[Thirty-six great divine clans, that’s how big a divine realm it is. Litian Divine Kingdom is bleeding a lot right now. 】

[Not much, just one-third of the Wilderness Territory! 】

[The God of Litian has suffered a big loss! 】

[Now he is filled with hatred and regret to the extreme. He originally wanted to show off, but he didn't expect that he was actually pretended by the God of Green Mountain. 】

[The God of Litian has completely become the laughing stock of the divine world! 】

[Isn’t there the Xuantian Divine Dynasty behind the God of Litian? Why do we still bow to the God of Qingshan? 】

[I heard that a major war may break out between the Xuantian Divine Dynasty and the Fusang Divine Dynasty recently, and both sides are actively preparing for war. 】

Ye Hongyu's live broadcast room was filled with overwhelming barrages like a tide.


They came just to watch the fun, but they didn't know that the fun was even more exciting and exciting than they imagined.

[If we gather the thirty-six great divine clans, I wonder how powerful the Qingshan Divine Kingdom will be? 】

[The god level of the God of Green Mountain will also be greatly improved, right? 】

【Absolutely! 】

[Thirty-six great gods are controlled by thirty-six sixth-level gods. Each of the gods contributes half of the incense, which is enough to raise the level of the God of Qingshan by several levels. 】

[I guess, after the Qingshan Kingdom has digested the incense of thirty-six great gods this time, the god of the Qingshan can reach at least the sixth level of great god. 】

[Even a seventh-level god is possible...]

Countless onlookers were discussing intensely.

In addition to those who were watching the fun, the hundreds of millions of people in the Shanling Realm showed extremely excited expressions.

"The great god is mighty, the great god is domineering!"

"If all thirty-six great divine clans are incorporated into our Qingshan Divine Kingdom, how powerful it will be."

"Now, our Tushan clan will reach the sky in one step, hahaha..."

Earth-shaking cheers resounded throughout the Shanling Realm.

this moment!

All the people of Qingshan Divine Kingdom feel extremely honored and proud.

Compared to their excitement and excitement, the God of Litian looked extremely gloomy.

His heart was bleeding after ceding thirty-six great clans of gods.


at the same time.

After ceding thirty-six great gods, and with the loss of a large amount of incense, his divine rank suddenly dropped to the eighth level.

In an instant, he became a seventh-level god!


"If I had known what would happen today, I shouldn't have come to this mountain world..."

The God of Litian sighed sadly.

During this trip to the Mountain Realm, not only did He lose all his face and power, but one-third of the Kingdom of God was also divided.

The god level has even fallen to the seventh level of a great god!

I don’t know how long it will take to become an eighth-level god again.

Or maybe it won't be possible in this life.

The more I think about it!

The God of Litian felt even more painful in his heart.

At the same time, he also hated Lin Wudao even more...

"God of Qingshan, I have fulfilled all three of your conditions."

"From now on, there will be no grudges between you and me."

"It's best if we never meet again!"

call out!

With hatred soaring to the sky, the God of Litian directly cut off all connections with the nine meridians of Taiyin.

Then, he disappeared into the mountain world.

Looking at his leaving figure, Lin Wudao showed a bright smile on his lips.

This time, he made a lot of money!

"Thirty-six great god clans, each one of them is comparable to the entire Nine Meridians of Taiyin."

"If we gather them all and incorporate them into the rule of Qingshan Divine Kingdom, I wonder how much luck it will bring to me?"

"What level will my divine level be raised to?"

Lin Wudao was extremely looking forward to it.

He had a hunch that once all thirty-six great protoss clans were brought under his rule, he would surely have his richest moment.

Even the benefits obtained from the previous God Burial Ground or the God King's Battlefield cannot be compared with this time.

"This world is about the law of the jungle."

"The bigger your fist is, the more meat you can eat..."

He secretly clenched his fists.

In an instant, Lin Wudao's gaze passed through the mountain realm and looked at the Xuantian Dynasty, which was even more distant.

What would it be like if the entire Xuantian Divine Dynasty, and even the entire Divine Continent, were brought under their rule?

There was a trace of longing in his eyes.

Although that day is far away, it will become a reality one day.

He has plenty of time to wait!

"This time, we can achieve such a huge harvest, and the sword of sacrifice is indispensable."

"It's just that although this thing is good and extremely powerful, it is not easy to control."

