The tenth level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor!

Lin Wudao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes as his eyes swept across the hundred powerful figures.

Through the Supreme Taoist Talisman, he discovered some very interesting things.

That is.

These people in front of me are all powerful beings from the tenth level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.


Each one comes from the third heaven of the City of All Heavens and is an unparalleled powerhouse who has lived for several epochs.

It is clear.

They were all recruited by the purple-robed man from the lower world.

"Recruiting a hundred quasi-immortal emperors of the tenth level. This person's identity and origin are not simple."

Lin Wudao was surprised and doubtful.

Thinking of this.

He immediately used the power of the Supreme Taoist Talisman to find out the identity and origin of the man in purple robe.

And information on everything about him!


Everything about him was revealed in front of Lin Wudao.

"Gaitiandu, the heir of the ancient Immortal Emperor?"

"Hey, what you see in front of you is not the original deity, but the true form of the god that was cultivated with half of the divine soul?"


"In this Gaitiandu, half of the soul's origin is practicing the human method, and the other half is practicing the incense and fire divine way."

"His human body has reached the ultimate level of quasi-immortal emperor. It won't take long before he can become an immortal emperor."

"And the god of incense and fire only reaches the thirteenth level of the main god?"

"There is a huge gap in strength between the human body and the divine body..."

Lin Wudao was amazed while checking Gaitiandu's identity and origin.

This Gaitiandu comes from Taichu Universe, and its identity is the heir of an ancient immortal emperor.

Moreover, dual practitioners!

As long as he cultivates both the human body and the divine body to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, he will break through the shackles and possess the qualifications of the ancient Immortal Emperor.

"What a great courage!"

"My fellow practitioners practice both the human world method and the incense and fire method, and have achieved great success."

"I have to say that Gaitiandu truly lives up to its name, and has world-shattering grandeur and great perseverance."

Lin Wudao secretly praised.

No one who can come to the City of All Heavens is a simple person.

Gaitiandu, in terms of qualifications, potential, and talents, was no less generous than Zhao Wushen and the others.

Indeed, a rare and supreme genius in the world!


After some admiration, Lin Wudao suddenly thought of something important.

That is the purpose of Gaitiandu.

"The things inside this space ruin only include three levels: Great Emperor, Heavenly Emperor, and True Immortal."

"In other words, the highest treasure is the treasure of a true immortal."

"In that case, what are you doing here in this space ruins, Gaitiandu?"

"Moreover, he mobilized troops in such a way that he brought a hundred strong men from the tenth level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor."

"There must be something he wants to get in the ruins of this space."

“And it’s definitely related to the incense god!”

Lin Wudao's mind was racing and he kept analyzing.

In front of you.

Gaitiandu's body is the body of a god condensed from human incense.

Belongs to the true form of the god!

Since he entered the ruins of space in the body of a god, what he was looking for must be what the god of incense needed.

Think of this.

Lin Wudao carefully sorted out the information about Gaitiandu.


He caught a glimpse of a clue among the many pieces of information...

"The current divine body in Gaitiandu has already obtained the title of the Lord God of the Taichu Universe in this era?"

"And the strongest god of the era who is trying to attack the universe in the beginning?"

"Does he actually want to follow the path of Qi Qingsi and Xiao Lanyue and have double titles?"

"It's just a pity that he doesn't have the talent and talent of Qi Qingsi and Xiao Lanyue, let alone the strength."

"Nine consecutive attacks on the title of Lord God of the Era ended in failure."

"Are you going to the space ruins to find something crucial and prepare for the tenth impact?"

"What exactly is inside here..."

Lin Wudao was secretly surprised.

Through a lot of information on Gai Tiandu, he analyzed the purpose of coming here.

In the ruins of space, there may be some kind of treasure that can help Gaitiandu and impact the title of the Lord God of the Age of the Beginning Universe.

By then!

If he succeeds, like Qi Qingsi and Xiao Lanyue, he will also receive the favor and good fortune from the great road.

Thus gaining the potential to transcend the primordial universe...

Think of this.

Lin Wudao's originally silent heart suddenly became hot.

Gaitiandu, the current god level is the thirteenth level main god.

According to the division of strength between the incense Shinto and the human cultivation system, the first-order main god is equivalent to the second-level emperor.

The fifth-level main god is equivalent to the tenth level of the great emperor!

The tenth level main god corresponds to the tenth level of the Emperor of Heaven!

The eleventh-level main god corresponds to the extreme realm of the human realm; the twelfth-level main god corresponds to the extreme realm of the imperial realm.

The thirteenth level main god corresponds to the extreme realm of heaven.

at the moment.

Gaitiandu's divine body has reached the ultimate level of the main god, and if it goes higher, it will be another level.


