The ruins of space are vast and boundless!

"Xuanjizi, how long will it take you to determine the location of the Qiongtian Divine Kingdom?"

"The ruins of this space are infinitely large. Let alone who is the Immortal Emperor? Even if the Immortal Emperor comes, it is impossible to finish it within three days."

"I must get such things in Qiongtian Divine Kingdom."

"If you dare to lie to me, your world, race, and sect will all be wiped out."

"Moreover, you must find the things for me within three days..."

Space ruins.

On an ancient sacred mountain, Gaitiandu put his hands behind his back and said indifferently to an old man in black robe beside him.

His eyes were full of dominance and coldness.

Facing his threat, the black-robed old man Xuan Jizi's face was full of fear and awe.

"Don't worry, God, you won't be wrong!"

"According to the exact information our Tianji Divine Sect has received, someone did discover Qiongtian Divine Kingdom a thousand years ago."

"And, successfully entered it!"

"In the end, I encountered a great terror in the Kingdom of Qiongtian God, and died."

"However, when that person was about to die, he did use secret techniques and soul marks to record a scene in Qiongtian Divine Kingdom."

"Through the pictures, we have indeed discovered the Tao and Fruit of the former God of Qiongtian in the Kingdom of Qiongtian."

"It's just that under the influence of the rules of the City of All Heavens, his Dao Fruit seems to have evolved into a sacred tree of incense and fire."

"There is also a divine fruit on the sacred tree in the sky."

"In the past, the God of Qiongtian was known as the first god of the universe in the beginning, and he received the title of the Lord God of the Era."

"The divine power and incense around him evolved into the divine tree, which must contain all of his divinity and divine power."

"As long as you get the Sky Sacred Tree, Great God, you will definitely be able to successfully challenge the title of the most powerful Lord God of the Era."

Xuanjizi smiled carefully.

Although he has already reached the tenth level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, he is only one step away from the Immortal Emperor.

However, he really didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Gaitiandu.


Gaitiandu is the son of the ancient Immortal Emperor.

His father, Gai Jiuxiao, was one of the most powerful people in the Taichu universe, a being who truly ranked at the top.

Even if his Xuanji son was extremely courageous, he would not dare to fool Gaitiandu with this matter.

And once this matter is done, help Gaitiandu find the god's path fruit left behind by the former sky god.

At that time, it will be a great blessing for him and the entire Tianji Divine Sect.


Xuanjizi then spared no effort to find Qiongtian Divine Kingdom...


Through his efforts, relevant clues and traces were indeed found.

"The ruins of space are vast and boundless, so how do you determine the specific location of the Qiongtian Divine Kingdom?"

Gai Tiandu continued to ask.

Hear the words.

Xuanjizi calmly took out an ancient compass.

Immediately afterwards.

He turned over his hand and took out a jade bottle, and released a drop of purple blood from it.

"Great God, this is a drop of soul blood left by that person in the world."

"Although he has completely perished, his body is still in Qiongtian Divine Kingdom. As long as this drop of soul blood is used, the location of his body can be traced."

"In this way, we can lock the Kingdom of Qiongtian Divine Kingdom..."

While talking.

Xuanjizi immediately activated the secret technique.


Under the influence of the secret technique, the originally silent compass immediately burst into bursts of mysterious brilliance.

After a while.

A clear picture suddenly appeared on the compass.

I saw.

In the picture, what is projected is a scene of a broken divine kingdom, with a cold corpse lying in an ancient divine palace.

at the same time!

Not far from him, there was boundless divine light.

A golden sacred tree more than ten feet high came into view...


On that golden sacred tree, there was also a fruit, which exuded a wonderful divine light.

"The Sky Sacred Tree!"

As soon as he saw the golden sacred tree, Gaitiandu immediately became energetic, and a bright divine light burst out from his eyes.

The God of Qiongtian is the most powerful god in the universe in the beginning and the last era.

Title: Lord God of Qiongtian!

Later, during the great catastrophe of the times, the God of Qiongtian seemed to have suffered some cruel changes and unfortunately perished.

His divine kingdom also flowed into the void of the universe and disappeared.

Not only Gaitiandu, there are many incense and fire gods in the Taichu universe, all of whom are trying their best to find the kingdom of the God in the sky.


For countless years, there was no news.


What Gaitian didn't expect was that the Kingdom of God would be found in the spatial ruins of the City of All Heavens.

This made him overjoyed!

As long as you enter the Qiongtian Divine Kingdom, you can get all the inheritance of the former Qiongtian God.

By the time.

He will definitely be able to challenge the title of the strongest Lord God of the era.

Once he succeeds, he will definitely be able to obtain supreme creation and thus have the potential to transcend the primordial universe.

Think of this!

Gai Tiandu could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart, and stared closely at the picture displayed on the compass.

"Without further delay, go immediately!"

"I want to get the Dao Fruit of the Sky God into my hands in the shortest possible time."


Xuanjizi bowed in response.

He did not dare to hesitate, and immediately used the secret method to escape into the void of the universe according to the guidance on the compass.

See this.

Gai Tiandu and a group of quasi-immortal emperors followed closely behind.

at the same time!

Just as Gai Tiandu and the others were rushing towards Qiongtian Divine Kingdom, Lin Wudao on the other side also sensed his presence.

"It seems that Gaitian is well prepared."

"I even figured out the exact location of the treasure."

"If that's the case, then I have to take action as soon as possible..."


Lin Wudao took out the treasure map and spread it in his hands.

"Immortal Lord, in this vast void of the universe, how can we determine the location of this treasure map?"

"This is simple."

call out!

Xiao Qinglan pointed out, and a ray of fairy light fell on the treasure map.

All of a sudden.

The originally silent treasure map immediately burst into radiance, and a vast and boundless map appeared in the void.


The most eye-catching thing is the three treasure places.

at the same time.

On the map, there is also the spatial location of the two of them...

This scene!

Lin Wudao was greatly surprised.


He raised his hand and pointed at the nearest treasure spot. In an instant, the mark turned into a fairy light and escaped into the void of the universe.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Qinglan waved his hand, took out an ancient immortal boat, and chased after Lin Wudao.

About half a day later.

Under the leadership of Xiao Qinglan, Lin Wudao finally found the first treasure location.

at this time!

What appeared in front of him was a terrifying space fault, with space storms constantly raging inside.


The void of the universe within hundreds of millions of miles nearby is still collapsing...

This scene made Lin Wu's scalp numb.

Not to mention the Great Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven, even if a true immortal enters it, he will definitely die without a burial place.

"No wonder the spatial ruins allow strong men at the level of quasi-immortal emperors to enter. Even the ancient immortals cannot withstand such a terrifying place."

"I don't know how Nalan Changqing was sure that there was a treasure hidden inside."

Lin Wudao sighed softly.


Just when he sighed, Xiao Qinglan on the side didn't think so much and raised his hand to slash out with his sword.

The vast and boundless power directly cut off the entire space fault with one sword.

Immediately afterwards.

He mobilized his immortal power and directly thrust his big hand into the deepest part of the void.

Wherever you go.

The surrounding spaces were annihilated one after another!

After a while.

When Xiao Qinglan withdrew his palm, he brought something back from the depths of the space fault.


When he saw that thing for the first time, Lin Wudao opened his eyes wide, with strong surprise in his eyes.

"This thing is actually here?"

"It was not destroyed?"

He looked incredulous...

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