"My god, don't choose anything!"

Facing the aggressive Lin Wudao, the God of Litian could no longer suppress the raging anger in his heart.


The moment his voice fell, a wisp of pure incense divinity suddenly blessed the incarnation of the god.

All of a sudden!

The phantom of the God of Litian suddenly became solid, almost becoming substance.

Streams of immense divine power, like the vast Milky Way, swept across the void in all directions.

"Oh, is this because you are so angry? Is the true spirit coming?"

"My god, I'm waiting for you!"

Seeing the huge movement of God Li Tian, ​​Lin Wudao couldn't help but sneer coldly.

I am not afraid that you will be strong, but I am afraid that you will not come!

"Thunder Prison comes to the world!"


As an eighth-level god, the God of Litian has no doubt about his powerful strength.

The moment His divine power descended, with the Divine City as the center, the entire Shanling Realm was enveloped by the world-destroying thunder.




Along with the mighty thunder and the terrifying aura that destroyed the world, countless thunderbolts fell from the void.

In an instant, the Shanling Realm evolved into a terrifying sea of ​​thunder.

Under the threat of that world-destroying thunderbolt, the hundreds of millions of people in the Shanling Realm suddenly trembled in fear.

One by one, almost suffocated...

"Hey, be brave!"

Seeing that the God of Litian dared to take action against the people of Shanling Realm, Lin Wudao's eyes turned cold.


He waved his big hand gently towards the void, and an ancient and vast aura suddenly erupted from the Qingshan Temple at his feet.

Bang bang bang~

After that breath came, the thunder prison evolved by the God of Litian was instantly wiped out.

not only that!

After wiping out the Thunder Prison, Lin Wudao put his two fingers together and then gently moved them towards the void.


In an instant, a terrifying black sword energy suddenly flew out from the fingertips, getting bigger and bigger.

Under the gaze of countless people, it transformed into a huge sword that shattered the sky, tore through the void with the power of destroying the heaven and the earth, and struck the God of Litian fiercely.


"This is……"

When the giant sword evolved from the black sword energy appeared in the sky, all the creatures in the mountain world felt the overwhelming terror.

Not to mention the weak people, even Qing Sangzi, the quasi-emperor, had his pupils constricted at this moment.


The power and aura revealed by the black sword energy belonged to the Ji Dao Emperor Weapon.

Jidao Emperor Weapon, the Emperor’s exclusive weapon!

Such unparalleled treasures can only be possessed by those ancient imperial clans and the powerful forces of the Great Emperor's lineage.

As one of the Twelve Mountains of the Imperial Dao, the first of Chitian Peak in Taixuan Mountain, Qingsangzi had naturally seen the Imperial Dao Emperor's soldiers.


I’ve seen more than one!

However, any Ji Dao Imperial Weapon he had seen was far from comparable to the one in front of him in terms of power and aura.

at this time!

After just one glance, Qingsangzi felt the breath of death, and his soul was trembling crazily.

That way, it seems like it will be wiped out at any moment...

"I, Ditian, the God of Qingshan actually holds an extremely powerful Ji Dao Imperial Weapon in his hands."

"No, it should be said...the Great Emperor's magic weapon!"

"Or maybe it's the main artifact!"

"This is too terrifying. No wonder he dares not to be afraid of the God of Litian. It turns out he has such strong confidence."

Green Sangzi murmured to himself.

In his eyes, intense fear and awe burst out.

Whether it is the Supreme Dao Emperor Weapon, the Great Emperor's magical weapon, or the main divine weapon, the God of Qingshan is not a being that he can provoke.

at the same time!

Yin Bufan and Su Qingxue, who were beside Qing Sangzi, were frightened and lost their minds after seeing the black giant sword.

"Master, is that...the ultimate imperial weapon?"

Su Qingxue's face turned pale, and her body kept trembling.


"It should be an extremely powerful main artifact!"

Qingsangzi nodded.

"Master, which one is more powerful than the Ji Dao Imperial Soldiers in our Twelve Mountains of Imperial Dao?"

