Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 720 The Three Treasures of the Underworld: The Formation of the Underworld!

What happened?

The sudden strong momentum instantly shook the mountain world.



A large number of people, in unison, looked at the place where the incident happened with shocked and curious eyes.

At the same time.

In the Qingshan Temple, Yu Zhentian and others who were discussing the affairs of the Kingdom of God also showed surprise.

"Such a strong aura, is this... the Saint King?"

Yu Zhentian asked in surprise.

"Could it be that someone who is blind dares to come to my mountain world to provoke?"

Tushan Meng's eyes were fierce, and he looked eager to try.

He had just been promoted to the Saint King and wanted to show off.

Compared with the surprise and confusion of the crowd, Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming, who were sitting cross-legged under the altar, looked strange.

"Grand Master, that person is... Qin Daofu?"

Tushan Cangyue asked Yin Siming with some doubts.

Hearing this!

He nodded.


"That man is indeed Qin Daofu, one of the three evil people, but he has changed a lot now."

"Moreover, it seems that his strength is much stronger than before."

"In addition, I also sensed the breath of the Supreme Code on him."

Yin Siming frowned and replied.

Supreme Code?

After hearing this, Tushan Cangyue seemed to be thinking about something.

"Is it similar to the code given to Ruoruo by the great god?"


"The natural code in Ruoruo's hand is one of the nine supreme codes evolved from the Book of Taoism"

"And the code in Qin Daofu's hand is derived from another heavenly book."

"Although they are all codes, they are essentially different."

"Moreover, according to my insight, the code in Qin Daofu's hand is related to Huangquan."

"It is also more complete than the Natural Code in Ruoruo's hand."

"Although it is not clear where the code in Qin Daofu's hand came from, he must have been sublimated and transformed because of this code."

"Looking at this posture, he should be preparing for a big battle with Ren Woxing..."

Yin Siming looked at the direction outside the temple and said slowly.

Did the evil trio fight internally?

Upon hearing this!

Everyone in the temple showed strong curiosity.

At this moment.

They followed Tushan Cangyue out of the temple at the fastest speed.

Look up.

I saw two cold and powerful figures standing in the void in the distance.

One of them was Ren Woxing, whom they were familiar with.

As for the other person, no one had ever seen him before...


Based on the previous conversation between Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming, they also guessed the identity of this person.

It was Qin Daofu of the evil trio!

"Is this person... Qin Daofu? How did he become like this?"

"I don't know, it's a big change."

"Is this a direct replacement?"

"Qin Daofu, has he become a second-level saint king? Is he preparing to fight with Ren Woxing?"

"The evil trio has a very good relationship, they should be preparing to exchange..."


Everyone was talking about it.

Lin Wudao ignored the crowd watching around him.

At this time!

On the one hand, he was brewing momentum, and on the other hand, he was also thinking about what method to use to fight Qin Daofu.

"Qin Daofu is now a second-level Saint King. I can reach the seventh-level Saint with the help of the Origin Stone."

"If he uses the Pure Land of the Heavens again, Qin Daofu's cultivation will be suppressed to the second-level Saint."

"However, he has the powerful vision of the Eighteen Hells, which can greatly enhance his combat power."

"In addition, Qin Daofu also has the Yellow Springs Formation of the Heavens. If the Saint King can fight the Great Saint, then the Saint can fight the Ancient Saint."

"And I have the Qiankun Strike, so in terms of combat power, I should be able to suppress him."

"However, when it comes to other secret methods and means, Qin Daofu will beat me again."

"It seems that the gap between me and him is not that big..."

Lin Wudao pondered secretly in his heart.

On the other side!

The three of them have been in contact for so long, and Qin Daofu naturally knows some of Lin Wudao's methods.


After some preparation, Qin Daofu took the lead in launching the attack.

He took a step forward, and the whole person instantly appeared in front of Lin Wudao. He raised his hand and made a palm print of Daluo, suppressing him fiercely.


With a palm press down, the extremely terrifying power suddenly turned into a huge hand covering the sky, and fell on Lin Wudao's head.

Not only that.

While the palm print of Daluo was pressing down, Qin Daofu raised his hand and pointed out, and in an instant, rolling black light suddenly emerged in the void.

