"Sister Yu, what methods and channels do live broadcasts use to increase one's own cultivation?"

Jiang Mubai asked curiously.

He felt as if he had found a shortcut to practice.

Since Ye Hongyu can do it, will he be able to achieve the same effect if he broadcasts it live through the Human Divine Mirror?

To this!

Jiang Mubai was full of curiosity.

He eagerly wanted to know how and how to increase his cultivation through live broadcast.

In fact, Ye Hongyu wasn't very clear either.

"The Human World Divine Mirror is a strange item produced by the Human World Building. Although it has changed some trends in the cultivation world, it has also brought a lot of conveniences."

"According to my guess, the human divine mirror should feed back to itself through the channel of luck."

"Perhaps, as long as more viewers enter the live broadcast room, the more luck will be gained?"

"Then, these fortunes are fed back to the user through the human divine mirror."

"In this way, with the blessing of luck, it is logical to improve your cultivation level."

"During this period, you have also seen that I have been wandering around the world of Shenhuang and have not practiced at all."

"Either during the live broadcast, or on the way to the live broadcast."

"Therefore, the reason why my cultivation is able to break through the eighth level of the Great Sage should be brought about by the divine judgment of the world."

"It just so happens that this live broadcast of the battle between the gods of the Ancient Qinglong Kingdom has reached its peak in popularity."

"In this case, everything makes sense..."

Ye Hongyu analyzed with frowning eyebrows.

Although she didn't like to practice, her thinking was very clear and she quickly analyzed the key points.

After listening to her words, Jiang Mubai also showed a thoughtful expression.

at the same time!

There was also a strong interest in his eyes.

"Sister Yu, if everything is really as you said, then this live broadcast is a shortcut to practice."

"Do you think I have the talent for live streaming?"

Jiang Mubai asked expectantly.

Hear the words.

Ye Hongyu looked at him seriously and then shook his head.

"I don't think...you have."

"Uh, can you speak? Why are you the only one who can and not me?"

Jiang Mubai was a little unconvinced.

"With your stupid look, who is interested in watching your live broadcast? What do you have that can attract everyone to watch?"

"Well, I can also go out and watch the fun, or go on an adventure or something."

"So, you are planning to draw a clear line with me and part ways?"

Ye Hongyu looked unhappy.

"Okay then, we will go back to the Imperial Clan now and ask the clan leader to go to your Jiang family to dissolve our marriage."

"From now on, we all go our separate ways..."


Ye Hongyu snorted and turned around to leave.

See this scene!

Jiang Mubai quickly pulled her back.

"Sister Yu, I just said it casually, but you took it seriously."

"You're right, I really don't have that talent."

"In my heart, as big as the world is, you are the biggest, hehe..."

He expressed his position hurriedly.

"Besides, our marriage was decided jointly by the ancestors of the Taichu Imperial Clan and the Huanggu Imperial Clan."

"It's simply impossible to lift it!"

"Sister Yu, you will never escape my grasp in this life. You are destined to be the wife of someone like me, Jiang, haha."

Speaking of which.

Jiang Mubai showed a proud look again.

The Taichu Imperial Clan had a very good relationship with the Ancient Imperial Clan, so he and Ye Hongyu had been childhood sweethearts since childhood and grew up together.

We are very familiar with each other...

This marriage deepens the bridge between the two imperial clans and is impossible to dissolve.

Ye Hongyu was just joking.

In fact!

The two of them have lived together since childhood, and they don't hate each other. Although they are not married yet, they already look like a couple.

And this is something that the Taichu Imperial Clan and the Ancient Imperial Clan are happy to see happen.

"Jiang Xiaobai, seriously, have you only seen my changes and not noticed yourself?"

At this time.

Ye Hongyu looked at Jiang Mubai with a strange look.


"What can I change..."

After hearing Ye Hongyu's words, Jiang Mubai didn't think much at all. Just when he was about to retort, he froze on the spot.

"Hey, my cultivation level..."

"Did it increase a little?"

"Yeah, it has indeed increased. If you don't observe carefully, you won't notice it at all."

"Sister Yu, can I also share my luck in your live broadcast room?"

Jiang Mubai was filled with joy.

To this.

Ye Hongyu shook his head.

"I do not know either."

"About the live broadcast room to draw luck, this is just a bold guess on my part."

"As for the truth, I'm afraid only the landlord himself knows."

"However, it is also true that one can increase one's own cultivation through live broadcast."

"This divine guide to the world is really amazing."

"That human landlord is really a monster. How did he create such a heaven-defying thing?"

Ye Hongyu exclaimed.

She really couldn't imagine what kind of existence the host Jun Qianmo was in the human world.

"Sister Yu, what do you care about?"

"For now, this human divine mirror can bring benefits. If the human landlord really has any conspiracy, the various imperial clans must have already taken action."

"Moreover, the way this human divine mirror operates is also somewhat special."

"Some people speculate that it is probably related to the rules of heaven in the divine world..."

Jiang Mubai whispered.

The rules of heaven and earth?

Hearing this, Ye Hongyu was shocked.

She nodded and did not continue to dwell on the issue.

"Are we going to the Taiyi God Clan next?"


"The evil trio are also troublemakers in the cultivation world. Since they are going to dig up the ancestral graves of the Taiyi God Clan, let's go and watch the fun."

"By the way, let's see their methods..."


Jiang Mubai responded.


The two prepared for a while, then drove the Shenzhou towards the Taiyi Divine Clan.

Taiyin Temple!

In an ancient and magnificent divine kingdom, the God of Taiyin sat high on the throne with an extremely gloomy expression.

"The incarnation is destroyed?"

"This God of Qingshan should not be underestimated. He is at least a fifth-level god or above."

"Let's keep this account in mind for now."

"When the time comes in the future, we will liquidate them all..."

He narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

Say it.

The God of Taiyin is ready to continue to sink into cultivation.


However, at this moment, an invisible force suddenly penetrated his divine kingdom and quietly entered his divine body.

A moment!

The God of Taiyin opened his eyes, and there was a hint of inexplicable panic between his brows.


He clearly felt an inexplicable aura entering his god's true body.

Moreover, it is constantly eroding and polluting His divine body.

The breath and power were indescribable and unknown. He could sense it, but he couldn't trace it back to its source, nor could he get rid of it.

He could only watch helplessly as his own divine body and incense divine power were constantly being eroded and polluted under that mysterious power.


"What on earth is this and how did it appear?"

"If this continues, my incense will become less and less. In the end, I will not even be able to accept the faith of my people, and the throne of God will inevitably collapse."

"Could it be that the God of Green Mountain did this too?"

The God of Taiyin was surprised and confused.


That mysterious aura made him feel unprecedented panic and fear.

A feeling of death swept through my whole body...

"When you come, immediately pass on the oracle of this god and order all the major gods to hold grand sacrificial activities."

He sent down oracles.

The God of Taiyin wants to use this method to suppress or delay the erosion of the aura.

Lin Wudao didn't know much about the Taiyin God's fear.

After ending the divine war in the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom, he immediately returned to Fenglai Ancient City.


Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu also returned here.

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