Tomb Raiders Alliance?

Upon hearing this name, Lin Wudao knew without thinking that this must be a powerful organization similar to the Terminator Alliance and the Justice League.


Behind this alliance of tomb robbers, there is also a strong background that spans the entire world, and even the entire Panshen universe.

"This tomb robber alliance should not be underestimated!"

"I have heard some legends about them. It is said that this organization is extremely mysterious and extremely powerful."

"Specialized in digging graves everywhere!"

"Moreover, we specifically choose big tombs to attack!"

"I didn't expect that they would also set their sights on the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom..."

The crazy Taoist's tone was solemn.

He seemed a little afraid of this so-called alliance of tomb robbers.

"What should we do?"

"If you meet your colleagues and enter the tomb, you will definitely fight."

"How about you stop doing the same thing and take this opportunity to bury them all?"

Qin Daofu suggested secretly.

Hear the words!

The mad Taoist nodded thoughtfully.

"It's all about seeking money!"

"Now that we have encountered it, we must not let it go."

"When we get to the ancestral graves later, we will act accordingly and we must bury these dogs in the graves."

"Otherwise, once they are allowed to escape, I'm afraid there will be endless trouble..."

The crazy Taoist man has a murderous intention in his heart.


That is the enemy!

This time, they plan to use all their strength to kill each other.

Lin Wudao naturally agreed with Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu's proposals.

Whether it was the saint's corpse in the ancestral tomb or various treasures, he could not just watch them being snatched away by the people from the Tomb Robbers Alliance.

That belongs to their wicked trio!

"The leader of the Tomb Robbers Alliance this time is the man on the far left, his name is Zhao Yuanxuan."

"The one on his right is his nephew Zhao Youwei."

"The four people behind are the helpers we brought!"

"Zhao Yuanxuan's true cultivation level is that of a tenth-level saint, and he has already stepped into the saint king."

"Zhao Youwei's cultivation level is that of a third-level saint!"

"Each of the four helpers at the back has the strength of an eighth-level saint..."

Lin Wudao secretly sent a message.

at this time!

Through the Eye of the Avenue, he has clearly seen the details of the six people in the Tomb Robbers Alliance.

"A tenth-level saint, four eighth-level saints, and a third-level saint."

"This time, the Tomb Robbers Alliance itself is also a huge asset."

"As tomb robbers, they must have a lot of good things in their hands..."

The crazy Taoist sounded greedy.

"No need to say anything, just do it!"

"Same as how we dealt with the nine major protoss before. When the time comes, crazy Taoist, you go block the door, and Brother Ren and I will take the lead."

"We must not let these fat sheep escape!"

Qin Daofu was filled with excitement.

"no problem!"

"As long as they enter my golden tomb of the gods, even if they have extraordinary means and abilities, they will not be able to escape."

The three of them were transmitting messages while planning their next actions.

at the same time!

Chen Xuanjing and Chen Xuanjun were also competing against each other.

"Brother, the person you're looking for this time doesn't look very good."

"To carry the coffin of an ancestor, you need to be tough and not afraid of death."

"Are you sure that they can still survive after carrying the coffin for their ancestors?"

"Maybe he will be contaminated by evil spirits and die in a grave..."

Chen Xuanjun glanced at Lin Wudao and the others and said jokingly.

Lin Wudao and the others gave people the intuitive impression that they were honest people who worked hard.

That kind of people!

Chen Xuanjun didn't take it seriously at all.

Facing his teasing and ridicule, Chen Xuanjing didn't pay much attention.

"As long as the coffin bearers are not afraid of death!"

"We only provide money, and they only contribute efforts. It's a normal thing."

He responded calmly.

Say it!

Chen Xuanjing ignored Chen Xuanjun, greeted Lin Wudao and the others, and then walked to a corner of Huanglong Hall.

"Those people just now will also carry the coffin for our ancestors three days later."

"If you want, you can get acquainted with them."

"If you don't want to, forget it!"

"Anyway, we are just carrying the coffin, and there is no need to have any friendship with each other..."

Chen Xuanjing said lightly.

"Prince Chen, according to our observation, the six coffin bearers brought by Chen Xuanjun are extremely extraordinary."

"Actually, their true identities are tomb robbers from the Tomb Robbers Alliance."

"This time, I pretended to be a coffin bearer, presumably to dig up the ancestral graves of your Qinglong Ancient Country."


The mad Taoist secretly transmitted the message.


Grave robber?

Hearing this, Chen Xuanjing's expression suddenly changed.

He did not look back at Zhao Yuanxuan and the others, but turned his back to them, frowning in deep thought.

"I think this is an opportunity!"

"An opportunity to bring down Chen Xuanjun..."

a long time.

Chen Xuanjing raised his head and said thoughtfully.

"Well, this is indeed a good opportunity."

"Now that you know the identities of those people, you can make a fuss about this matter."

"When the time comes, when we enter the ancestral tombs, you will expose the identities of those tomb robbers in public."

"Then, close the tomb door again!"

"As long as we kill those tomb robbers in the ancestral graves, and then pretend to be them and escape."

"In this way, even if Chen Xuanjun has 10,000 mouths, he still can't explain clearly..."

The crazy Taoist laughed sinisterly.

Hear this!

Chen Xuanjing's eyes suddenly brightened.

"You want me to... close the tomb door?"


"If you don't do this, how can you frame Chen Xuanjun?"

"But once the tomb door is sealed, how can you get out? The ancestral tombs of our ancient Qinglong Kingdom can resist the Sage King."

"Well, you don't need to worry about this. We will naturally have a way out..."

Lin Wudao answered.


"In that case, let's do as you say."

"If I can become the leader of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, I will be rewarded with generous gifts in the future..."

Chen Xuanjing promised.

To this!

Lin Wudao and the other three nodded but did not speak.

time flies.

Three days, fleeting!


Three days later, accompanied by bursts of desolate and sad horn sounds, the entire dragon was shrouded in a solemn atmosphere.

Qinglong Hall!

The most majestic place in the imperial city!

at this time.

Outside the Qinglong Hall, a funeral procession composed of many descendants and clansmen of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom gathered together.

The whole city is full of beauty!

In the center of the square, an ancient blue dragon coffin has been placed for a long time.

Around the green dragon coffin, Lin Wudao and other twelve coffin bearers stood.

Everyone is waiting for the moment of mourning...

"To the Lord of the Kingdom, the time is almost up!"

In front of Qinglong Hall.

A kind-hearted old eunuch came to a man with an old face and a majestic temperament and said respectfully.

This person!

Surprisingly, it was Chen Batian, the leader of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom.

He has been in power for three thousand years!

Cultivation has reached the level of a fifth-level saint...

"let's start!"

"I'm here to see my ancestor on his last journey."

While talking.

An ancient Azure Dragon Seal appeared on Chen Batian's right hand, and then he threw it into the void.


With the huge momentum and the impact of the Azure Dragon Seal, the void in front of him began to collapse.


Under the gaze of everyone, waves of ripples appeared in the void like a tidal wave.

After a while.

A mysterious secret realm gradually appeared in the void.

Through the gate of the secret realm, it can be vaguely seen that there seem to be ancient and unparalleled sacred mountains inside.

On every sacred mountain, there is a tomb...

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