"Hey, brother Ren, are you back?"

Fengming Tower!

Seeing that Lin Wudao had returned, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu suddenly showed expressions of surprise.

At that moment, he arrived in front of him as quickly as possible.

"Brother Ren, have you bought the body of the Saint King?"

Qin Daofu asked impatiently.

Looking forward to it!

In response, Lin Wudao nodded lightly.

"Yes, I bought it."

"This time, through special channels, I spent a lot of money to obtain the corpses of 300 first-order saint kings."

"It's enough for us to use for a while..."


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Wudao waved his hand and directly piled the three hundred corpses of the Saint King on the ground.

All of a sudden.

Waves of powerful momentum came out like a flood, which greatly inspired Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu.

"It has to be you, Brother Ren!"

"I have to say, Brother Ren, your channel is really incredible. You can even get the body of the Saint King."

"Looking at the smell of these corpses, it's obvious that they died not long ago."

"Could it be that he was killed immediately?"

The mad Taoist looked amazed.

At the end of his speech, he looked at Lin Wudao with doubt.

"These saint kings indeed died not long ago."

"I bought it from the battlefield through channels..."

"I see!"

Hearing that it was bought from the battlefield, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu suddenly realized.

They did not ask which battlefield it was.

In fact.

Lin Wudao didn't know either.

"By the way, what's going on over there in the Ancient Qinglong Country?"

There was silence for a while.

he asked knowingly.

As soon as they mentioned this, the crazy Taoist people became excited...

"Hey, Brother Ren, you missed a wonderful show this time."

"How to say?"

"It's like this. Just when you went to buy the corpse, a shocking divine war took place in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom."

"The Tushan clan actually quietly took control of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom and fought a great battle with the Nine Meridians of Taiyin."

"In the end, the Lishan Divine Clan's 100,000-strong army was completely destroyed."

"The Motian God Clan..."


The crazy Taoist told everything that happened in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom in detail.

After listening.

Lin Wudao pretended to sigh with regret.

"It seems that I really missed a wonderful show."

"Well, now that the affairs of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom have come to an end, let's deal with the Taiyi God Clan next."

"Before, I said that I would live broadcast the digging of the ancestral graves of the Taiyi God Clan."

"Now that the cruel words have been released, if we don't take action, it will damage the reputation of our evil trio."

"Now, there are still about five or six days until the agreed time for digging the grave."

"In order to avoid capsizing in the gutter, we must be well prepared."

"At least, Qin Daofu, you must improve your cultivation to the realm of the Saint King."

"I feel that the Taiyi Divine Clan cannot sit still and wait for us to dig their ancestral graves."

Lin Wudao said thoughtfully.

Hear the words!

Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu both nodded in agreement.

"In five or six days, if you want to significantly improve your cultivation and strength, it will definitely be too late outside."

"We can only go to Shanling Realm!"

"The flow of time there is ten times faster than outside. Six days is exactly two months."

"This will be enough for me to break through to the Saint King realm."

Qin Daofu analyzed.

"In that case, let's go to Shanling Realm now."

"However, before that, we have to find the Tushan clan and find someone to explore the way."

"After all, it will be very embarrassing if the boat capsizes in public..."

Looking for someone to explore the way?

Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu looked at the crazy Taoist in unison.

After a little thought, they understood what the crazy Taoist meant.

"Without further ado, let's go now!"


The words fell.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Wudao directly picked up Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu and disappeared into Fengming Tower.

When he appeared again, he had arrived at Qingshan Divine City.

Sky first floor!

The property of the Sunset God Clan, the largest gold-selling cave in Qingshan Divine City, and the largest place of entertainment.

The big shopkeeper is the former elder of the Sunset Ancient Clan, Yu Shan.

Thanks to the Sunset God Clan's current position in the Shanling Realm, Tianyilou's industry is also growing bigger and bigger.

Now, not only the Mountain Realm, but also the Twelve Territories of the Great Wilderness have various industries of theirs.


Compared to these, what people value more is Tianyilou’s strong background and relationships.

after all!

