"Haha, cool!"

After absorbing all of Qiao Yin Yang's life force, the mad Taoist's face showed unprecedented excitement and satisfaction. Under his excitement, he burst out bursts of laughter.

The big fish this time is indeed extraordinary!

Just one Qiao Yin Yang increased his life span by more than 800 years. If he could absorb the life force of the three-headed demon dragon, what level would his life span reach?

this moment!

The crazy Taoist's eyes burst out with extremely strong greed...


Without any hesitation, he threw away Qiao Yinyang's body and turned his clutches to the three-headed demonic dragon.


Accompanied by bursts of shrill screams, streams of extremely majestic life force poured into the body of the mad Taoist like mighty rivers.

Under the power of the Supreme Law of the Great Tomb, the life span of the crazy Taoist has once again skyrocketed.

The three-headed magic dragon in the mythical realm has a longer lifespan than Qiao Yinyang.

There are more than three thousand years left!




Under the crazy absorption of crazy Taoists.


All the vitality of the three-headed demonic dragon was drained out, and under the influence of the supreme method of the tomb, it was transformed into the lifespan of a crazy Taoist.

A total of 1,864 years added!

Name: Crazy Taoist (Qi Shuming)

Cultivation: Early stage of Tongtian

Lifespan: 2700 years

New information is presented!

After reading.

Even Lin Wudao had to lament the magic and heaven-defying power of the Great Tomb.

This is simply a life-killing artifact!


It seems to be specially made for crazy Taoists...

"Congratulations, your life span has been increased by more than two thousand years."

"Haha, we are all happy~"

The crazy Taoist smiled from ear to ear.


His heart was filled with excitement and excitement.

His lifespan has skyrocketed to more than two thousand years. In the next period of time, he no longer has to worry about not having enough lifespan when digging graves.

This time.

You can let go of your hands and feet and have a big fight!

Think of this.

The crazy Taoist licked his lips and couldn't help but look expectantly at the void in the distance...

There are several big fish there!

If all their life force is absorbed, then...

The more I think about it.

The greedy light in the mad Taoist's eyes became stronger.


Lin Wudao is also looking forward to it!

"Qiao Yinyang has been killed, and now it's the turn of those from Xuantian Sect and Tianxin Sword Studio. Among them, there are still three ancestors of the Mythical Dzogchen, so we can't be careless."

"I guess they will be here soon!"

"Let's go to the Imperial Road Stone Tower to dig the pit and bury them all..."

Lin Wudao said in a deep voice.


Naturally, the crazy Taoist would like this proposal.


The two quickly cleaned up the battlefield, quietly left the Dragon Breeding Pond, and headed straight towards the Imperial Stone Tower.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Not long after Lin Wudao and Crazy Taoist left, Fu Tianque, Li Fentian and others arrived on Changhong, each of them exuding a powerful aura.

The surrounding void became condensed...

"There was a fierce battle here just now!"

Fu Tianque frowned.


They could clearly feel the terrifying sword energy remaining in the air, as well as the breath of Ji Dao weapons.

The only one who can walk in front of them is Qiao Yinyang!

"Hmph, you move really fast~"

Fan Qingtian glanced at Li Fentian of the Great Sun Demon Sect and snorted coldly.


They did not stay too long in the Dragon Breeding Pond, and each one of them immediately harnessed the rainbow light and rushed to the third level of the Dayan Ancestral Land at the fastest speed.


Compared to the urgency of Fu Tianque, Fan Qingtian and others, Li Fentian frowned.

In my heart, a strong uneasiness emerged...

As a strong man of the Great Perfection of Mythology, he naturally felt the remaining Ji Dao aura in the surrounding air, which was left behind by the treasure of their Great Sun Demon Sect.


There is also the aura of Qiao Yinyang.

"There are no three-headed demon dragons in the dragon-raising pond. They were either killed by Qiao Yinyang, or they went to the third level of the Dayan Ancestral Land."

"I hope nothing happens..."

He prayed secretly in his heart.

Say it.

He also followed closely behind Fu Tianque and others, heading towards the third floor of the ancestral land.

Imperial Stone Tower, ninth level!


After arriving here, Lin Wudao immediately inserted the Dayan Sword back to its original place.

"This is a supreme weapon, you don't want it anymore?"

The crazy Taoist's eyes were full of surprise.

To this.

