at this time.

In Xiao Qinglan's hand is a large black-yellow seal with a crude shape.

On it, lie nine true dragons!

After just one glance, Lin Wudao felt a surge of great majesty and powerful will of all living beings.

Shocked to his very soul!

This thing was apparently the Seal of All Living Things that he had gone to the Mountain Realm to look for before.


There are some subtle differences between this seal of living beings and what Yin Si Ming said before.

In addition to being called the Seal of Living Beings, it also has another name.

Seal of the Human Emperor!

It is the imperial weapon forged by Emperor Jiang, the first human emperor of the human race in the mythical era of the great world of Gods in the past.

Name: Seal of All Living Beings (Seal of the Human Emperor)

Category: Magical weapon

Level: Great Emperor

Status: incomplete

Introduction: 1. In the era of mythology, the great emperor's magic weapon was forged by the first generation co-owner of the human race in the great world of the gods, the human emperor Jiang.

2. One of the nine-piece set of the Emperor of Humanity.

Function: 1. Collect the will of all living beings and suppress the heaven and the earth.

2. Gather the souls of the dead and condense the immortal fighting spirit.

3. The human emperor's token, if you collect the human emperor's nine-piece set, you can become the co-lord of the human race in the desolate world and command the human race in the world.

4. It can kill gods at the top, and kill evil spirits in the world at the bottom.

5. Within the Human Emperor's Seal, there is a space of its own, which contains billions of ancient immortal war spirits.

Seal of the Human Emperor?

Looking at the information presented, Lin Wudao showed an extremely surprised look in his eyes.

This seal of living beings seems to be different from what Yin Si Ming said before.

"The Mythical Era, which can be called the Mythical Era, should be the most glorious period of the Divine Desolate World."

"At that time, was the Human Emperor the common ruler of the world?"

Lin Wudao was thoughtful.

Through this Human Emperor Seal, he learned some ancient secrets that were lost in the long river of history.

turn out to be.

Before the ancient times, the human race in the divine world was ruled by the Human Emperor.

So what is the great emperor?

Could it be that the Great Emperor also falls under the control of the Human Emperor?

Lin Wudao was curious.

If this is the case, then the power and status of this Human Emperor are very great.

[System, what is a magic weapon? Is it any different from human magic weapons? 】

At this time.

Lin Wudao noticed again that the type of Seal of Living Beings was actually a magical weapon that he had never seen before.

This made him a little confused.

He has seen spiritual treasures, divine treasures, and magical treasures, but he has never seen a magical weapon.

[The so-called magic weapon is also a kind of human weapon. 】

[A magic weapon is a magical weapon refined by human beings from various materials and using magical weapon refining techniques. 】

[Magic weapon can bless the rules between heaven and earth, causing them to explode with powerful power. 】

[Therefore, the function of a magic weapon is a medium for the power of heaven and earth to be controlled and used by human beings. 】

[A magic weapon is a treasure that is refined by human beings. 】

[Spiritual treasures, divine treasures, fairy treasures, etc. are innate treasures that were nurtured and evolved by heaven and earth. 】

[The rules and origins are innately blessed, thus possessing various abilities. 】

[Magical weapons are also refined by human beings. 】

[However, compared to magic weapons, magic weapons are mainly reflected in their differences in power. 】

[Magical weapons control the power between heaven and earth, while magical weapons are various powerful wills blessed by them. 】

[Will is an illusory, yet real thing. 】

[With a strong enough will, the power that can be unleashed far exceeds the power of a magic weapon. 】

[Similarly, the will of all living beings, the will of the world, the will of heaven and earth, the will of the universe, etc. are all powerful manifestations of will. 】

[From a small perspective, will can also be said to be the will of a certain creature, such as: the will of the great emperor, the will of the emperor of heaven, the will of the immortal king, the will of the immortal emperor, etc. 】

[Blessing these powers on an item will give the item powerful power, thus becoming a magic weapon. 】

[The Seal of the Human Emperor is the great emperor's magic weapon forged by the will of the human race in the world during the era of mythology. 】

[The Seal of the Human Emperor can control the human race in the desolate world. 】

[In the era of mythology, the human emperor is the common master of the world, and the great emperors are just subjects under his command. 】

[The Human Emperor’s status is supreme among the human race. 】

[At the same time, the mythical era where the Human Emperor lives is also the most glorious period in the history of the human race in the divine world. 】

[Nowadays, the Human Emperor has long been lost in the long river of history. The Great Emperor is the supreme king of the human race, and his glory is no longer. 】

I see!