The first floor of the sky is the property of the Sunset God Clan, and the goddess of the temple, the commander of the Doomsday Legion, and the chief guard of the temple are all from the Sunset God Clan.

Their relationship is definitely the hardest...

Since Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu were frequent visitors to Tianyi Floor, they were relatively familiar with Yu Shan.

"Big shopkeeper, I would like to ask, is the prophet in the temple?"

"We brothers want to ask him something, and we would like to ask the big shopkeeper to help us get in touch."

The mad Taoist thrust a saint's treasure into Yu Shan's hand and said with a smile.

Seeing the Saint's Treasure, Yu Shan also had a smile on his face.

"As far as I know, the Prophet has not left the temple these days."

"I can ask for help. As for whether the prophet will see you, I can't guarantee it."

He said seriously.

"Of course."

"Everything is just a matter of trouble to the big shopkeeper."

"This time, our brothers have come with great sincerity. Please be sure to let us meet the prophet."


The mad Taoist quietly stuffed a storage bag into Yushan's sleeve.

Five treasures of a saint?

His mind swept over the contents of the storage bag, and Yu Shan's heart was slightly shaken.

"It seems that this evil trio wants a lot."

"Could they be asking the prophet about the Taiyi Clan?"

"Tsk, tsk, you are really a thief..."

Yu Shan laughed secretly.

Take people's money and eliminate disasters with them!

After taking the crazy Taoist's treasure, of course he had to do something.


He exchanged a few pleasantries, then turned and exited the courtyard.

"Old madman, do you think Li Heishui will come?"

"Probably so."

"As long as you are not a fool, you will not refuse such a good opportunity to make money."

"He only needs a little calculation, and it's not that difficult."

The crazy Taoist curled his lips.

In this world, making money with your brain is the easiest way.


What they lack is this kind of brain, so they can only go around digging graves and doing some hard work.

Things didn't go beyond the crazy Taoist's expectations.


Under the leadership of Yu Shan, Li Heishui came to Tianyi Floor.


After Tushan Cangyue's baptism of God and the feedback from Lin Wudao's divine throne, the fate of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom and the Motian God Clan was blessed.

Li Heishui's cultivation level has also reached the eighth level of God King.

"You want to ask me if the Taiyi God Clan has any preparations, right?"

After sitting down.

He said straight to the point.


"Brother Li, please help me deduce what will happen to the Taiyi God Clan in six days."

"Easy to say."

"Since you have shown sincerity, I naturally can't let you go in vain."

"I have some idea of ​​what will happen to the Taiyi God Clan six days from now."

"It's just that the results are not obvious."

"Besides, I find that it's not a good thing for you three evil people."

"On the contrary, there is great terror!"

Li Heishui said lightly.


Great horror?

Upon hearing this, Mad Taoist, Qin Daofu, and Lin Wudao all frowned in unison.

This is not good news.

"Can you see what the horror is?"

There was silence for a while.

Lin Wudao frowned and asked.

"I haven't seen the specific final result either."

"Because, the figures of the three of you are all blurry, and I can't get a glimpse of them."

"I just saw that a war will break out among the Taiyi Divine Clan in six days."

"Then, a mysterious and powerful person will come and help the Taiyi God Clan."

"And one of the great horrors is a coffin."

"It seems that something extremely terrifying is sealed inside..."

While talking.

Li Heishui handed a jade slip to Lin Wudao.

"This is a scene I saw. It's up to you how to decide."


Li Heishui turned around and left Tianyi Floor.

After he left, Lin Wudao raised his hand and cast a divine light. In an instant, the scene recorded in the jade slip appeared immediately.


I saw a mysterious green copper coffin suddenly falling from the sky under an ancient mountain.

Immediately afterwards.

From inside the blue copper coffin, a dry arm stretched out.

Above, there is a terrifying black air...

Extremely cruel, extremely evil!


The moment he saw the withered arm, Lin Wudao suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked slightly shocked.


Through the Eye of the Avenue, he clearly recognized the aura on that arm.

It belongs to the emperor on earth!

However, it seems to be dead...

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