
Seeing Lin Wudao looking at him, the Sky God knelt down on the ground without any hesitation.

"The Lord God is above me, I would like to be your god, believe in it devoutly, and never betray..."

The God of the Sky paid homage with great respect.

Even the God of Taiyin, whom he looked forward to the most, was defeated, so how could he resist Lin Wudao?

at the moment.

Your own god's Dao Fruit is in the hands of the other party, and you can control your life, death and destiny at will.

It took tens of thousands of years for the God of Sky to reach the level of a third-level god. Naturally, he did not want to perish like this.


He had no other choice but to surrender.

Lin Wudao at the temple also showed a satisfied smile when he saw the Sky God kneeling down and worshiping devoutly.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero!"

"The God of Taiyin is already a withered bone in the grave. If you continue to follow Him, you will only die."

"This god is the beginning of your great future."

"As long as you believe in this god unswervingly and devoutly, everything will come from your creation."

call out!

The words fell.

Lin Wudao flicked his finger, and the Dao Fruit belonging to the God of Sky flew back to his true form in an instant.

The Dao Fruit returned, and the incense around the Sky God finally stopped collapsing and dispersing.

Gradually it became calm.

at the same time!

With a thought in Lin Wudao's mind, a mysterious piece of divine genealogy appeared in front of the Sky God.

Exudes a mysterious and magnificent scent of incense...

"Is this the great genealogy that maintains the divine system?"

The God of Sky was greatly shocked.

Even the God of Taiyin doesn't have this thing.

"Integrate a ray of your true divine spirit into the divine genealogy. From now on, you will be the god of my Qingshan divine system."


The God of Sky is respectful.


Under the gaze of countless people, he integrated a ray of the true spirit of the gods into the great divine genealogy.

All of a sudden.

The Sky God felt that he seemed to be shackles on his body.

A sacred mountain mark that belongs exclusively to the Qingshan God System is firmly imprinted on his Dao Fruit.


Lin Wudao also forcibly absorbed half of the incense of the Sky God Clan that he was sitting on.

But at the same time, there was also incense belonging to the Qingshan Divine Kingdom and the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom, rushing towards him.

Share the incense!

"Is this the secret of the gods?"

"It's so amazing..."

The God of Sky was amazed in his heart.

When he personally experienced the benefits brought by the divine system, most of the humiliation and resistance in his heart were instantly washed away.

After joining the divine system, although you have lost your freedom, you will be completely controlled by the divine master from now on.

However, the benefits are also obvious.

Sharing the huge people and incense of the divine system, his divine level will increase faster in the future, and he will also become more powerful.

at the same time!

After the Sky God became his second god, a majestic incense poured into the throne of the Great Demon God Qingshan.


Lin Wudao discovered that the Qingshan Great Demon God's divine level had increased by one-third, reaching the first-level intermediate great god.

"If we gather two more third-level gods, the Great Demon God Qingshan will be promoted to the second-level god."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

After reaching the level of a great god, relying on a certain divine system, the level of god can be improved very quickly indeed.

According to this growth rate, as long as he gathers all the incense gods of the Taiyin Nine Meridians into the Qingshan God System.

By then!

At least he can reach level five master!

Thinking of this.

After Lin Wudao carefully felt his own changes, he looked at Tushan Cangyue not far away.




The God of Skyscrapers joined the Qingshan God System, and the Gods of Skyscrapers were naturally included under the rule of Lin Wudao's divine domain.

With the huge expansion of the divine realm, Tushan Cangyue's cultivation level naturally reached the level of a third-level saint.

This is the charm of cultivating the way of the world.

As long as the area under control is broad enough, the cultivation level can be improved quickly.

Tushan Cangyue is bound to Qingshan Divine Realm, and compared to anyone else, cultivation is the easiest.

Basically, lying down wins!

To this.

Lin Wudao couldn't envy him either.

After all, he does not have the Seal of the Great World, nor does he have the fate of being the Lord of the Tushan Cangyue World.

