Jiutian Tower!

"Shopkeeper Ji, please go and buy me five hundred more corpses of the first-order Saint King. I will be of great use."

After Lin Wudao pondered for a moment, he ordered to Ji Yuan.


He took out 150 billion top-quality divine crystals and handed them to Ji Yuan.

"Master, wait a moment!"

Ji Yuan naturally did not dare to disobey Lin Wudao's request.


His work efficiency is as fast as ever.

About two hours later, he came to Lin Wudao with a ring containing five hundred corpses of first-order saint kings.

same as before!

These corpses are all freshly dead.

"Shopkeeper Ji, could it be that you went to other lower worlds to kill these saint kings?"

Glancing at the corpse of the Saint King in the storage ring, Lin Wudao couldn't help but asked curiously.

Hear the words!

Ji Yuan looked a little embarrassed.

"No, sir."

"The City of All Heavens encompasses all the heavens and the universe, and has many big worlds. War will break out almost every moment."

"We collected these corpses of the Saint King from the battlefield."

"If we really want to kill him right away, we can't do it that quickly..."

I see!

Lin Wudao nodded understandingly.

There are indeed many corpses on the battlefield!


After Ji Yuan left, he rubbed his hands excitedly and took out the bronze coffin.

"I promised Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu that I would come here specifically to purchase the body of the Saint King."

"Five hundred corpses, leave three hundred for them."

"The rest will be used for burial. I hope my luck won't be too bad this time."

The words fell.

Lin Wudao specially washed his hands to get rid of the bad luck on his body, and then threw the ten corpses of the Saint King into the copper coffin.

[You buried the body of a saint king and gained two hundred billion luck points. 】

[You buried the body of a saint king and gained one million luck points. 】

[Unfortunately, you got nothing. 】

[Unfortunately, you got nothing. 】

[You buried the body of a saint king and gained two hundred billion luck points. 】


A series of cold notification sounds kept ringing in my mind.

With the ten corpses of the first-level Saint King, Lin Wudao finally received a total of 750 trillion luck points.

Only failed three times!

This result made Lin Wudao very excited.

"Are you so lucky today?"

"Is it because I have been with Yan Ruoshui for a long time and I have also got her good luck?"

A smile appeared on his lips.


He immediately threw the remaining one hundred and ninety saint king corpses into the sky-burial copper coffin.

This time!

Perhaps it was really because of Yan Ruoshui's good luck that half of the more than a hundred corpses of the Saint King had good luck values.


After collecting all the two hundred corpses of first-level saint kings, Lin Wudao obtained a total of 18,252 flowers of luck.

He was very satisfied with the result!

Name: Lin Wudao

Cultivation: Seventh-level God King

Flowers of Luck: 50638 flowers

"This trip to the City of All Heavens is indeed very fruitful."

Looking at the flowers of luck on the book, Lin Wudao showed a bright smile.

[System, raise the power of the Great Demon God Qingshan to the third level for me! 】

He thought silently in his heart.


[Congratulations, you have spent 40,000 flowers of luck and successfully upgraded your divine authority to the third level. 】




As the system beeped, a mysterious and mysterious feeling instantly surged into Lin Wudao's heart.

this moment.

He felt as if he had transformed into a supreme god. With just a thought, he could control everything in the world and all living beings.

[Divinity: Dominance]

Introduction: This divine authority is the fourth divine authority exclusive to the Great Demon God Qingshan, which governs the sky, the earth, and all living beings!

1. Tongtian: Divide the forbidden area of ​​​​the divine domain. However, the strength of any incense god who enters the divine domain will be reduced by 1.5 divine levels.

2. Human beings under the Great Sage step into the divine realm and their cultivation level drops to a great level.

3. Unify the land: With the divine domain as the boundary, control the mountains, rivers and the earth, and in a single thought, change the world and reshape the rivers and mountains.

4. Rule all living beings: Control the life, death, and destiny of the people under your command. One thought is life, one thought is death, one thought is heaven, and one thought is hell.