Yin Bufan suppressed the fear in his heart and asked curiously.

"This... the imperial soldiers each have their own merits."

"What's more, the Jidao Emperor Weapon and the main artifact are two completely different concepts and cannot be generalized."

Qingsangzi organized his words and replied.

"Hmph, no matter which one is stronger, the imperial weapon or the main artifact, the God of Litian will definitely suffer."

"He is only an eighth-level god. Facing the attack of the main artifact, he will definitely die..."

Su Qingxue waved her little fist and said.

at this time!

She was still full of fear of the Sacrificial Sword, but she was even more excited and excited.

She had seen the Jidao Imperial Weapons, and there were several of them in the Twelve Mountains of the Imperial Dao, but she had never seen the main artifact.

The main god is an existence equivalent to the emperor on earth.


Even if the emperor doesn't have a magic weapon, he can't do anything to the main god.

A major artifact, Su Qingxue had only heard of related legends, and this was the first time she saw it today.


She was extremely excited!

In fact, not only her, but also Yin Bufan and even Qingsangzi on the side tried their best to suppress the fear in their hearts and stared at the black giant sword in the void.

Compared to them, the God of Litian was also extremely shocked.

"Is this... the emperor's magic weapon, or the main god?"

He couldn't be sure.

However, no matter which one it is, it is not something He can resist.

"Go! Must go!"

"It's too late, you will definitely die~"

He was frightened out of his wits.

While talking.

The God of Litian could no longer care about anything else, and immediately gave up everything and planned to leave the mountain world.

However, how could Lin Wudao let him escape easily?

"Qingshan Temple, suppress the Shanling Realm for me!"


Vast power enveloped the Shanling Realm, forcibly imprisoning this world.

As a powerful divine weapon, even if it is only one billionth of its power and power, it is not something that the God of Litian can resist.

A moment!

Under the suppression of Qingshan Temple, a ray of true spirit of the God of Litian was forcibly imprisoned in place.

call out!

At this moment, the black sword energy crossed the void and slashed down hard.


Accompanied by a painful scream, under the gaze of countless people, the incarnation of the God of Litian was directly killed by the sword energy.

Jiulong Mountain!

Xuantian High Priest Shang Xuan, as well as a group of temple priests, are paying close attention to the situation in the Shanling Realm.

When they saw the black giant sword, everyone felt a sense of awe in their hearts.

this moment.

It was as if they had seen some shocking horror.

"High Priest, that black sword energy is..."

The green-robed priest swallowed his saliva and asked carefully.

Others were also watching Shang Xuan closely.

To this!

Shang Xuan's pupils shrank and he sighed and shook his head.

"Maybe... the main artifact."


The main artifact?

The green-robed priest and others were greatly shocked.

The main artifact is an artifact that can only be refined by the main god. It is equivalent to the ultimate emperor's weapon of the human emperor.

"The God of Qingshan actually has the main artifact in his hands?"

The black-robed priest turned pale with fear and his body was trembling slightly.

In my heart, I was even more scared!

Fortunately, the high priest did not agree with him to lead troops to attack the Qingshan Kingdom. Otherwise, he would have died now.

The more I think about it.

The black-robed priest felt even more terrified.

Just a little bit, he would have died...

"This is just my guess. Whether it is the main artifact remains to be verified."

“But even if it’s not, it’s not too far off.”

"This time, the God of Litian really can't end it."

"Even though the God of Qingshan cannot fully control that artifact, as long as he exerts 10% of his power, it is enough to kill the God of Litian."

"This is the result of a reckless man's actions..."

Shang Xuan said lightly.

Hearing this, the black-robed priest beside him was so ashamed that he wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

As for his reaction, Shang Xuan and the surrounding priests ignored him.


At this time, they all felt a huge divine power and will, waking up on Jiulong Mountain.


at the same time!

The silent ancient dragon cypress also bloomed with immeasurable divine light.

"The great god has awakened~"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Dong Dong Dong~

No hesitation.

They immediately knelt down on the ground in an extremely respectful and pious manner.

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