"According to the information transmitted by the true form of the god at the last moment, he was ambushed by three hundred immortal emperors in the ruins of space."

"Especially, there is a mysterious person!"

"That man was able to recruit three hundred strong men from the tenth level of the City of All Heavens from the third level of the City of All Heavens. His identity is obviously extraordinary."

"At least, he is also a son of the ancient emperor!"

Inside an ancient palace.

Gaitiandu sat cross-legged on the cloud bed, frowning in deep thought.

"The true form of my god has been wiped out. This hatred is irreconcilable. No matter who it is, I will make him pay the price."

"However, before that, we must find out the identity and origin of that person."

"It seems that it is necessary for me to go to the City of All Heavens to investigate in person."

Thinking about this!

Gaitian didn't hesitate. After disguising himself, he immediately entered the City of All Heavens through the Taoist Talisman.

Lin Wudao was not clear about his actions.




At this time, under the powerful power of Xiong Batian and other three hundred quasi-immortal emperors, all the one hundred quasi-immortal emperors brought by Gaitiandu were suppressed.

Their quasi-immortal emperor incarnations were all wiped out...

Looking at the result, Lin Wudao nodded with satisfaction.

all of these.

It's all under his control!

After all the quasi-immortal emperors were suppressed, he turned his attention to Xiong Batian and others.

"Xiong Batian, I have met Mr. Ren!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Immortal Tyrant."

"This time, I would also like to thank all the Immortal Lords for your full help. Otherwise, we really wouldn't be able to suppress Gaitiandu."

"Haha, young master, you are serious!"

"It's our greatest honor to work for you, young master. How dare you say anything about hard work?"

"It's just a trivial matter. Don't take it to heart, Master."

Everyone waved their hands.

As long as they can have a relationship with Renwoxing, it will be their greatest luck and blessing.

As long as the supreme line continues, they will have an extremely bright future in the future.

The quasi-immortal emperors present are all smart people.

They naturally know what they want and how to choose.

"Although this is a trivial matter to you Immortal Lords, to me, it is a big deal."

"You immortal kings, you have indeed helped me a lot."

"Right now, I don't have anything to repay Immortal Lord. I can only wait until later."

"King Immortal Ji, please register all the immortal kings in the lower realm this time."

"Later, I will go to the Supreme Being to ask for credit. I can't let everyone's work go in vain."

Lin Wudao said with a smile.


On the side, Ji Wuya nodded respectfully.

Hear this.

All the quasi-immortal emperors, including Xiong Batian, showed expressions of surprise.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Thank you, sir!"

"If you don't dislike the young master, Xiong Ba Tian is willing to follow the young master and do whatever he wants."

"I am also willing to follow the young master."

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

Looking at this scene, Lin Wudao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

These people really know how to climb up the pole.

The point is, it's hard for him to refuse.

"You can discuss this matter with Immortal Qinglan yourself later."

Say it!

Lin Wudao's clone was shattered, and his consciousness instantly returned to his original form.

After paying 80 trillion of the best immortal stones, he took the Seal of All Living Beings, the Divine Fruit of the Sky and other things out of the space ruins.


He greeted Ji Yuan and Yan Ruoshui again, and the three of them drove the Shenzhou and left the Tenth Avenue.

the other side!

After Lin Wudao left, Xiong Batian and others also set their sights on Xiao Qinglan.

Naturally, they have heard of Pan Shenyu's reputation as the number one quasi-immortal emperor.


Just now, Xiao Qinglan had a tough fight against a hundred quasi-immortal emperors of the tenth level, and they all saw it.

Although, those who can come to the City of All Heavens are the most outstanding people in the world.

However, there are also differences between people.

They claim to be no weaker than others, but there are indeed some gaps in front of Xiao Qinglan.

Xiao Qinglan is worthy of being invincible as the Quasi-Immortal Emperor!

Xiong Batian also admires his strength very much...

"I have long heard that Xiao Qinglan of Panshen Universe is the first quasi-immortal emperor in the universe."

"When I saw him today, he certainly lived up to his reputation."

Xiong Batian praised greatly.

Hear the words!

Xiao Qinglan's deep eyes stayed on him for a moment, and a strange light flashed across his eyes.

"Fellow Taoist is also very powerful!"

"Looking at the entire third level of the City of All Heavens, at the quasi-immortal emperor level, there are only a few people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow Taoists."

"As for the one who can surpass fellow Taoist in strength, I'm afraid the only one is Xiao."

"If my guess is correct, fellow Taoist should be from the clan of destiny, right?"

"The Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Clan where my fellow Taoist belongs is in charge of the destiny of the universe today?"

Xiao Qinglan squinted her eyes and said.

To this.

Xiong Batian nodded.

"Nothing can be hidden from the discernment of fellow Taoists."

"The fairy clan I belong to is indeed in charge of the destiny of the current universe."

"However, more than half of the time has passed. In less than ten epochs, a new era should be about to begin."

Ten eras?

Xiao Qinglan was slightly shocked.

"The universe where fellow Taoist is located is not an ordinary lower universe, right?"


"The universe I am in is also a low-level universe, but it is better than the ordinary low-level universe."

"Actually, if your Panshen Universe can combine the outer universe and the inner universe into one."

"When the time comes, it will definitely become the most powerful lower universe."

"It's a pity that your universe... is too chaotic. Think of the original Panshen Universe..."

Xiong Batian seemed to remember something and sighed slightly.

To this.

Xiao Qinglan did not talk too much about this topic.

at the moment!

He is still just a quasi-immortal emperor, and it is not his turn to worry about major events in the entire universe.

"Are you really planning to follow Mr. Ren?"


"Well, in that case, let's form an alliance as a support team for the young master."

"Our team only recruits the best of the best, and we want all kinds of talents."

"In this way, we can serve you better."

"What do you think?"

Xiao Qinglan expressed her thoughts.



"Form a team? I think it's feasible..."

The quasi-immortal emperors present nodded.

Their team will exclusively serve Lin Wudao from now on. This is an unprecedented opportunity that no one can ask for.

As long as you hug the young master's thigh tightly, it is equivalent to hugging the supreme thigh tightly.

By the time.

There must be an extremely bright future!

Just thinking about it made everyone feel excited.

Xiao Qinglan saw their reactions clearly.

"Since everyone thinks there is no problem, then the matter is settled."

"As for the name of the team, I have already thought of one. How about calling it Shinhwa League?"

Shinhwa Alliance?

Everyone chanted softly.

"The purpose of our team is to serve the young master, while breaking all kinds of impossibilities and creating myths."

Xiao Qinglan continued to explain.

Hear the words!

Xiong Batian and others' eyes were bright, and they all expressed their appreciation.

"Mythical Alliance, this is a great name!"

"I think it's okay."

"Then it's settled, from now on it will be called the Shinhwa Alliance..."

that's all.

Amid everyone's chatter and laughter, a team dedicated to serving Lin Wudao was formed.

Xiao Qinglan is appointed as the alliance leader, and Xiong Batian is the deputy alliance leader!

"There is a mythical alliance in the fourth heaven of the City of All Heavens, and there is also a mythical alliance in the third heaven."

"If that day comes..."

at this time!

Xiao Qinglan felt a sense of ambition in her heart.

His eyes looked towards the fourth heaven...

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