Listening to the systematic explanation, Lin Wudao finally had a general understanding of the concepts of the Human Emperor and magical weapons.

[Then how to use this Seal of Living Beings? And why is it incomplete? 】

He continued to ask.

[The Seal of All Living Beings is just a name for people in later generations, while the Seal of the Human Emperor is its real name. 】

[In the past, the Human Emperor swept across the human world, suppressed the great world of Shenhuang with the Nine Cauldrons, and became the common master of the world. 】

[Emperor Jiang is the first generation human emperor in the mythical era! 】

[After becoming the Human Emperor, he collected the innate essence, gathered the will of all living beings in the wilderness, and finally forged the Human Emperor Seal. 】

[Later, Emperor Jiang stored the heroic spirits of the human race's dead and fallen people on the battlefield in the Human Emperor's Seal. 】

[And using the luck of the human race to nurture it, the eternal heroic spirit in the human emperor's seal was transformed into an immortal fighting spirit. 】

[This move made the power of the Human Emperor's Seal even more powerful. In the world of the gods at that time, except for the Jiuding, which determined the world and suppressed the destiny of the human race, there was no imperial weapon that could compare with the Human Emperor's Seal. 】

[You can kill gods at the top, and you can kill the emperor at the bottom! 】

[If you want to control and use the Human Emperor Seal, you must obtain its approval, that is, become the Human Emperor. 】

[Or, candidate for the Human Emperor! 】

[As for why it is incomplete, it is because the glory of the human race is no longer good, and the world war has damaged the Seal of the Human Emperor. 】

[The immortal fighting spirit inside has been scattered a lot, and its power is no longer what it was during the reign of the first generation human emperor, Emperor Jiang. 】

[As long as it is cultivated with strong luck, the Human Emperor Seal can still return to its former peak of power. 】

"I didn't expect that a mere Seal of Living Beings could have such a powerful background."

"It has witnessed the glory and glory of the entire human race in the desolate world of the past."

Lin Wudao sighed in his heart.


He took the Seal of All Living Beings from Xiao Qinglan and looked at it carefully, and found that there were indeed many small cracks on it.


Through the Eye of the Great Dao, he could also clearly see that there was a magical space inside the Seal of All Beings.

Inside, there are billions of unyielding fighting souls sleeping.

He felt that as long as the billions of sleeping eternal war souls were awakened, they would be able to unleash world-shattering power.


If you want to control these eternal fighting spirits and gain their recognition, you must become the Human Emperor.

Or, a candidate for the Human Emperor!


In today's era, the Great Emperor is already the supreme being of the human race, and the former Human Emperor is gone.

[System, the Divine Desolate World no longer has the lineage of the Human Emperor. Doesn’t this mean that the Seal of All Living Beings has been abolished? 】

【No! 】

[The Human Emperor's tradition and inheritance have always continued in the world of the gods, but no one in the world knows it. 】

[Moreover, there have always been powerful people who tried to restore the human emperor's orthodoxy and restore the supreme glory of the human race in the past mythical era. 】

[Right now, eight candidates for the Human Emperor have been born, which are called: the Eight Great Sequences. 】

[These eight major sequence candidates each hold a token of the Human Emperor. 】

[The one in the host’s hand is the last one! 】

The Emperor's nine-piece suit?

Eight major sequences?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao was suddenly shocked.

"So, I might also become a candidate for the Human Emperor? The ninth sequence?"

"But, I am God..."

He looked shocked.

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