"Does he want to break the shackles and be promoted to the position of God, or does he want to continue to have strong combat power at the level of the thirteenth-level Lord God?"

Lin Wudao thought secretly.


No matter what Gaitiandu's ultimate goal is, what's inside the space ruins must be very important.


Since it can be used by Gaitian, it can also be used by him.

"It seems that it is necessary to pay close attention to it."

"Moreover, we must find what everyone is looking for in advance..."

Lin Wudao was thinking secretly in his heart.

Gai Tiandu didn't know Lin Wudao's plan.


After arriving at the Tenth Avenue, he stayed for a while, then led a group of quasi-immortal emperors and rushed into the ruins of space.

See this scene.

Lin Wudao was not in a hurry to follow him, but secretly hit Gai Tiandu with a ray of power from the Supreme Tao Talisman before he entered the ruins of space.

In this way, no matter where Gaitian goes, he will be able to clearly know the specific location and traces.

Although the authority and power of the Supreme cannot be exercised in the ruins of space, Lin Wudao can still use some basic functions of the Supreme Taoist Talisman.

Perception and communication, these are the most basic.

"Sir, do you want to go in now?"

Seeing that everyone had entered the ruins of space, Yan Ruoshui couldn't help but asked curiously.

"No, wait a minute!"

"We have one more person to wait for."

Waiting for someone?

Yan Ruoshui's eyes showed curiosity, but she didn't ask any more questions.

Compared to her confusion, Ji Yuan on the side knew it well.

He knew that Lin Wudao was waiting for Xiao Qinglan!


A moment later, as a ray of fairy light descended, Xiao Qinglan's familiar figure appeared on the Tenth Avenue.

"Sir, you are here~"

Xiao Qinglan greeted respectfully.


"This time, I am going to take a look inside the space ruins. Qinglan Immortal Lord, please accompany me."


Xiao Qinglan nodded.

After not seeing each other for a while, after being baptized by Xiao Lanyue's original blood, his bloodline from the Penglai Immortal Clan became even more pure.

The power of blood is even richer and more powerful than that of Zhao Wushen.

Looking at the Penglai Immortal Clan today, apart from the Immortal Emperor Xiao Shoutian, the bloodline of Xiao Qinglan is the purest and most powerful.


He already has the strength to prove the Immortal Emperor.

As long as he is willing, he can break the shackles at any time and become an Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop.


Xiao Qinglan didn't do that. He always suppressed his own cultivation and strength.

On the one hand, he is following Lin Wudao's instructions and will not be promoted to Immortal Emperor for the time being.

That way!

Once he becomes the Immortal Emperor, if he enters the City of All Heavens in the future, he can only go to the fourth heaven.

The Immortal Emperor is not allowed to come to the third heaven in front.

On the other hand, Xiao Qinglan chose not to be promoted to Immortal Emperor in order to closely follow Lin Wudao's relationship.

Once he becomes the Immortal Emperor, when Lin Wudao needs to find someone for something in the future, he will have to find someone else.

that time.

The distance between him and Lin Wudao will become farther and farther.

This is not a good thing for him and the entire Penglai Immortal Clan.

Only following Lin Wudao closely is the wisest choice!

to this end.

Xiao Qinglan forcibly suppressed his cultivation to the extreme level of a quasi-immortal emperor.

In this case, at the level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, he is invincible.

Naturally, he became Lin Wudao's first choice...

He had already clearly seen the stakes involved.

Lin Wudao didn't know what he was thinking.


In order to prevent Gai Tiandu from escaping from the ruins of space, he also secretly informed Ji Wuya with the supreme Taoist talisman.


And secretly engraved a supreme decree.

"Shopkeeper Ji, Ji Wuya, the boss of your wealthy family, will come to the Tenth Avenue later."

"You give him this decree and ask him to go to the third heaven of the City of All Heavens to recruit three hundred powerful men from the tenth heaven of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor."

"Then, enter the gate of the space ruins and guard it."

"As long as we see the purple-robed man driving the fairy boat just now, if he comes out before us, he will suppress him immediately."

"In short, we must not let him step out of the ruins of space."

"One more thing to note is that Gaitiandu is a thirteenth-level incense god. Shopkeeper Ji, please think of a way to prepare an immortal weapon that blesses the will of all living beings."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid he will escape..."

Lin Wudao ordered in an orderly manner.

"Yes, sir!"

Ji Yuan bowed in response.

"Great Emperor Ruoshui, I feel that there is some danger this time, so please don't go to the space ruins with us."

"Besides, I won't go there in my true form."


While talking.

Lin Wudao evolved a clone through the Origin Stone, and then entered the space ruins with Xiao Qinglan.

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