In addition to Tushan Cangyue, with the infusion of a lot of luck and the feedback from Lin Wudao's throne, the people in the mountain world and the clergy of the temple came to the rescue.

Their cultivation level has also been significantly improved.


Yin Siming directly cultivated into a saint and reached the second level in one go.

Among the others, Tushan Ruoruo has the innate advantage of the "Natural Code" and has the fastest improvement in cultivation.


Already a semi-saint!

Yu Linger and Xiao Ziyi are ninth-level god kings.

As for Li Heishui, Yu Zhentian, Tu Shannuo and others, they have also become god kings.

"not bad."

"Under my leadership, the Shanling Realm is getting stronger and stronger..."

Seeing the changes in the people of Qingshan Divine Kingdom, Lin Wudao also felt a huge sense of relief and pride in his heart.

These are the empires he has built!

"Cang Yue, now the Motian Divine Clan has been brought under the rule of this god, and they are also the subjects of my Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"All affairs of the Kingdom of God, as well as all the gods of the Qingshan Divine System from now on, will be fully managed by you."

"Those who do not comply will be punished as those who rebel against God."

"In addition, the temples in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom and the Motian God Clan must be rebuilt."

"From now on, all temple specifications in the divine domain will be built according to the Qingshan God System."

"The gods under the jurisdiction of the pantheon, as well as the clergy who enjoy incense, can enter the temple to worship the golden statue."

There was silence for a while.

Lin Wudao commanded majestically.

"Obey the oracle!"

"Obey the oracle!"

Tushan Cang Yue and the God of Ferris, you should be respectful.


After explaining the most important things, Lin Wudao rolled his hand, and the Qingshan Temple immediately turned into a divine light and escaped into the void.

"Meet the high priest!"

After Lin Wudao left, the Sky God hesitated for a while, and finally lowered his body and bowed to Tushan Cangyue.

from now on.

There is another boss above Him.

"Let's go and see the Ferris God Clan."



Under the gaze of everyone, the two of them harnessed the divine light and left the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom.

[It’s over. The battle between gods is over like this. It’s not satisfying. 】

[The God of Green Mountain is too powerful. Compared to the God of Lunar Sky and the God of Sky, he is like a real god of incense and fire. 】

[The High Priest of Qingshan is also good, the spokesperson of the God of Qingshan, with terrifying power. 】

[In today’s battle, the God of Qingshan is the biggest winner. 】

[Sister Yu, where are you going to watch the fun next? 】

[I heard that a few days ago, the evil trio would dig up the ancestral grave of a god. I found it very exciting. 】

[Yes, yes, I want to watch the digging of ancestral graves...]

Although the God War has ended, the lively atmosphere in the live broadcast room remains unabated.

Many people are asking Ye Hongyu where to go next.

In fact.

Ye Hongyu didn’t have any good places to go.

It was a coincidence that I came to the ancient Qinglong Kingdom and encountered a divine battle.

[Since everyone wants to see the evil trio digging their ancestors’ graves, let’s decide that is our next stop. 】

[By the way, where will the evil trio dig their ancestors' graves next? 】

[I know, it’s the Taiyi God Clan! 】

[Okay, then our next stop is the Taiyi God Clan...]

Ye Hongyu responded with a smile.


A moment later, when she closed the live broadcast room, a powerful momentum suddenly rose by itself.

"Sister Yu, actually broke through to the eighth level of the Great Sage?"


Jiang Mubai cast an incredulous look.

before this.

He clearly remembered that Ye Hongyu's cultivation had always been maintained at the seventh-level Great Sage Perfection.

Moreover, Ye Hongyu doesn't like to practice.

She hasn't had a breakthrough in twenty years.

During this period of time, she had been wandering around in the divine world without practicing at all.


With such a salty attitude, she suddenly broke through to the eighth level of the Great Sage.

This made Jiang Mubai feel very incredible.

"Sister Yu, why are you..."

"Hey, that's weird, isn't it? Let me tell you, that's the benefit of live streaming."

Ye Hongyu said with a proud look.


Can live streaming also increase cultivation?

Hearing this, Jiang Mubai couldn't help but widen his eyes.

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