


The sky above Yanglong Pond.

Lin Wudao and the crazy Taoist hid their bodies in the depths of the void, completely restraining all their auras without revealing anything.

at the same time!

Qiao Yinyang was also fighting madly with the three-headed demon dragon.

I saw that he was holding an ancient black cauldron in his big hand, and as he breathed out spiritual light, terrifying power appeared. Every time he used it, it shook the void.

That is clearly a supreme weapon!

Named: The Great Sun Demonic Furnace.

Under the burst of extreme power, it seemed to be able to smelt all things in the world. Under its extreme power, the three-headed demonic dragon was completely suppressed and retreated continuously.

Cracks appeared on the huge body, and blood was sprayed in the air...

At first glance, it was extremely miserable!

See this scene.

Whether it was Lin Wudao or the crazy Taoist, there was a bright light in his eyes.

Lin Wudao was interested in the Great Sun Demonic Furnace in Qiao Yinyang's hands, as well as his and the three-headed demon dragon's corpses, while the crazy Taoist was interested in their lives.

"Brother Ren, should we deal with Qiao Yinyang first, or should we wait for those people to come and catch them all in one fell swoop?"

The crazy Taoist preached.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao pondered for a while and chose to kill Qiao Yinyang first.

"It will take a while for those people to arrive!"

"Kill Qiao Yinyang first and then..."

His greatest reliance is the Taiyuan Sword Formation.

As long as it is a myth, everything can be killed!


If a cultivator of the Great Perfection of Myth has mastered the ultimate spiritual weapon, his combat power will definitely surpass the realm of Myth.

By the time!

Even with the Taiyuan Sword Formation in hand, I am afraid that I will not be able to kill all Li Fentian and others.


Qiao Yinyang must be killed before they arrive.

weaken their strength...


Lin Wudao saw the right opportunity and was ready to take action.

"Brother Ren, um...can you not beat them to death all at once? Beat them half to death or destroy their cultivation first. I want to take my life first."


The crazy Taoist's voice reached his ears.


Claiming your life?

Lin Wudao was a little confused.

"What's the meaning?"

"Well, it's just that... I have lost my moral character and my lifespan by digging graves for many years. It just so happens that I have a magical talent."

"As long as you are in the tomb, you can absorb the life span of living creatures and strengthen yourself!"

"Therefore, I want to take away the remaining lifespans of Qiao Yinyang and the three-headed demon dragon first, and then you collect their bodies. In this way, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

"I hope Brother Ren can fulfill his wishes..."

the mad Taoist pleaded.

What he said was half true and half false!

The mad Taoist naturally does not have the talent of being able to absorb the life span of living beings; however, the "Burial Book" he holds in his hands and the "Grand Tomb Scripture" he practices may have this secret method and power.


There is no conflict between claiming lives and collecting corpses.

Lin Wudao agreed directly!

"Thank you, Brother Ren."

"This friend of yours, I, the crazy Taoist, have made a deal with you, hahaha..."

The crazy Taoist was overjoyed.

To this!

Lin Wudao didn't say much. Seeing that the battle between Qiao Yinyang and the three-headed demon dragon had reached a fierce stage, he immediately saw the opportunity and launched the Taiyuan Sword Formation.


As the sword formation manifested, the vast sword energy immediately filled the dragon-raising pond, enveloping Qiao Yin Yang and the three-headed demon dragon.

The mighty power erupted from the sword energy directly turned the dragon-raising pond upside down.

Just in the blink of an eye, the dragon pond collapsed...

See this scene!

Qiao Yinyang was shocked!

"not good!"

"Is there anyone else in this Dayan ancestral land? Could it be that the one who collected the corpses..."




He had just analyzed a clue, and a moment later, the vast Taiyuan Sword Qi exploded crazily, forming long rivers of sword Qi, and strangled them crazily.


The sword energy increased, and Qiao Yinyang's skin and flesh suddenly burst open.


He frantically activated the Great Sun Demonic Furnace in his hand, hoping to use the power of the Jidao Spiritual Soldiers to forcibly break the Taiyuan Sword Formation.


Although his idea is good, his cultivation is too weak!

