Kingdom of heaven and earth?

Listening to the voice transmitted by the God of Taiyin, and then watching the Kingdom of God evolving in the surrounding space.

Lin Wudao couldn't help but secretly nodded.

"It truly has the unparalleled power to turn a whole area of ​​heaven and earth into the Kingdom of God."

"It's just that if you want to truly evolve the kingdom of God and put your own divine power and divinity into it, it is simply not something you can do at the moment."

"Besides, even a divine kingdom cannot trap me..."

The plain voice resounded throughout the Kingdom of God.


The moment the words fell, Lin Wudao thought, and the sword of war flew back instantly, floating behind him.

The ten great divine powers reflect this divine kingdom!

at the same time.

Above his head, there was also a human emperor's seal with great will, surging like a mighty river, blessing him.

A moment!

Lin Wudao relied on divine power, with the will of all living beings above his head, and with overwhelming fighting spirit and momentum, it seemed that he was holding up the entire world.

"Eight Forms of Divine Martial Arts!"




When the heaven and earth kingdom of the lunar god came, he immediately took eight steps forward in succession.

The momentum and power of the whole body, blessed by the supreme body of the avenue, directly broke the boundaries of saints.

Arrive directly at the realm of the Saint King.


With one punch, the surging earth, fire and wind and water around him were instantly destroyed.

The illusory Kingdom of God was broken through.

His terrifying fists shocked even the God of Taiyin.


At the critical moment, His big hand swept through the void, and the divine kingdom of heaven and earth that had evolved collapsed in an instant.

The great power contained in it suppressed Lin Wudao's fist.

Take this opportunity.

The God of Taiyin suddenly pointed out again, and in an instant, an ancient magic sword fell from the sky.

With unparalleled speed and strength, it penetrated the ruined Kingdom of God and fell hard on Lin Wudao.

See this scene!

Lin Wudao was unafraid and allowed the Taiyin Magic Sword to bombard him, then punched out.


The mighty force tore the sky apart, and directly smashed the incarnation of the Taiyin God into pieces under the watchful eyes of everyone.

As for him, due to his powerful physical body, the Taiyin Sword did not cause any harm to him.


"It seems that I really underestimated you."

"Taiyin Divine Realm!"


The God of Taiyin follows his words.

The moment his voice fell, a mysterious divine realm immediately enveloped Lin Wudao.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the divine authority of the God of Taiyin, endless Taiyin energy suddenly rose within the divine domain.

Extremely cold, freezing the world!


Just in an instant, everything within the scope of the God's Domain, as well as the void where it was located, was frozen by the energy of Taiyin.

Lin Wudao, who was in the divine realm, was naturally eroded crazily by the energy of Taiyin.


His Supreme Dao Body has the divine power of the Dao flowing through his body and is immune to all negative effects.

Although the power of the Taiyin God is terrifying, it cannot freeze him.

"One strike of Qiankun!"

Armed with the Xuntian momentum and power of the Eight Forms of Shenwu, Lin Wudao struck a powerful blow from the universe.


The extremely powerful power directly penetrated the Taiyin God Realm, and even the God of Taiyin, the newly condensed incarnation of the god, was also shattered in one fell swoop.


This time, he did not give the God of Taiyin any chance to breathe.

After blasting the incarnation of his god into pieces, his big hand directly intercepted a ray of the true spirit of the god of Taiyin.


Taking advantage of the chaos in the void, his divine power turned into a giant hand covering the sky, with the phantom of a copper coffin manifesting in the palm of his hand.


The coffin was slightly opened with a gap, and the true spirit of the God of Taiyin was instantly taken in.

It is difficult to meet an ancient great god of the level of the God of Taiyin.

He was looking forward to seeing if some treasures could be found after collecting His true spirit.


[You collected a ray of true spirit from the God of Taiyin and obtained a piece of Dao Fruit fragment, in which a complete magical power was engraved: the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth. 】

[After the system has been strengthened a hundred times, you have obtained a Dao Fruit fragment, which contains complete magical powers. 】


The system beep sounded in my mind.

Kingdom of heaven and earth?

