Qingshan Temple!

When Lin Wudao returned, many people in the huge Kingdom of God were busy or concentrating on cultivation.


Under Lin Wudao's transformation, Shanling Realm is uniquely blessed, and the flow of time is ten times faster than outside.

For hundreds of millions of people, this is great luck and good fortune.

There is no such treatment in the outside world.


Naturally, they cherished this opportunity that was unique to their mountain world, and each of them devoted themselves to practice to improve their cultivation and strength.

Looking at this scene, Lin Wudao was still very pleased.

at the same time.

His spiritual thoughts swept across the Qingshan Temple and found that the strength of the clergy had also undergone considerable changes.

As the high priest of the temple, Tushan Cangyue possesses the Seal of the Great World and has unparalleled advantages innately.

After Lin Wudao adopted Ao Zhen, the God of the Azure Dragon, as his own god and took control of the entire Ancient Azure Dragon Kingdom, Tu Shan Cang Yue's cultivation also improved tremendously.


She has become a first-level saint!


Under the infusion of the vast luck of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom and the help of the "Book of Fate", Yin Si Ming's strength has also improved very quickly.

He has reached semi-sainthood.

Moreover, he is now in retreat, trying his best to attack the realm of saints.

According to his qualifications and potential, and with the "Book of Fate" in hand, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a saint.

Lin Wudao estimated that within three months at most, Yin Si Ming would be able to break through the shackles and become a saint.

As for other people, the changes are also very big.

Tushan Ruoruo, Yu Ling'er, Xiao Ziyi and other three goddesses from Qingshan Temple have all become god kings.

Yu Zhentian and others are not far away from the God King...


It was all due to Tushan Cangyue's divine baptism on them and the result of his own efforts.

after all!

The current Shanling Realm and Qingshan Temple are different from the past.

The huge Kingdom of God already has a quite solid foundation.

Seeing the hundreds of millions of people in the Divine Realm prospering day by day, Lin Wudao couldn't help but feel a huge sense of pride in his heart.

As the God of Green Mountain, he is still qualified.

at the same time.

I have also fulfilled all the promises I made to the Tushan clan...

"Cang Yue~"

"Greetings to the great god, and welcoming the great god to come!"

Hearing Lin Wudao's call, Tushan Cangyue, who was cultivating under the altar, immediately opened her eyes.


With an extremely respectful and pious attitude, he prostrated himself on the ground.

"Get up."

"Cang Yue, I have a major task for you."

"Before, I went to the vast wilderness of the Divine Continent and wandered around for a while."

"I accidentally stumbled upon the shocking changes in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom."

"Nowadays, most of the saints in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom have been suppressed and killed by the evil trio."

"The god of the country, the ancient Green Dragon God, was also taken as a god by me."

"Therefore, the Ancient Qinglong Kingdom has now become a part of the Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"According to my premonition, the ancient Qinglong Kingdom has suffered such a shocking change, and the surrounding gods will definitely not miss this opportunity."

"They will definitely find a way to take the opportunity to annex the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom."

"In these few days, the Lishan God Clan, Motian God Clan, and Beidou God Clan around the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom will definitely take action."

“This is also an opportunity for us to grow and develop!”

"You and Li Yantian should go to the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom immediately to help them stabilize the situation and maintain the majesty of our Da Qingshan."

"As long as those gods dare to take action, they will be suppressed."

Lin Wudao's majestic and majestic voice came from the statue.

"Obey the oracle!"

Tushan Cangyue nodded respectfully.

Even if Lin Wudao didn't tell her, she was still going to the Ancient Qinglong Country.

"Great God, regarding the situation in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, my subordinates have learned some things through Wu Huan's inquiries in the past few days."

"It is said that the Lishan God Clan, the Motian God Clan, and the Beidou God Clan all originate from the Nine Meridians of Taiyin."

"In addition to the Lishan God Clan, the Motian God Clan and the Beidou God Clan all worship a powerful incense god."

"The divine rank and strength are definitely not weaker than the Dragon God of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom."

"This time, if they attack the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, the incense gods behind them will definitely not sit idly by."

"By the time……"

There was a hint of seriousness on Tu Shan Cang Yue's jade face.

She learned more about the incense gods.

Know the laws of the world and have no effect on them!


To deal with the incense god, she has not yet thought of any effective means or methods.

"As for the Motian God Clan and the Beidou God Clan, the incense gods behind them have their own gods to deal with, so you don't have to worry."

"As long as I am here, they will not be able to cause any trouble."

"Furthermore, human beings can actually kill incense gods. The main weapons are to bless the will of living beings and cast magic weapons."

Speaking of which.

Lin Wudao introduced to Tushan Cangyue the will of all living beings, the concept of magical weapons, and the casting method.

"Later, I will re-sacrifice the artifact War Sword and bless it with new divine power."

"Make it stronger and stronger."

"Besides, Cang Yue, you possess the best weapon to kill the incense god."


Upon hearing this, Tushan Cangyue suddenly showed a look of surprise.


She then understood the meaning of Lin Wudao's words.

"Great God, are you talking about...the seal of the great world?"


"Actually, the gods of incense and fire seem mysterious and complicated, but they are also very simple."

"The power of incense gods comes from their believers and people, and divine authority is the means to exercise power."

"The reason why the will of all living beings can destroy the gods of incense and fire is because it has blessed the faith of all living beings."

"This belief forms a powerful weapon that can kill the gods of incense and fire."

"The real foundation is will!"

"The will of all living beings is the aggregation of all living beings; the will of heaven and earth represents the rules and order of heaven and earth."

"Since the will of living beings can destroy the gods of incense and fire, the will of heaven and earth can naturally do the same."

"You hold the Seal of the Great World, which embodies the will of heaven and earth in the entire divine world."

"Therefore, the Seal of the Great World is the most powerful magical weapon in the divine world."

"Relying on the Seal of the Great World, you can also kill gods."

"With your current cultivation level as a saint, if you hold the Seal of the Great World, you can kill the second-level incense god."

"But if you hold the Sword of War and the Seal of the Great World at the same time, you can also kill the third-level incense master."

Can I kill the third-level incense master?

Hear this.

A look of surprise flashed across Tushan Cangyue's eyes.

She never thought that she actually had such a powerful power in her hands.

Lin Wudao ignored her expression.


He stretched out his big hand and held the sword of war enshrined on the altar in his hand.

The artifacts of the gods of incense and fire are also constantly changing according to the divine order of the gods.


Lin Wudao cultivated into a first-level incense master. This sword of war, driven by the huge incense, also transformed into a first-level great artifact.

Now, all that is missing is divine authority!

Thinking of this.

Lin Wudao immediately blessed the ten divine powers he currently possessed on the Sword of War.

In particular, the commanding power has reached the third level.


When the Divine Power blessing was successful, the entire War Sword instantly burst out with great divine power.

When it comes to quality and power, it is comparable to the second-level ultimate artifact.


"Now, take the Sword of War and Li Zangtian and head to the Ancient Qinglong Kingdom."


After respectfully receiving the Sword of War, Tushan Cangyue immediately called Li Zangtian, and the two of them drove the boat on the other side and left the Shanling Realm.

After they left, Lin Wudao also sank into the statue space.


Taking out the Human Emperor Seal...

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