Note: Within the realm of God, everything from the people can be taken away or given to them. Including: strength, lifespan, bones, blood, soul...

5. Dominate the divine power and control all living beings in the world. Within the divine domain, you are the real god, controlling all existence.

A demigod?

Under the great sage, a great realm?

Lin Wudao showed surprise when he saw the latest introduction about the divine authority.

The divine power currently displayed by the ruling divine power is somewhat similar to his human law: the pure land of the heavens.


It is even more powerful than the Pure Lands of the Heavens.

The Pure Land of the Heavens only targets human beings and is ineffective against the gods of incense and fire; the control of divine power puts greater pressure on the gods of incense and fire.

Creatures in the human world will also be greatly affected in the divine realm.

It can be seen from this.

Although the cultivation of incense gods is extremely difficult, once they master the powerful divine power, the power they display is by no means comparable to that of human beings.

"Is this the great power after the divine power is enhanced? It is indeed very powerful."

Lin Wudao sighed softly.


He finally realized the divine charm of the incense god.


With his current level as a first-level incense god, if he relied on the power of command, he would still be unable to compare with a third-level god.

"It seems that we need to continue to strengthen the combat power of the Great Demon God Qingshan."

Think of this.

Lin Wudao took out the Sky Divine Fruit.

As long as you devour it and refine it, and obtain the natal magical power: Twilight of the Gods, it will be easy to deal with the third-level god.

[System, according to my current level as the Great Demon God of Qingshan, how long will it take to refine this Sky Divine Fruit? 】

[At least a hundred years! 】

[The Divine Fruit of the Sky is originally the Tao Fruit of the Supreme God of the Universe in the Beginning of the Universe, and later evolved into an incense divine object through the mighty power of the City of the Heavens. 】

[According to the host Qingshan Great Demon God, it will take at least a hundred years to reach the first level of the Incense God. 】

[However, if a certain amount of luck is consumed, the refining time can be greatly shortened. 】

[Uh, how much do you need? 】

[Not many, just ten thousand flowers of luck! 】

Ten thousand flowers?

Looking at the luck value on the book, Lin Wudao was speechless.

Is this to drain all the remaining luck out of him?

Although he was a little helpless, he had no better choice for the time being. One hundred years was too long.

[Help me refine it! 】


Following his order, 10,000 flowers of luck were instantly crossed out from the luck value on the book.

at the same time!

The Qiongtian Divine Fruit also disappeared immediately, turning into infinite and pure incense divine power, which was integrated into Lin Wudao's divine throne.

Three days later.

With the help of the system, he finally succeeded in refining the Qiongtian Divine Fruit and derived his own natal magical power.

【Twilight of the Gods】

1. Ragnarok, the natal magical power of Qingshan Great Demon God, can evolve a divine domain after being used.

2. Within the scope of the divine domain, the divine power exerted by the incense god itself increases by one level.

3. Within the scope of the divine domain, the divine spells, divine spells, and magical powers performed by the incense gods themselves are ten thousand times more powerful.

4. Ragnarok is only effective for incense gods at the level of superior gods, main gods, and great gods. It is invalid for gods who surpass the superior gods.

Looking at the information displayed on the panel, Lin Wudao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After some hard work, he finally realized his desire to enter the City of All Heavens.

The power of the Great Demon God Qingshan has been greatly improved in all aspects.

"According to my current divine level, combined with the Twilight of the Gods and the third-level commanding power, I can suppress the third-level incense god and suppress the two god levels."

"At that time, it can be easily killed!"

"However, just in case, in addition to divine power and magical power, I have to re-sacrifice the sword of war."

"In addition, the Human Emperor's Seal must also be used for one's own use..."

Thinking of this.

Lin Wudao packed up and left the City of All Heavens through the Supreme Taoist Talisman.

After a while!

He returned to Qingshan Divine Kingdom.

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