Lin Wudao snorted.

"If you can't let go of your children, you can't trap the wolf!"

"In the Dayan Ancestral Land, there is only one Jida weapon, but three forces have come. If we don't find a way to get them to fight, how can we have a chance?"

"When both of them are hurt, we can come out again and catch them all in one fell swoop!"

A cold voice came from under the cloak.


The crazy Taoist clapped his hands and praised.

There is only one Ji Dao weapon. In order to compete for the sword of Dayan, the Great Sun Demon Sect, Xuantian Sect, and Tianxin Sword School will definitely fight.

By the time!

Their chance has come!

Think of this.

The crazy Taoist and Lin Wudao immediately hid their bodies in the void.

Waited patiently...

call out!

call out!

call out!


Following powerful momentums, Fu Tianque and others arrived at the Imperial Stone Tower.

"Damn it, someone got there first!"

Looking at the inside of the bare stone tower, everyone looked gloomy.

"Master Qiao's movements are really fast. He eats meat alone, but he doesn't even leave us a mouthful of soup. It's a bit too much."

Fu Tianque's eyes showed dissatisfaction.

"Humph, first come first served, nothing wrong with that!"

Old God Li Fentian is here.


Even he believed that the treasures in the Imperial Stone Tower were looted by Qiao Yinyang.


I am so happy in my heart...

"Let's go!"

"If nothing else, Qiao Yinyang should be at the ninth level. He can't let him take all the benefits."

Fan Qingtian looked indifferent.

While talking.

He took one step forward and reached the ninth level as quickly as possible.


When everyone arrived, everyone frowned. They did not see Qiao Yinyang.

"Where are the people?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Although their hearts were filled with doubts, they did not dwell on this issue for too long.


At this time, their eyes were attracted by the Dayan Sword in the distance...

"The Sword of Dayan!"

Everyone's spirits were high, and their eyes showed infinite greed.

This sword of Dayan was the treasure of the Dayan Sect in the past. It belonged to the Jidao spiritual weapon. Thirty-six Jidao prohibitions were engraved on it, and it was of extremely high grade.

Neither Xuantian Sect's Xuantian Seal nor Tianxin Jianzhai's Chixiao Ancient Sword can compare with it.

If you can get it, your strength will definitely increase greatly!

By then, dominating the territory of Kyushu will be just around the corner...

When they thought of this, everyone's eyes showed strong greed.


The temptation of Jida weapons is huge!

The moment he saw the Dayan Sword, Fu Tianque forgot about Qiao Yinyang, and immediately used the Xuantian Seal to suppress it.

See it!

Fan Qingtian on the side was not to be outdone.

The palms of his hands suddenly spread out, and the Chixiao Ancient Sword was also sacrificed, slashing at Xuantian Seal fiercely.


The two extreme powers collided in mid-air, and the terrifying power turned the Imperial Stone Tower, which was already in a state of collapse, into ruins in an instant.

"Fan Qingtian, what are you doing?"

Fu Tianque glared angrily.

Looks gloomy!

"Hmph, you have a share in seeing this. This sword of Dayan is not yours alone..."

Fan Qingtian held the Chixiao Ancient Sword in his hand, with a cold expression on his face.

"Heh, you think I want to monopolize the Sword of Dayan?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not! This Dayan Sword has thirty-six extreme prohibitions engraved in it. Neither your Tianxin Sword Studio's Chixiao Ancient Sword nor my Xuantian Sect's Xuantian Seal can compete with it. "

"Only if we work together can we have a chance to collect it!"

"How about suppressing it first and then deciding on its final ownership?"

Fu Tianque suggested.

Hear the words!

Fan Qingtian stared at him and pondered for a long time, then nodded.

"In that case, then you and I will do it together..."


Fu Tianque immediately activated the Xuantian Seal and suppressed the Dayan Sword in the distance. At the same time, Fan Qingtian also used the Chixiao Ancient Sword.

They wanted to use the power of the two Ji Dao spiritual weapons to forcibly suppress the Ji Dao power of the Dayan Sword.


The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel!

Lin Wudao, who was peeping secretly, had been waiting for them for a long time...


Just when Xuantian Seal and Chixiao Ancient Sword came out of their hands, suddenly, a strange big hand stretched out from the void, and with lightning speed, it grabbed the two Ji Dao Spirit Weapons. gone.

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