Old madman, is there any way to break free from the shackles of heaven?"


"But it will take some time..."

"Oh, it's too late."

Qin Daofu sighed helplessly.

The chains on their bodies were formed by the will of heaven in the desolate world. Even if they could get rid of them, it would take time.

However, according to their current situation, it was simply too late.

In fact!

Just when they were frightened and angry, the two heavenly shackles had dragged them into the space passage.

"Qin Daofu, crazy Taoist~"

Lin Wudao exclaimed in surprise.

He wanted to free his hands to help the two of them escape from the shackles of heaven, but they were stubbornly entangled by Zhen Dingtian.

"You are looking for death!"


Seeing Qin Daofu and the crazy Taoist being dragged into the space passage, Lin Wudao's eyes suddenly turned fierce.

A thought!

A clone evolved instantly...

At this moment, Zhen Dingtian's terrifying big hand fell hard on him.

With one palm strike, Lin Wudao's true form was immediately sent flying thousands of miles away.

Along the way, many majestic mountains and mountains were smashed.

This scene!

The spectators watching were all numb.

[How does Ren Woxing practice? How could his body be so powerful? 】

[The emperor can’t be destroyed. Isn’t this too perverted? 】

[At this time, the evil trio capsized in the gutter. Qin Daofu and the crazy Taoist were exiled to some unknown place. 】

[A place abandoned by God? Where have I heard this name? 】

[Alas, the Land Abandoned by the Gods is a Jedi that is independent of the world of Gods and is located in the gap between the worlds. 】

[World Cage, find out more! 】

[The land abandoned by God, there is no way out! Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu may be trapped inside for the rest of their lives. 】

The onlookers were talking a lot.

Lin Wudao ignored the shock and gloating of countless viewers in the live broadcast room.

at this time!

Although his original body was blown away thousands of miles by Zhen Dingtian's palm, the evolved clone quietly came to Zhen Dingtian's back with a sacrificial sword in hand.

"Go to hell~"

A cold voice sounded. Lin Wudao held the sword of sacrifice in his hand and struck the Fallen Demon Lord with a single blow.


The terrifying black sword energy passed by, and the Fallen Demon Lord's head was cut off directly.


Taking this opportunity, Lin Wudao raised his hand and hit the emperor's corpse with a big killing technique.


Accompanied by extremely shrill screams.

With one blow, the Great Killing Technique ignored the defense of the Fallen Demon Lord's body and directly killed Zhen Dingtian's soul and consciousness inside.

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