"This is... a code?"

There was a long silence.

The mad Taoist struggled to move his eyes away from the black book in front of him, and then looked at Lin Wudao in disbelief.

To this!

Lin Wudao smiled and nodded.

"Yes, this black book is one of the three supreme codes of the underworld, the Code of the Underworld, which has been passed down from ancient times."

"This thing belongs to the God of Underworld!"

"There are only three people in the world who can read, control, and use it."

"According to my observation, Qin Daofu has the fate of being the God of Underworld, which seems to fit perfectly with this Code of Underworld."

"I happened to get this thing, so I brought it back."

"Qin Daofu, try to see if you can open it..."

Speaking of which.

Lin Wudao also showed a strong expectation in his eyes.

Whether Qin Daofu is the God of the Underworld in the Eternal Tao Realm can be found out in one try through this Underworld Codex.


at the same time.

After hearing Lin Wudao's words, Qin Daofu also woke up from his daze.

Then, he reached out and held the Underworld Codex in his hand.


The moment Qin Daofu's palm touched the Codex of Underworld, the originally silent Codex began to tremble slightly as if it had been stimulated by something.


Waves of strange black light began to surge out like a tide, covering Qin Daofu's entire body.


Without any hindrance, Qin Daofu easily opened the Codex of Underworld in his hand.

His eyes were fixed on the pages of the book, and his whole body was enveloped in a mysterious black light.

See this scene!

Lin Wudao couldn't help but feel shocked, and his eyes instantly narrowed.

"It does matter~"

While talking.

He immediately paid serious attention to Qin Daofu's changes with his Dao Eye.

Not only him, but also the crazy Taoist on the side.

at this time.

Both of them looked extremely serious and serious, staring at Qin Daofu almost without blinking.

Under the strange black light of the Underworld Codex, Qin Daofu seemed to be receiving some mysterious inheritance at this moment.

Or, some kind of sublimation and transformation...

that's all!

Before I knew it, half a month had passed.


Half a month later, the strange black light surrounding Qin Daofu began to slowly dissipate.

Immediately afterwards.

Qin Daofu's figure once again appeared in front of Lin Wudao and Crazy Taoist.

After half a month, he underwent an unprecedented transformation.


"Are you...Qin Daofu?"

Looking at the changed man in front of them, both Lin Wudao and the crazy Taoist showed incredible expressions.


Qin Daofu, who stood in front of them, was completely different from his previous image of being tall and burly, resembling a wild tyrannosaurus.

Now he is eight feet tall, has a slender body, and his face is not as rough and honest as before.

Instead, it becomes more angular!

A head of black hair like ink, tied back casually...

The face is like a crown jade, deep and restrained.

Even his eyes were no longer dull and dull as before, but became piercing, as cold and sharp as a blade.


Qin Daofu also clearly has a noble and majestic demeanor, which is different from that of ordinary people.

This is the nobility that comes from destiny and soul...

See this scene.

Lin Wudao took a deep breath, and then began to examine it carefully.

He had a feeling that Qin Daofu was definitely more than he had guessed.

Name: Qin Daofu

Identity: Underworld Terminator, Young Master of Daluo Holy Land

Cultivation: Second level Saint King

Fate: unknown

Talents: Death Gaze, Eye of the Underworld

Physique: Huangquan Supreme Body

Vision 1: Eighteen levels of hell (open the first level of hell, receive the blessing of the source of the underworld, and increase the combat power by 10,000 times)

Vision 2: Gate of the underworld (after opening, the original power of the underworld can be aroused, and the souls of living beings can be forcibly pulled into the underworld)

Vision 3: The Lord of the Underworld (the supreme master in the underworld, after opening it, can evolve into the underworld world, and the creatures trapped in it will be polluted and eroded by the underworld world with every breath. Every time they endure pollution and erosion, they will be repaired. In order to lower the level to a small level, the life span is reduced by a thousand years, and the soul is cut off by 10%)

Kung Fu: "The Supreme Sutra of Huangquan"

Skills: Supreme Magic of Underworld, Realm of Darkness (Third Level), Generous Man Technique, Da Luo Palm Seal, Secret Technique: Summoning the Undead, Divine Technique: Moving Mountains and Seas, Forbidden Technique: Soul Storm, Forbidden Technique: Fall of Underworld World

Items: All Heavens Underworld Formation, Tower of Underworld (Sacred Treasure), Underworld Scroll (Sacred Treasure), Altar of the Undead, Horn of the Undead, Chariot of the Undead

Lifespan: 339685

Notes: 1. Unknown fate, the master of the underworld!