Such a coincidence?

Lin Wudao's eyes burst out with a bright light.


With a thought, a broken black crystal appeared in his hand.

It is intertwined with the unique divine patterns of gods and the rich divine power of incense...

Name: Tao Fruit of the God of Taiyin (Fragment)

Level: fifth level main god

Introduction: In the era of mythology, a fragment of the Tao Fruit of the Lord Taiyin was engraved with the magical power of the Lord Taiyin and the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth.

Remarks: There is a lack in heaven and earth, from truth to reality!

The main god of Taiyin?

Lin Wudao was greatly surprised when he looked at the information presented in front of him.

He really didn't expect that this unparalleled magical power called the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth actually originated from the main god of Taiyin in the mythical era.


Still a fifth-level main god!

"This is a powerful existence corresponding to the tenth level of the human emperor, and it has fallen?"

"Isn't the Age of Mythology the era when the Human Emperor ruled? At that time, there were also gods of incense and fire?"

"Could it be that the human race under the rule of the Human Emperor still believes in gods?"

Lin Wudao was surprised and doubtful.

According to the information he learned, the Mythical Era was an era ruled by the Human Emperor, so there should be no incense gods.

The Human Emperor will not allow this kind of existence!


This piece of Tao Fruit fragment of the Taiyin Lord God indeed existed in the era of mythology.

The fifth-level main god, even in that era, was considered to be the pinnacle of power.

The only one who can rival it is the human emperor who holds the emperor's magic weapon...


A human emperor would definitely not be able to resist an incense god of this level.

If you want to kill Him, you have to pay a huge price.


Lin Wudao was also very curious in his heart as to how the Taiyin Lord of the Mythical Era died.


Through this small fragment of Dao Fruit, he seemed to understand the origin of the God of Taiyin.

"It seems that the God of Taiyin is not pure either..."

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Lin Wudao's mouth.

The God of Taiyin may have inherited a ray of divinity from the Lord of Taiyin and was born with the help of Dao Fruit fragments.

Or perhaps, he also became a monk halfway and inherited the position of the original God of Taiyin.

These are just some of Lin Wudao's guesses.

As for the real situation, we have to see the true form of the Taiyin God to know clearly.

"Now, I have also mastered the powerful magical power of the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth. When the time comes, I will have a good show when I meet the God of Taiyin."

"He is a pirated copy, but I am the original!"

Lin Wudao looked forward to it with great anticipation when the God of Taiyin and his Kingdom of Heaven and Earth would collide in the future.

He wanted to see what the God of Taiyin would look like at that time.


After carefully examining the Dao Fruit fragments in his hands, Lin Wudao broke through the destroyed Kingdom of God and walked out step by step.

His appearance shocked the hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, as well as the God of Beidou and other great gods.

[Great Protector Qingshan, won? 】

【nonsense! If you don’t win, can you come out alive? 】

[The Great Protector Qingshan is still awesome~]

[The incarnation of the God of Taiyin was defeated? 】

[The strength of the Qingshan Great Protector seems to be even more powerful than that of the high priest. 】

[The Tushan clan deserves to be called an eternal clan...]

Hundreds of millions of viewers were talking about it.

at the same time!

Outside the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, the God of Beidou, who was peeping in secret, also had an extremely serious look on his face.

"The strength of this great protector of Qingshan is enough to kill the third-level god."

"Looks like I have to be more careful from now on."

"In addition, the strength of the God of Taiyin is even more powerful than before."

"His incarnations of gods all have the power of a fifth-level god. If I say this, I may have reached a sixth-level god."

"If you want to get rid of control, it seems you have to wait for the opportunity..."

He squinted his eyes and pondered secretly.

Say it!

The God of Beidou didn't hesitate at all, and immediately controlled the divine light and decisively returned to the Beidou God Clan.

Other great gods who were peeping secretly also withdrew their gazes.

Lin Wudao did not pay too much attention to the reaction from the outside world.


After he stepped into the temple, his consciousness reattached to the avatar of the Great Demon God Qingshan.

His majestic and stern eyes fell on the God of Sky.

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