"Vision: Lord of the Underworld!"

Looking at the dark world that evolved in an instant in front of him, Lin Wudao was suddenly shocked.

He is quite aware of how terrifying this Lord of Underworld is, and the realm of Underworld that has evolved contains world-shaking horror.

Each time it is contaminated, the cultivation level will be reduced by a small level, the life span will be reduced by a thousand years, and the soul will be cut off by 10%.

His current supreme body of the Great Dao is only the lowest level and cannot resist the erosion of the underworld's power.

The previous realm of darkness had already blocked his six senses. If he really fell into the realm of underworld, his cultivation level would definitely decline.

The soul was beheaded!

This is not the result he wants...

Thinking of this.

Lin Wudao dared to hesitate at all. When Qin Daofu opened the vision of the Lord of Underworld and evolved the underworld world, he immediately used the supreme method of chaos.


An invisible force swept across the ten directions, instantly forming a mysterious chaotic restricted area in the surrounding space.

Being in this restricted area, all magical powers and secret techniques used will be ineffective.


With a low roar and the impact of the Chaos Forbidden Zone, the underworld world that Qin Daofu evolved suddenly collapsed.


In his incredible eyes, the underworld world that had just evolved disappeared in an instant.

Not only that!

Qin Daofu was also shocked to find that all the techniques he had used had no effect.

"What kind of method is this?"

His eyes were full of surprise and amazement.


Just when he was in shock, a big hand reaching into the sky suddenly crossed the void and hit him hard.

The unparalleled power directly blasted the body away.

Although Lin Wudao's Qiankun strike was extremely domineering and had the power to shake the world, Qin Daofu was protected by the underworld formation and did not suffer any harm.

With just a blink of an eye, he patted the dust off his body and stood up intact.


Seeing the fight between the two, the surrounding people, as well as Yin Siming and others at the temple, were secretly shocked.

"Is this the strength of the evil trio? Isn't it too powerful?"

Tu Shannuo exclaimed in disbelief.

A pair of eyes, wide open!


He had just become the Saint King and was ready to show off in front of others, but now after seeing the battle between Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu, he had completely given up.

Comparing people to each other makes people angry!

The combat prowess displayed by Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu was simply appalling.

He felt that if he went up, he might not even be able to catch their punches...

"Fuck, is this still a human?"

He kept cursing.

He looked extremely depressed.

Not only Tu Shannuo, but also other people around him looked at Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu in shock.

"Ren Woxing's combat power is so powerful that he can even rival the Ancient Saints."

"And that Qin Daofu is a monster. Lin Wudao's brutal and brutal blow shook even the Shanling Realm, but it hit him without any problems."

"How powerful is his physical body?"

"Alas, the evil trio cannot be judged by common sense. These people are all evildoers."

"I feel that Qin Daofu's combat power seems to be no weaker than Ren Woxing."

"Well, they both have their own merits!"

Everyone kept talking.

at this time!

They had a new understanding of the evil trio.

As for the shock and reaction from the outside world, Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu ignored it.

"Brother Ren, you are still more skilled."

"Your last blow is simply invincible. Unless you have a strong enough body, you will definitely die."

"This is simply an invincible method..."

Qin Daofu came to the front and exclaimed.

Fortunately, he unlocked the Underworld Formation from the Underworld Code. Otherwise, he really would not be able to withstand the attack of the Supreme Law of Chaos.


"This is what I can do. When it comes to visions and secrets, you are far better than me."

"I can't handle the cooperation between your underworld and the realm of darkness."

"In short, we can be considered half-matched..."

Lin Wudao replied with a faint smile.

They were just sparring, there was no need to show all their methods and trump cards.

In fact!

Qin Daofu also has many methods that he has been hiding.

If it were a life and death fight, it would be a different scene...

"Qin Daofu, I didn't expect that after you got a copy of the Underworld Codex, you would reach the sky in one step."

"Well, it seems that among the three of us, I am the weakest."

"No, I have to find a chance to improve myself. I can't let you compare me to others."

At this time.

The crazy Taoist came to the two of them and said seriously.

A copy of the Underworld Codex has transformed Qin Daofu so much. He has the Book of Heaven in his hand, so there is no reason why he should lose.


The crazy Taoist has secretly made up his mind to find a place to retreat after digging the ancestral graves of the Taiyi God Clan.

I also undergo a complete sublimation and transformation...

After hearing his words, Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu both looked at each other and smiled.

"Crazy Taoist, you have to speed up, otherwise, you won't be able to catch up with Qin Daofu."

"Huh, he's just better than me for the time being."

"When the old man digs a few powerful graves, he will definitely be able to surpass him."

Crazy Taoist said angrily.

call out!

Just when the three of them were teasing each other, suddenly, a divine light came down from the temple.

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Wudao saw the guard chief Yu Kui coming to him.

"Three of you, the high priest invites you!"


Suddenly hearing this, the faces of Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu became serious.

Tushan Cangyue would definitely be up to no good if he came to find them.

Basically, they have to cut their flesh every time...

"Fellow Taoist Yu Kui, I wonder why the high priest came to us?"

The crazy Taoist asked tentatively.

"Well, how do I know?"

"The high priest said that there is a great opportunity and good fortune to be given to you."

"It is said that it seems to be a shocking tomb?"

"According to what the Great Heavenly Master said, that tomb is owned by at least a strong man who is close to the tenth heaven."

"Moreover, it was from the Mythical Era..."


The tomb of the quasi-emperor in the Mythical Era?

Upon hearing this, the mad Taoist's eyes instantly shone with light, and his expression became excited.

It's not just him!

Qin Daofu on the side also showed strong interest.

If a tomb of a quasi-emperor from the mythical era were dug up, there would definitely be a lot of potential.

"Well, since it's the high priest who invites you, of course we have to give him face."

"Fellow Taoist Yu Kui, please lead the way."

"Come with me~"

Yu Kui nodded, turned around and walked towards the temple.

See it!

The three of them looked at each other and immediately followed.

"High Priest, long time no see~"

"I haven't seen you for a while. The high priest has become more majestic and more powerful."

"Hey, High Priest, you actually became a Great Sage? Has the Great Celestial Master reached the fifth level of Great Sage?"

"Congratulations to the high priest, congratulations to the great heavenly master, haha..."

Entering the temple, the crazy Taoist immediately greeted him with a smile.

When he saw the cultivation levels of Tu Shan Cang Yue and Yin Si Ming, his eyes suddenly widened.

How long did it take for them to become great saints?

this moment!

Both the crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu had strong envy in their eyes.

I am so lucky to have such a strong backer as Master Qingshan.

No need to practice, just lie down and win!

Tushan Cangyue did not react at all to the shock of Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu.

Her expression was always indifferent and calm.

Like a god, he is aloof and cannot be blasphemed...

"Recently, the Night Demon Clan and the Taicang Clan presented a map of the God King's Tomb."

"After research by the Great Heavenly Master, the owner of the tomb is Huang Tianji, the God King of Yuxiao during the Mythical Era."

"God King is just his title; his true cultivation has already reached the quasi-tenth level."

"Known as the number one person under the emperor!"

"According to my understanding, there are four stone slabs on the map of Huang Tianji's tomb."

"Two of them happen to be in the hands of your evil trio."

"Therefore, I want to use them to make a deal with a few of you..."

Talking time!

Tu Shan Cangyue turned over his hand and took out the two stone slabs.

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