Demon Palace!

When Nan Batian came here, Fu Tianque and Fan Qingtian had been waiting for a long time...

"I wonder what the two sect masters and headmasters are doing after traveling thousands of miles to come to our Great Sun Demon Sect?"

The relationship between the Great Sun Demon Sect, Xuantian Sect, and Tianxin Sword School is not good.


Nan Batian didn't treat them too politely.

"Where is your leader?"


"If you two have anything, you can tell me directly, and I will report it to the leader when the time comes."

On his own territory, Nan Batian is full of confidence.

To this.

Fu Tianque and Fan Qingtian didn't care about him either.

"Actually, I came here today to find out what happened in the Dayan Ancestral Land, and why the Supreme Elder of Xuantian Sect died for no reason."

"But Your Excellency, you are still alive and well..."

Fu Tianque narrowed his eyes and stared straight at Nan Batian.


While talking.

A powerful oppressive force rolled over like a mighty river.


"Liu Qingming, Su Tianxin and I did indeed enter the Dayan Ancestral Land. However, when we entered, we separated."

"So, I don't know anything about the situation between the two of them!"

"Sect Master Fu and Master Fan, I'm afraid you have found the wrong person. If it weren't for what you just said, I wouldn't have known that Liu Qingming and Su Tianxin were already dead."

"Alas, the Dayan ancestral land is really too dangerous. If I hadn't been lucky, I would have died without a burial place..."

Nan Batian sighed.

When talking about Liu Qingming and Su Tianxin, he pretended to be shocked.


Deep in my heart, I was so happy!

Both Xuantian Sect and Tianxin Jianzhai are the sworn enemies of the Great Sun Demon Sect. The opponent's strength has been weakened due to the fall of a strong man in the Heavenly Realm.

This is naturally a good thing for their Great Sun Demon Sect!

Of course!

In order to delay as much time as possible, Nan Batian would naturally not tell Fu Tianque and Fan Qingtian the true situation in the Dayan Ancestral Land...

To this!

Both of them looked a little gloomy.

They didn't believe what Nan Batian said.

"Since Vice Leader Nan refuses to say it clearly, I can only think that the death of my Xuantian Sect Supreme Elder is related to you."

"Today, I will seek justice for Elder Liu..."


The moment the words fell, Fu Tianque's big hand suddenly spread out, and in an instant, an ancient clumsy green seal appeared in the infinite spiritual light.

It exuded a terrifying momentum that made the entire Great Sun Demon Cult tremble crazily.

"The Ultimate Spirit Soldier!"

Nan Batian's pupils tightened.


Under the extreme aura of the ancient seal, he seemed to feel an unparalleled sacred mountain pressing down on him, and infinite panic and fear arose in his heart.

Under the impact of the Jidao power, Nan Batian's energy and blood collapsed crazily, and he almost suffocated to death.

"It seems that Su Tianxin of my Tianxin Sword School is also related to the Vice Leader Nan..."


After Fu Tianque took out the Xuantian Seal, Fan Qingtian on the side was not polite. Along with the mighty Jida aura, a red ancient sword was suspended in the mid-air in front of him.

"Chixiao Ancient Sword!"

Nan Batian was shocked.

This is another extremely spiritual weapon!


Under the crazy impact of the two extreme weapons, even his cultivation level in the heaven and human realm was unable to withstand it.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face was as white as paper...

"Who dares to let me, the Great Sun Demon Cult, act so arrogantly!"


Just when Nan Batian felt that he was about to be suppressed to death, a loud roar suddenly came from outside the Demon Palace, and then, an old man in red came riding a rainbow light.

Astonishingly, he is a great cultivator of the mythical Great Perfection!


With his big sleeves waving, the extreme power erupted from the Xuantian Seal and the Ancient Sword of Smiling was suppressed by most of it in an instant.

See this scene!

Nan Batian was overjoyed.

"Greetings to the ancestor!"

He bowed to the ground with an extremely respectful gesture.

The old man in red in front of him is named Li Fentian. He is one of the ancestors of the Great Sun Demon Sect. He is extremely powerful and has reached the Mythic Perfection.

His appearance undoubtedly allowed Nan Batian to find a savior...

at the same time!

After seeing Li Fentian, the expressions of Fu Tianque and Fan Qingtian also changed slightly.


But there was no fear at all!

They hold the ultimate weapon, even if it is the Mythical Dzogchen, they can fight. Although there is no guarantee that they can win, they can still protect themselves.