The Great Sun Magic Furnace was completely unable to unleash the power of the ultimate weapon in his hands. His combat power at this time was at most equivalent to a monk at the peak of mythology.

How can it resist the Taiyuan Sword Formation?


Not long after, under the impact of the terrifying sword energy, Qiao Yinyang and the three-headed demon dragon were all severely injured.


Under Lin Wudao's deliberate action, the terrifying sword energy directly penetrated Qiao Yinyang's Dantian, cutting off the meridians of his limbs, turning him into a complete cripple.


The Great Sun Demonic Furnace in his hand fell from mid-air.

See this.

Lin Wudao, who had been waiting for a long time, brushed the void with his big hand and accurately grasped the Great Sun Magic Furnace in his hand.


"Who is plotting against me?"

Qiao Yinyang roared crazily.


Lin Wudao turned a deaf ear to his anger and roar. After collecting the Great Sun Magic Furnace, he just looked at the mad Taoist with cold eyes.


Just when Qiao Yinyang was in a state of confusion, a hand suddenly stretched out from the void and landed firmly on Qiao Yinyang's head.

"The great tomb is supreme!"

A whisper came from the crazy man's mouth.


In an instant, wisps of strange black light bloomed from the crazy Taoist's hands, covering Qiao Yinyang's entire body.


Through the eyes of the gods, Lin Wudao could clearly see that the life force of Qiao Yinyang was pouring into the crazy Taoist's body at a crazy speed.

Name: The Great Tomb Supreme Dharma

Level: Innate Divine Magic

Introduction: The supreme divine method recorded in the "Grand Tomb Scripture". When practitioners perform this method in the tomb, they can forcibly absorb the life span of all creatures in the tomb and strengthen themselves.

Note: 1. The process of absorbing life span cannot be interrupted!

2. The object to be absorbed must not have any resistance!

3. It must be cast in the tomb and is invalid outside the tomb!

A large amount of information is presented in front of you.

After reading.

Lin Wudao was surprised!

"Is there such a magical secret in this world?"

He praised.


And with the eyes of the gods, he observed the changes in the crazy Taoist...

Name: Crazy Taoist (Qi Shuming)

Identity 1: Heir of a family of tomb robbers in the Central Heaven Region

Identity 2: Member of the Terminator Organization - Tomb Raider Terminator!

Identity 3: Outer disciple of Taiyi Sect

Cultivation level: Early stage of Tongtian realm

Talent: All-seeing Dharma Eyes

Kung Fu: "Grand Tomb Scripture"

Skills: Invisibility, Disguise, Wall Penetration, Five Elements Escape, Diamond Technique, Dragon Elephant Ancient Fist, Divine Movement, Great Teleportation...

Items: God of Destruction Hoe, "Burial Book Volume 1", Three Thousand Puppets

Lifespan: Forty years and six months

Notes: 1. He acts boldly and likes digging graves most in his life. Because of practicing the "Grave Scripture", the more graves he digs, the faster his cultivation level increases.

2. Digging too many graves will harm your moral character, ruin your luck, and shorten your life span.

3. There is no grave in the world that he dare not dig!

"Hey, it's reached forty years so quickly?"

Lin Wudao was also a little shocked when he saw the information fed back by the Eye of God.

He still underestimated the horror of the Great Tomb Supreme Dharma!

He remembers.

When he first met the crazy Taoist, he only had six months left to live. Later, he exchanged a three-thousand-year-old elixir of immortality with him, which increased his lifespan by thirty years.

Calculated, it should be thirty years and six months!


Now, after just a few breaths, the crazy Taoist's lifespan has skyrocketed by more than ten years, and it is still increasing at a terrifying speed...

That way, it's like a real dragon sucking water!

After a while.

In Lin Wudao's shocked gaze, all the life force in Qiao Yinyang's body was completely absorbed by the mad Taoist using the supreme method of the tomb.


His lifespan has reached a terrifying eight hundred and thirty-six years!

Under normal circumstances, the maximum lifespan of a human being in the mythical realm is about two thousand years. Lin Wudao had seen Qiao Yinyang's lifespan before.

There are still more than 1,600 years!

The conversion efficiency of the Great Tomb Supreme Method is about half!

This kind of ability is simply unbelievable...

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