Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 643: Hold the world in your palm and destroy everything!

call out!

After a long time.

A ray of fairy light penetrated the vast void, and then, Lin Wudao, Gai Tiandu and others, riding the fairy boat, appeared in the ruins of space.

"Are you ready?"

The Eye of the Avenue swept across the exit, and saw three hundred quasi-immortal emperors headed by Xiong Batian, already in preparation.

Lin Wudao suddenly became determined!

Now, even if Gaitian has all the means to reach the sky, he still cannot escape death.

Gaitian didn't know the plan in his mind.

"Fellow Taoist, now that the exit of the space ruins has arrived, it's time to hand over the Heavenly Sky Divine Fruit, right?"


Lin Wudao shook his head.


As soon as he said these words, Gaitian could no longer suppress the overwhelming anger in his heart, and the strong murderous intention suddenly surged out like a flood.

"You want to regret it?"

His eyes were extremely cold.

To this.

Lin Wudao didn't panic at all, but instead showed a mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth.

"I don't like hearing what fellow Taoist said."

"The Sky Divine Fruit is originally a treasure that I found from the ruins of space based on my strength."

"Since it's mine, why should I give it to you?"

He said with a smile.

Hear the words!

Everyone in the sky was so angry that his eyes were about to burst.

"But, you accepted my fairy stone..."

"That's what I got through my strength."

"In a word, I want the Immortal Stone, but I don't want to give it the Heavenly Fruit. What do you think I should do?"

"Oh, you won't give it?"

"If you don't give it, then go to hell!"

Lin Wudao's words completely aroused the infinite murderous intention in Gaitiandu's heart.


With a wave of his hand, the one hundred quasi-immortal emperors standing behind him immediately burst out with a powerful aura.


They all raised their hands to kill them.

The mighty power erupted by one hundred quasi-immortal emperors from the tenth level directly shook the void.

The surrounding space is constantly collapsing and being annihilated...

at the same time!

Seeing the quasi-immortal emperors brought by Gaitiandu taking action, Xiao Qinglan also instantly manifested the third-generation immortal body.

The mighty immortal power overwhelms the heavens and the earth!

His momentum and power alone rival that of Xuan Jizi and a hundred other quasi-immortal emperors.




All of a sudden.

Xiao Qinglan and other quasi-immortals fought together crazily. The power of the battle wiped out the surrounding void over and over again.

call out.

While one hundred quasi-immortal emperors were restraining Xiao Qinglan, Gai Tiandu also cast his cold eyes on Lin Wudao.

"Those who don't know how to live or die. If you dare to rob me of my God's things, go to hell."

While talking.

A terrifying divine realm suddenly evolved between heaven and earth, shrouding Lin Wudao in it.

Being in the divine realm, Lin Wudao felt as if the whole world was collapsing.

The mighty force that would destroy the heaven and the earth wanted to completely wipe out his body and soul.

"Is this the divine power of the thirteenth-level Lord God?"

"It's really scary!"

He marveled in his heart.

The divine level of Gaitiandu is already comparable to that of the unparalleled emperor who has cultivated the ultimate realm of heaven in the human world.

This kind of power is indeed not something he can contend with at the moment.


Just because he couldn't fight it didn't mean that Gaitiandu could wipe him out.

"Come here, kill Gai Tiandu."


A cold growl came from Lin Wudao's mouth.


Does he have an ambush here?

Hearing Lin Wudao's words suddenly, Gai Tiandu couldn't help but tremble in his heart.


Just when he was wondering, he saw bright fairy lights blooming at the gate of the ruins of space.

at the same time.

There is also the boundless immortal power...

Immediately afterwards.

Under Gaitiandu's horrified gaze, one hundred quasi-immortal emperors appeared at the gate of the ruins of space.


There were also two hundred quasi-immortal emperors, tightly surrounding them.

These quasi-immortal emperors are all powerful beings from the tenth heaven.