"Today, the Great Sun Demon Sect must give us an explanation, otherwise..."

"What else?"

Li Fentian looked unhappy.

"Otherwise, our Xuantian Sect will start a war with the Great Sun Demon Sect!"

Fu Tianque's eyes were cold.

"If we don't get the answer we want, we, Tianxin Sword Studio, will inevitably start a war with the Great Sun Demon Sect!"

Fan Qingtian also followed closely behind.




As the two people finished speaking, powerful auras suddenly came from outside the Great Sun Demon Sect, but there were several powerful men from the mythical Great Perfection arriving.

See this scene!

Li Fentian's expression changed slightly. Those who showed their aura were definitely the ancestors of Xuantian Sect and Tianxin Sword School.

Once a war breaks out, they, the Great Sun Demon Sect, will definitely not be able to take advantage.

after all.

There is a reason why the three major forces can maintain the current situation...

"Actually, the two of us came here today just to find out how Liu Qingming and Su Tianxin died, and what happened in the Dayan Ancestral Land."

"As long as Deputy Leader Nan gives us a satisfactory answer, we don't want to cause tensions."

After a confrontation.

Fu Tianque was the first to break the calm and said.

These words gave both sides a step down. After all, no one really wanted to start a war.

Hear this!

Li Fentian snorted coldly and cast his gaze on Nan Batian.

"What exactly is going on in Dayan Ancestral Land?"

"Ancestor, within the Dayan ancestral land, there is a three-headed demon dragon that has survived for more than eight thousand years. Its strength is comparable to that of the later stages of mythology. Liu Qingming and Su Tianxin both died because of it..."


Nan Batian told all about his experiences in Dayan's ancestral land.

After hearing what happened, Fu Tianque and Fan Qingtian frowned immediately. This was different from what they expected.


They could also see that Nan Batian did not lie this time.


"The truth of the matter has been clarified. We, the Great Sun Demon Sect, will not leave you two. Please come and go wherever you want..."

Li Fentian said with a cold face.

To this.

Fu Tianque and Fan Qingtian snorted, and rode the rainbow light away with gloomy faces.


After they left, Li Fentian once again looked at Nan Batian.

"Where's Qiao Yinyang?"

"Reporting to our ancestors, the leader has already taken a step ahead to go to the Dayan ancestral land..."

Already gone?

Li Fentian's eyes lit up.

"One step first, every step first!"

"As long as all the resources and opportunities of the Dayan Sect can be brought into our Great Sun Demon Sect, then we will no longer have to look at the faces of the Xuantian Sect and Tianxin Jianzhai."

"By the way, Qiao Yinyang went alone?"


"However, the leader brought the ultimate weapon of the Great Sun Demon Sect with him..."


Li Fentian nodded lightly.

"I'm not too worried about this!"

"No, I have to follow over and take a look..."


Li Fentian immediately harnessed a rainbow light and left the Great Sun Demon Sect.


Fu Tianque and Fan Qingtian, who had already walked out of the Great Sun Demon Sect, thought for a while, then joined their ancestors and headed straight towards Dayan City.

Natural home!

After Lin Wudao and Crazy Taoist gathered many resources, they came to Tiantianju to drink tea.

at the same time.

Also to wait for the big fish to take the bait!


Nan Batian did not disappoint him, and soon attracted the big fish Qiao Yinyang.


Behind him were Fu Tianque from Xuantian Sect, Fan Qingtian from Tianxin Sword School and others...

"Six myths!"

"And he also brought three Ji Dao weapons. He is really a big fish."

"This wave has really made a lot of money..."

Lin Wudao was greatly refreshed.

at the same time!

The mad Taoist opposite was also looking closely at Qiao Yinyang and the others, with a strong light of greed flowing in his eyes.

"Sure enough, the big fish is here!"

"Brother Ren, what are you going to do next?"

"Well, let's go in and take a look first. Now that they're here, don't even think about leaving the Dayan ancestral land alive. Whether it's their corpses or the Ji Dao weapons in their hands, I want them all."

"Then I will kill them!"

"Once you enter the tomb, you can't help them anymore, hehe..."

The crazy Taoist's eyes showed a fierce look.


He immediately threw out an invisibility jade talisman and stepped into the Dayan ancestral land with Lin Wudao.


We came to the dragon pond!


At this time, Qiao Yinyang, who had arrived first, was already fighting madly with the three-headed demon dragon...

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