"If you don't reach the realm of the Great Emperor, you won't be able to exert the full power of the Sword of Sacrifice."

"With my current strength, I can only exert at most 20% of its power, but it is enough to deal with the Great Sage."

"It seems that the emperor's corpse of the Taiyi God Clan can't be tough yet. We have to find other ways."

Lin Wudao made secret calculations in his heart.

Emperor Corpse!

Although it is just a corpse, it is the corpse of the Great Emperor after all, and its power is naturally extremely powerful.

Even if he holds the top imperial weapons, he cannot use their full power and cannot fight against the emperor.

This is the gap in cultivation!

It cannot be made up by relying on external things...


If you want to defeat the emperor's corpse, you have to think of other ways.

Shake people?

This...it seems like we don't have enough money.

"Oh, let's talk about it then."

"If it doesn't work, I will just resist with my body. Then I will rush in front of the emperor's corpse with the sword of sacrifice and chop it to death by force."

Lin Wudao was secretly furious.

With the existence of the Origin Stone, he has nothing to fear in this desolate world.

Coupled with the sword of sacrifice, the emperor can also be hacked to death.


If you want to do this, you have to look at the scene and timing...

In short, he is not worried about the emperor's corpse from the Taiyi God Clan that is about to appear.

"Next, it's time to reward my people."

While talking.

Lin Wudao looked at the hundreds of millions of people in the Shanling Realm.

"Today, the Japanese god has been promoted to the divine position, suppressed powerful enemies, and harvested thirty-six great divine clans."

"This is a sign of great prosperity!"

"Therefore, this God decrees that all the people of our Qingshan Divine Kingdom will receive divine grace and creation."

"The people under the True God will improve their cultivation to a great level."

"The cultivation level of the people under the saint has been improved by half a realm."

"The people at the saint level can improve their cultivation to a small level."

"All the people of this god will be protected by this god from now on, but any intruders will be punished no matter how far away they are."

The majestic and mighty voice spread throughout the divine realm.

A moment!

Known by countless people.

"Is the Great God going to send His favor?"

Dong Dong Dong~

Upon hearing this news, hundreds of millions of people in God's Domain were all excited and excited.

One by one, they immediately knelt on the ground and worshiped devoutly.


Just as they were worshiping, Lin Wudao, who was far away in the Shanling Realm, directly performed the initiation method.

With the help of the power of divine power, the vast divine light started from the mountain world and swept across the entire divine realm.




Under Lin Wudao's strong will, the cultivation level of all the people in the God's Domain has been improved.

Under the shining of divine light, mortals were promoted to true gods and ushered in divine calamity.

Some people have broken through to the God King, and some have broken through the shackles of the God King and have been promoted to saints.

There are even people who are tenth-level saints. Through this baptism of divine grace, they reach heaven in one step and become saint kings.

For a while.

But everyone in the Divine Realm, whether it was the Twelve Realms of the Wilderness, the Mountain Realm, or the Motian Divine Clan and the Lishan Divine Clan, cheered endlessly.

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

Countless people were extremely surprised.

One by one, they knelt down and prostrated.

at this time.

They can only express their inner excitement and gratitude in this way.

Lin Wudao watched all the reactions of people everywhere.

"Now, I will issue an oracle!"

"First, in view of the continuous expansion of the divine realm, the people outside the Shanling Realm who have reached True God or above can be qualified to enter the Shanling Realm."

"Second, immediately select thirty-seven high priests from the Twelve Territories of the Wilderness, the Mountain Realm, the Motian Divine Clan, the Lishan Divine Clan, and the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom."

"Any citizen of Qingshan Divine Kingdom who has reached the level of a god king or above can participate in the election."

"After passing the temple assessment and being approved by the high priest, you can be the high priest."

"Third, within the divine domain, select divine messengers, judge messengers, ruling messengers, and supervisory messengers to cooperate with the high priests in managing temple affairs in various places."

"Fourth, the God of Qinglong, the God of Sky, and the God of Lishan are worshiped in the temple and share the incense in the world with this god."

"Fifth, send an order to the outside world for the great gods from the thirty-six great divine clans to come to the Shanling Realm Temple to pay homage within three days."


Lin Wudao continued to issue oracles, and with the blessing of divine authority, his voice spread throughout the divine realm.

Immediately it attracted countless people, excited and excited.

After all the orders were given, he restrained the power and will of the Great Demon God Qingshan and returned to his original form.

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