"This...damn it!"

"Boy, how dare you plot against me."

Looking at the huge formation in front of him, Gai Tiandu suddenly changed color, and his pupils instantly contracted to the extreme.

He originally thought that the one hundred quasi-immortal emperors he brought were enough to sweep through the ruins of space.

Who knows!

Lin Wudao was even more ruthless than him.

He actually directly invited three hundred quasi-immortal emperors.


Judging from this posture, he had already laid an ambush here, waiting for him to come over and catch the turtle in the urn.

When he thought of this, Gaitian almost bit his teeth with hatred.


"Boy, just wait for me, you are hating me today..."


Gai Tiandu was prepared to distract everyone through threats, and then waited for an opportunity to escape.


Xiong Batian and others did not give him that chance.


The moment Gai Tiandu's voice sounded, an ancient black tripod suddenly penetrated the void and landed on him.

The immense and boundless immortal power directly wiped out the true form of the gods in Gaitiandu.

"Hmph, I am the god of incense and fire, you can't kill me..."

In the void.

Gaitiandu's ferocious and angry voice sounded.

Hear this!

Xiong Batian immediately sneered coldly.

"Oh, can't you kill me?"

"You are really whimsical. There is nothing in this world that cannot be killed."

"Do you think that since you have cultivated the true form of a god, I can't do anything to you?"

"That's ridiculous!"

"You know nothing about my methods..."


The words fell.

I saw Xiong Batian's big hand suddenly stretched out and penetrated into the depths of the space.

Through the Eye of the Avenue, Lin Wudao clearly saw that the tyrant's big hand seemed to contain some kind of unparalleled power.

As his palm reached into the void, billions of spaces in a radius were instantly controlled by him.


His big hand seemed to turn into a vast and boundless universe, extremely grand.

Moreover, within the world where the palm evolved, there are also laws of the universe that have turned into shackles, sealing the sky and the earth.

An extremely terrifying will of heaven and earth filled the entire space.

Under that powerful will, no matter how much the true spirit of the gods in Gaitiandu impacted, they could not break free.

"The world in the palm of your hand?"

"You actually evolved a large world with just one hand, and also blessed it with the laws of the universe?"

"Who are you? How can a quasi-immortal emperor master the laws of the universe?"

Gai Tiandu exclaimed in surprise.

this moment!

He finally felt panic and fear.

Under the boundless will of heaven and earth and the laws of the universe, his true spirit of gods was powerless to resist.


Facing Gai Tiandu's panic and questioning, Xiong Batian didn't respond at all, only showing a cold smile.



As he finished speaking, his five fingers suddenly came together, and the world in his palm suddenly collapsed.

The void inside, as well as all matter, were all ruthlessly obliterated.


"Who destroyed my true form as a god?"

The universe in the beginning.

In a great origin world, the quasi-immortal emperor who was practicing in Gaitiandu suddenly opened his eyes and roared loudly.

His eyes were filled with endless resentment.

That god's true body, but he was ruthless, cut off half of his own soul, and spent a lot of hard work to cultivate it.

The purpose is to challenge the title of the Lord God of the Era and the Lord God of the Era, and then break his own shackles.

With the help of the resources of the incense gods, we can pave the way and lay the foundation for becoming the Ancient Immortal Emperor in the future.


Everything is under his control.


What he didn't expect was that the ruins of the space where the god's true form went to the City of All Heavens would be wiped out.

At this moment!

He could no longer sense the true form of the god.


Gaitiandu Immortal Spirit swept across the world where the god's true form was, and found that all the statues in his kingdom were destroyed in an instant.

All the incense and faith were cut off at this moment and then ruthlessly wiped out.

The incense god that he spent endless efforts and energy to cultivate was instantly reduced to nothing.

All previous efforts were in vain.

Think of this!

Gai Tiandu was so angry that he almost crushed his bones to pieces, and his eyes burst out with an unprecedented fierce light.

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