2. The physique is sublimated into: the underworld supreme body, the underworld is immortal, and the divine body is immortal!

3. It can save the dead and thus improve one’s own cultivation!

4. The more dead people are saved, the stronger the dead people are, and the faster their cultivation level increases!

5. The greatest hobby in life: offering salvation to the dead, organizing funerals for the dead, and burying the dead.

6. The Realm of Darkness (the third level), when turned on, can block the perception of the Great Sage, and in conjunction with the vision of the Lord of the Underworld, all creatures under the Great Sage will surely die.

7. The Huangquan Formation of All Heavens, one of the three greatest treasures in the underworld, consists of thirty-six Huangquan monuments.

Used for attack: Within the Holy Realm, the Saint King can compete with the Great Sage.

Used for defense: Under the Emperor, the defense cannot be broken.

The Eye of the Avenue swept over and all the information about Qin Daofu was displayed.

"Fuck me!"

"Is this Qin Daofu? It's too gorgeous, isn't it?"

Although Lin Wudao was mentally prepared, when he actually saw the information about Qin Daofu's transformation, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

So gorgeous!

So invincible!

According to Qin Daofu's current strength, he is enough to defeat a crazy Taoist, and ordinary great sages will die if he comes.


Lin Wudao felt that if he were in the same realm, Qin Daofu's combat power would be comparable to his.

Among the three, he may still be the strongest, but his strength is limited.

On the contrary, it was the crazy Taoist who became the weakest!

The weakest in cultivation and the weakest in combat power...


Lin Wudao's fate, which he paid more attention to, has also undergone tremendous changes.

Before that, he clearly remembered that Qin Daofu's destiny was the God of Underworld.


After the sublimation and transformation of the Underworld Codex, his fate turned out to be unknown.

It can be seen from this.

Qin Daofu's destiny is definitely higher than that of the God of Underworld.

"Is he the Lord of the Underworld, or the last mysterious existence?"

Lin Wudao was secretly shocked.

After obtaining the Underworld Codex, Qin Daofu seemed to be a different person, both in appearance and inwardly.

He and the crazy Taoist no longer knew each other...

"You...are you really...Qin Daofu?"

Until then.

The crazy Taoist still didn't recover from the shock.

Qin Daofu's changes are simply extraordinary!


Subverted his cognition and imagination.

Faced with his and Lin Wudao's shock, Qin Daofu showed a bright smile.

"Replace it if it's fake!"

"I'm still the same Qin Daofu as before..."

When he smiled, his previous cold image suddenly collapsed.

A moment!

Lin Wudao and Mad Taoist felt that the Qin Daofu from before was back again.

"Qin Daofu, I have to say that your current image and appearance are really quite cool and awesome."

"Even I can't help but envy you."

"Furthermore, I feel that your combat power is not weaker than mine..."

Lin Wudao touched his chin and said with a smile.

Hear this!

Qin Daofu also had a bright smile on his face, and at the same time, there was a fighting spirit in his eyes.

"How about we go outside to discuss it?"


Hearing this, Lin Wudao and Crazy Taoist were both stunned.

"Brother Ren, Qin Daofu looks very arrogant. I think you need to kill his arrogance."

"Besides, I also want to see how powerful this guy is now."

The crazy Taoist encouraged him.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao pondered for a while, then nodded.

"In that case, let's discuss it casually."

call out!

call out!

While talking.

The three of them looked at each other, then harnessed a divine light and rushed out of the first floor of the sky.


The moment he walked out of the first floor of the sky, Qin Daofu instantly released his second-level Saint King cultivation.

All of a sudden!

An extremely terrifying momentum suddenly swept across the entire mountain world...

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