Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 710 The God of Xuantian, the Great God Clan of Thirty-six Directions!

"Welcome to the Great God!"

"Welcome to the Great God!"

"Welcome to the Great God!"

Feeling the vast divine power and will coming from the ancient dragon cypress, Shang Xuan and others knelt down and worshiped.


As they bowed, a majestic shadow appeared from the divine light on the top of the ancient cypress.

Astonishingly, it was Meng Ji, the God of Xuantian!

at this time.

After waking up, his eyes seemed to penetrate the void and look towards the distant mountain world.

"Tushan clan~"

He chanted slightly, and the ancient and vast voice lingered endlessly between heaven and earth.

"Shang Xuan, you immediately select the ten best quasi-emperor treasures and go to the mountain realm of the vast wilderness."

"Even if it's just a little bit of my thoughts towards the Tushan clan."

"At the same time, congratulations to the God of Qingshan for being promoted to the second level of Great God..."

A majestic and majestic voice came down from the void.


The ten best quasi-emperor treasures?

Suddenly hearing the words of Xuantian God, all the temple priests present showed shock.

Although the Xuantian Divine Dynasty spans three continents, controls hundreds of millions of miles of territory, and has an incomparably rich foundation.

However, there are not many top-level quasi-emperor treasures.


The God of Xuantian made ten items at once, which was too big a deal.


As the supreme god of the Xuantian Divine Dynasty, the will of the Xuantian God is a prophecy, and no one dares to disobey it.

"Obey the oracle!"

Shang Xuan replied with an extremely respectful attitude.

"I dare to ask the great master, is the black sword energy emitted by the God of Qingshan just now the main divine weapon in the legend?"

He took courage and asked carefully.

"Yes and no!"

"Concerning the Tushan clan and the God of Qingshan, I have my own opinions, and you cannot act on your own."


"By the way, Great Master, there has been such a big commotion in the Shanling Realm. My subordinates are worried that the Fuso God may make some moves over there."

"If they go to the Mountain Realm, our Xuantian Divine Dynasty will be attacked from both sides."

"Great God, we must find a way to tie the God of Qingshan to the chariot of our Xuantian Dynasty."

"Even if it doesn't work, we can't let him and the Fuso Dynasty stand on the same front..."

Shang Xuan suggested respectfully.

Regarding his suggestion, the God of Xuantian nodded slightly.

"Because of this, I asked you to take ten of the best quasi-emperor treasures to the Mountain Realm."

"It's just for a good relationship."

"But... the God of Green Mountain seems to have a big appetite. If he..."

"This god has his own opinions!"

"Just bring the quasi-emperor's treasure with you."

The majestic voice sounded again.


When the words fell, a bright divine light descended from the ancient cypress and fell on Shang Xuan, the green-robed priest, and the black-robed priest.

A moment!

The body shapes, faces, temperaments, etc. of the three of them have all undergone tremendous changes.

Even those who are most familiar with them cannot recognize their identities.

"This time when we go to the Mountain Realm, we should keep a low profile and try not to let people from the Fuso Dynasty notice us."

"This god has changed your body shape, temperament, and appearance. Even the emperor on earth cannot see through it."

Say it.

An invisible true spirit of the gods descended from the ancient dragon cypress and merged into Shang Xuan's consciousness.

"Get ready and leave immediately."

He commanded.


Shang Xuan bowed respectfully, and then went to the temple's treasure house in person to select the ten best quasi-emperor treasures.

Immediately afterwards.

He took the green-robed priest and the black-robed priest and headed towards the mountain realm.

the other side!

After slaying the divine incarnation of the God of Litian, Lin Wudao stretched out his big hand and grabbed the Dao Fruit of the God of Beidou.

This is good stuff.

"I don't know what kind of things can be obtained by collecting the Dao Fruit of the God of Beidou."

He looked expectant.

Say it!

Lin Wudao stared at the Capital God Dao Fruit in his hand, with a mysterious smile blooming at the corner of his mouth.

"God of Litian, I know that you can hear it. How have you considered the conditions that I proposed before?"

"If you don't agree, then I will have no choice but to send people to kill you directly in Litian Divine Kingdom."

"you dare!"

"God of the Green Mountain, don't bully others too much~"


Along with the icy roar, in the astonished eyes of everyone, the figure of the God of Litian once again appeared in the void.

The majestic face is full of anger and ferocity...

"There is nothing I dare not do!"

"If you don't agree, I will have people kill you in Litian Divine Kingdom now and destroy your faith and people."

"The Great Protector of Qingshan..."


Seeing that Lin Wudao seemed to really intend to kill Litian Divine Kingdom, Litian God suddenly panicked.

"My god...promise you."

In desperation, the God of Litian had no choice but to compromise.

After seeing Lin Wudao's terrifying power, he no longer dared to provoke.

Once Lin Wudao really kills Litian Divine Kingdom, no one can resist him.

His kingdom of God and his people will all be destroyed.


The Xuantian Divine Dynasty may not come forward to assist.

after all!

Lin Wudao holds a powerful main artifact in his hands, and even the God of Xuantian must be afraid of it.

It was impossible for him to start a war with Lin Wudao because of himself.

not to mention.

At present, Xuantian Divine Dynasty is about to go to war with Fusang Divine Dynasty. At this juncture, it is impossible to cause trouble.

That's it!

He must become a victim...

For the current plan, he had no choice but to agree to Lin Wudao's conditions.

Think of this.

With a thought, the God of Litian opened his own divine kingdom.

call out!

call out!

call out!

In an instant, ten pieces of the Great Sage's treasures of imperial quality flew out from inside.

at the same time.

He waved his big hand and used his divine power to forcefully capture Zhao Qinghou, who was far away in Litian God Kingdom.

"Great God, I..."


Zhao Qinghou suddenly appeared in Shanling Realm, just about to kneel down and beg for mercy from the God of Litian.


Before he could finish speaking, he was greeted by the brutal blow from the God of Litian.


Accompanied by a shrill scream, the God of Litian struck down with a palm from the air, and Zhao Qinghou's whole body was directly blown up, turning into a blood mist that filled the sky.

No bones left!

"What a pity~"

Looking at the beaten Zhao Qinghou, Lin Wudao sighed secretly.

After all, this was a third-level great saint. He died like this without leaving any bones. It was impossible to collect the body.

this moment.

Lin Wudao felt that he had missed out on hundreds of millions more...

Regarding his regrets, the God of Litian didn't think that much.


After killing Zhao Qinghou with one palm in front of everyone, the God of Litian took out his divine genealogy with a thought.


I saw Him raising his hand and lightly swiping the divine genealogy, and a large area of ​​incense was divided.

"There are many divine clans in the Wilderness Territory!"

"Now, I, Litian Divine Kingdom, govern one hundred and eight great divine clans, each controlled by one hundred and eight sixth-level great gods."

"God of Qingshan, today I follow your conditions and divide the thirty-six great clans north of Seitian into your Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"These thirty-six great divine clans are: Lihuo God Clan, Tiangang God Clan, Ice God Clan, Chiming God Clan, Thunder God Clan..."

The names of the gods were announced in public by the God of Litian.

Hear this!

Tushan Cangyue and others in the distance also listened attentively, remembering all the thirty-six great divine clans in their hearts.

From today on, these great gods will be brought under the rule of Qingshan Divine Kingdom.

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