Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 661 Supernatural Power: Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom!

"When did the Tushan clan have the Qingshan Great Protector?"

"I remember that when the Qingshan Temple was restructured, there didn't seem to be such a priestly position as the Great Protector of Qingshan, right?"

far away.

Qin Daofu said with surprise as he looked at the mysterious man walking out of the Qingshan Temple.

Hear the words!

The crazy Taoist on the side also looked confused and confused.

"Before the restructuring of the Qingshan Temple, it was true that the position of the Great Protector of Qingshan was not announced."

"I think that even the Tushan clan and the people in the Shanling Realm don't know that such a person exists as the Great Protector of Qingshan."

"Qin Daofu, look at the high priest, it seems that even she doesn't know who the Great Protector Qingshan is."

"I guess there are only two possibilities."

"Either it is that the God of Qingshan did not inform the high priest of the existence of the Great Protector of Qingshan."

"Either the Great Protector of Qingshan is just the God of Qingshan, a temporary god."

The mad Taoist pondered and analyzed.

Hearing this, Qin Daofu also nodded thoughtfully.

"Old madman, which one do you think it is?"

"How would I know? I'm not the God of Green Mountains..."

The crazy Taoist curled his lips.

Say it.

The two of them continued to look at the mysterious man above the temple in the distance with surprise and curiosity.

They are all guessing about this person's origin.


Not only Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu, but also the hundreds of millions of viewers watching in the live broadcast room also showed a strong interest in the sudden appearance of the Great Protector of Qingshan.

[Can anyone who is familiar with Qingshan Divine Kingdom tell me, what is the origin of Qingshan Great Protector? How is the strength? 】

[I don’t know, but the person downstairs must know. 】

[The people downstairs don’t know either, but the people from Qingshan Kingdom must know. 】

[I'm very sorry, as a member of the Tushan clan's orthodox Shanling Realm, I don't know who the Great Protector of Qingshan is. 】

[You have to ask the God of Qingshan about this! 】

[I think that since the God of Qingshan dares to let this great protector come out to fight against the God of Taiyin, he must be very confident. 】

【Is not this nonsensical? If you can't beat him, are you going to die? 】

There were overwhelming discussions among the hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

Even the people of the Tushan clan were unaware of the sudden appearance of the Great Protector of Qingshan.

What's more, they...

Lin Wudao did not explain anything to the surprise and doubts from the outside world.


This so-called Qingshan Great Protector is actually his human self in disguise.

His current level as the Great Demon God of Qingshan is only a first-level god. Even if he relies on the power of domination and Ragnarok, there is still a huge gap between him and the God of Lunar.

Can't fight it!

Therefore, he had to go down personally.

Although the human body of this deity only has the cultivation level of a seventh-level god king, with the Origin Stone, one can temporarily upgrade his cultivation level to a seventh-level saint.


Lin Wudao's true form, as well as the Dao Supreme Body, increased the power of the techniques performed by 10,000 times.

More importantly, he now holds the quasi-emperor's magic weapon, the Human Emperor's Seal, in his hand.

It can bless the powerful will of all living beings in one's own body.


With the Human Emperor Seal in his hand, even his human body has the power to kill gods.

the other side!

Suppressed by the ruling divine power, the god of Taiyin was knocked down to the third level of great god.

His strength is equivalent to that of a fifth-level saint king in the human world.

With the blessing of the Stone of Origin, the Supreme Body of the Avenue, the Seal of the Human Emperor and other trump cards, Lin Wudao's power is not weaker than the God of Taiyin.

It was precisely with such strong confidence that he dared to blatantly provoke.


Just in case, Lin Wudao had to double check with the system.

[The system, blessing the will of heaven and earth and the will of all living beings, can kill the gods of incense and fire. 】

[So, if you hold a magic weapon in your hand and bless the will of all living beings or the will of heaven and earth on yourself, you can also perform human magic? 】

[And, can it cause harm to the incense god? 】

[After all, after being blessed with the will of heaven and earth, or the will of all living beings, it also possesses a trace of the characteristics of a god. 】

[The biggest difference is that the human body does not have incense, divine status, divine authority, etc. 】

[If I bless the will of living beings with the Human Emperor's Seal on myself and use the human method in this way, can it cause harm to the gods of incense and fire? 】

He asked secretly in his heart.


The system responded.

[Blessing a strong will on one's body can cause some human magic to cause harm to the incense gods. 】

Part of human law?

Lin Wudao was a little confused.

【Is there any difference? 】

【Yes! 】

[Whether it is blessing the will of heaven and earth or the will of all living beings, it can only grant attack methods and powerful damage. 】

[Similar to the Pure Land of the Heavens, human laws such as the Supreme Law of Chaos are ineffective. 】

[Because, methods such as the Pure Land of the Heavens have negative effects. 】

Is that so~

Listening to the system's response, Lin Wudao was thoughtful.

[In other words, the real physical attack method is only effective against the gods of incense and fire after blessing the will of all living beings or the will of heaven and earth? 】

【Yes! 】

[Blessing the will of all living beings and the will of heaven and earth on the human body is equivalent to becoming a powerful magic weapon in itself. 】

[At that time, the will of the magic weapon will be extended through the attack method. 】

[In addition, if you want to bless the will of heaven and earth or the will of all living beings, you must have a strong physical body as support in the human body. 】

[Once the physical body cannot bear the strong will, it will be crushed to death...]

"If this is the case, then my human body will have a lot of room to operate when facing the gods of incense and fire."

Lin Wudao was greatly refreshed.

His true self possesses many powerful techniques.

Although invincible methods such as the Pure Land of the Heavens and the Supreme Chaos Method cannot be used, he still has the Eight Forms of Divine Martial Arts and the Qiankun Strike.

These are all invincible attack methods!

The power of the Eight Forms of Divine Martial Arts is definitely no worse than that of the Qiankun Strike when the Great Dao Supreme Body is multiplied ten thousand times.

Think of this!

Lin Wudao's eyes suddenly bloomed with a bright light, and a boundless fighting spirit swept across all directions in an instant.

His gaze fell firmly on the God of Taiyin in the distance.

"Great Protector, go and meet the God of Taiyin!"

Lin Wudao controlled the clone of the Great Demon God of Qingshan and commanded majestically.



As the words fell, Qingshan Great Protector played by Lin Wudao suddenly shook his big hand.

All of a sudden.

The Human Emperor's Seal burst out with an extremely powerful will of all living beings, and violently suppressed the God of Taiyin.


"You think you can challenge this god's power just because you have a magic weapon?"

Seeing the human emperor's seal coming fiercely and suppressing him, the eyes of the God of Taiyin suddenly turned cold.


I saw his big hand standing on the sky, pressing down violently, and the vast and unparalleled divine power directly blew away the human emperor's seal.

Immediately afterwards.

The divine wheel behind the God of Taiyin bloomed with dazzling divine light, and in an instant, an ancient and magnificent divine kingdom evolved in the ten directions of space.

Directly enveloped Lin Wudao...

The kingdom evolved from the God of Taiyin is much more powerful than the previous kingdom of the God of Sky.


It’s also more real!


When Lin Wudao was enveloped by the Kingdom of God, fire, wind, and water emerged in the surrounding space, and the void continued to collapse and annihilate.

That scene was like the heaven and earth opening and chaos shattering.

Although it is still an illusion, it already has extremely powerful deception and a hint of real power.

"Humans will never understand the mysteries of gods!"

"Great Protector Qingshan, today I will show you the latest magical power that I have learned."

"The kingdom of heaven and earth!"

The majestic and majestic voice came down from the depths of the sky...

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