It turned into a terrifying black world...

It was the third level of the dark world!

Hula la~

The rolling dark and decayed breath surged like a flood, and the dark world it evolved instantly swallowed Lin Wudao.

And, it blocked his perception.

At this moment!

Affected and weakened by the dark world, Lin Wudao felt that his consciousness, hearing, smell, etc. were forcibly blocked by some kind of power.

Fortunately, he still had the Eye of the Great Dao.

The Eye of the Avenue was not corroded or polluted by the strange substance and could still see everything outside.

"This third level of the realm of darkness can't even withstand my Supreme Dao Body."

"It's really scary!"

"The power Qin Daofu mobilized is not what the world of Shenhuang possesses at all, right?"

"If anyone else enters the realm of darkness, they will be directly obliterated."

Lin Wudao admired in his heart.

After his sublimation and transformation, Qin Daofu's methods were indeed very terrifying.


He’s not someone to be trifled with either…

"The Stone of Origin!"

"Pure Land of All Heavens!"

"Eight Forms of Divine Martial Arts!"


As soon as he takes action, it will be three major kills.

Under the power of the Origin Stone and the Pure Land of the Heavens, Qin Daofu's cultivation was forcibly suppressed to the level of a second-level saint.

Lin Wudao, on the other hand, was promoted to a seventh-level saint in an instant.


Relying on the eight forms of Shenwu and the 10,000-fold increase in the Supreme Dao Body, Lin Wudao directly smashed the Dark World with one punch.

Then, he raised his hand and struck Qiankun with a powerful blow, hitting Qin Daofu hard.

"Well done!"

Facing Lin Wudao's ferocious attack, Qin Daofu was not surprised but overjoyed.

He had already anticipated this situation...

"Eighteen levels of hell!"


Following his low roar, immeasurable black divine light suddenly bloomed from behind, and eighteen layers of terrifying hell visions were instantly manifested.

For a moment.

Qin Daofu's power has been pushed to the extreme of a saint, and there is a faint tendency to break the shackles and step into the saint king.

not only that.

Facing Lin Wudao's Qiankun blow, Qin Daofu didn't have any fear at all, but let it hit him.


The powerful and heavy blow almost shook the entire Shanling Realm, but when it fell on Qin Daofu, it did not cause any harm to him.

at this time.

Through the Eye of the Avenue, Lin Wudao could clearly see that there were thirty-six ancient and mysterious black monuments in Qin Daofu's divine body.

They were embedded in Qin Daofu's muscles, bones, flesh and blood, and formed a large formation, integrating with his whole body.

When the power of Qiankun's strike fell on Qin Daofu, the underworld monument in his body trembled slightly.


An invisible force came out, directly obliterating the incoming attack.

"Is this one of the three greatest treasures in the underworld, the Huangquan Formation of All Heavens?"

"It's really extraordinary!"

"According to Qin Daofu's current cultivation level, the emperor cannot break the defense. If he reaches the Ancient Sage or the Great Sage, I am afraid that even the emperor will not be able to break the defense."

Lin Wudao exclaimed in his heart.

Talking time!

With lightning speed, he raised his hand and hit Qin Daofu with a big killing technique.


When the palm fell, Qin Daofu retreated slightly, but he himself was not directly injured.

"This...doesn't work?"

Lin Wudao couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the great killing technique of the mud cow entering the sea.

He saw with his own eyes that the terrifying lethality of the Great Killing Technique was directly blocked by the formation of the underworld in Qin Daofu's body.

That way!

The formation of the underworld seems to have opened up a huge gap under Qin Daofu's body.

The attacks and injuries from the Great Killing Technique were ruthlessly devoured after they came into contact with Qin Daofu's body.

It couldn't affect his muscles, bones, flesh and blood at all.

"So, Qin Daofu can't be beaten to death?"

Watch this scene.

Lin Wudao was both shocked and depressed.


Just when he was shocked, suddenly, a terrifying black world enveloped him.

"Brother Ren, it's my turn."

"Try my realm of underworld..."


As Qin Daofu's joking voice sounded, an ancient and majestic shadow appeared behind him.

at the same time.

The power of the rolling underworld and the terrifying evil substances in the dark world turned into a huge flood and swallowed him up.

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