"By the way, Prince Chen, let's ask you something. I wonder what's going on with the Taiyi Divine Clan recently?"

There was silence for a while.

Lin Wudao suddenly asked.

Taiyi Divine Clan?

Hearing this, a faint smile appeared on Chen Xuanjing's lips.

Naturally, he also saw the arrogant news posted by the crazy Taoist.

"If you want to dig up the ancestral graves of the Taiyi Divine Clan, they will naturally not be able to sit still and wait to die."

"Some time ago, Yun Zongheng, the leader of the Taiyi God Clan, came to our ancient Qinglong Kingdom and requested to send a saint to their God Clan to take charge."

"Then you sent it?"


"The Taiyi Divine Clan has attached itself to our ancient Qinglong Kingdom, and they cannot ignore it either emotionally or rationally."

"After their repeated requests, the king sent three saints to the Taiyi Divine Clan."

Three saints?

Lin Wudao and Crazy Taoist looked at each other and nodded calmly.

If there were only three saints, they would not pose any threat to them at all.

"In addition to your three saints from the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, do the Taiyi Divine Clan have any other preparations?"

"This... seems to be there."

"I heard that Yuntianji, the old god king of the Taiyi Divine Clan, seems to have gone out to find help."

"And, I have great confidence that I can deal with you."

"Therefore, if you really plan to dig the ancestral graves of the Taiyi God Clan, you have to be careful."

"Otherwise, the boat may capsize in the gutter..."

Chen Xuanjing reminded.

"Do you know what kind of helper it is?"

"Well, Yun Zongheng didn't disclose this, so I don't know where their confidence comes from."

"It's always good to be careful, though."

"Thank you!"

"We got it~"

Lin Wudao nodded lightly.

"Do you three have anything else to do?"

"If not, shall we set off for the Qinglong Ancient Country now?"


The three of them did not reject Chen Xuanjing's proposal.


They exchanged a few words with Gong Tianyi and others, then followed Chen Xuanjing and left Fenglai Ancient City.


"When the evil trio goes to the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, they are afraid that they will turn the place upside down."

"Chen Xuanjing's move is not clever enough."

"Obviously luring the wolf into the house!"

"The evil trio is beyond his control. Once they fail, they will definitely be in trouble."

"When the time comes, I'm afraid I will die without a burial place..."

Looking at Lin Wudao and others leaving, Gong Tianyi smiled softly and sighed.

He studied the evil trio carefully.

Basically, wherever these three go, they bring disaster.

This time!

The evil trio went to the ancient Qinglong Kingdom. According to their characters, how could they not cause some trouble?

"Ancestor, why don't we go and see the excitement?"

At this time.

Gong Zhan on the side suggested with a smile.

"Go and see!"

"Although the relationship between our Motian Divine Clan and the Ancient Qinglong Kingdom is not very good, it is not on the verge of being bad."

"This time, the saint of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom has died. Let's go and pay our condolences."


While talking.

Gong Tianyi and others prepared for a while, then boarded a divine boat and headed towards the ancient Qinglong Kingdom.


The capital of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom covers an area of ​​thousands of miles, and its spiritual power is as vast as a river.

In the vast sky, there is also a majestic intertwining of luck, turning into a ten-foot-long golden dragon.

There are many flowers of luck appearing around...

"The luck of this ancient Qinglong country is actually so strong?"

"No wonder so many saints can be born."

Lin Wudao was secretly shocked.

There are tens of thousands of flowers of luck manifesting in the sky.

Not to mention, there is also a lucky golden dragon!

If you convert it into luck value, it will definitely be a huge fortune.

Even Lin Wudao was very envious of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom's abundant luck.

I can't wait to plunder them all immediately!


He coveted the majestic luck of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, while Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu coveted the treasures and creatures in Dragon City.

"So many god-kings, so many saints!"

"If we bury them all, I will be angry..."

The crazy Taoist licked his lips.

The eyes revealed greed and cruelty.

Qin Daofu on the side was also gearing up, his eyes constantly scanning the saints.

He seemed to be planning in his mind how to kill them all.

This time!

A saint died in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, and all the major forces sent powerful men to express their condolences.


At this moment, in Longdu, saints from all directions gathered.

"Three of you, our ancestor's funeral will not start until three days later."

"How about I take you to meet the other coffin bearers first?"

"There are a total of twelve coffin bearers this time. We are looking for people who are hard-working and not afraid of death."

"Except for you, the other nine coffin bearers all come from various places in the Wilderness Territory."

"You guys should get to know each other first so that something doesn't go wrong..."

Chen Xuanjing said in a consultative tone.

To this!

Lin Wudao and the other three did not have any objections.


Lin Wudao used his great disguise technique to disguise the mad Taoist and Qin Daofu from head to toe.

The three of them have completely changed their previous shapes and appearances, becoming three strong men nearly ten feet tall.


On the surface, he looks honest and honest.

That way.

Even Chen Xuanjing couldn't help but admire it.

Judging from their appearance, no one would believe that these three "honest men" were the legendary trio of vicious and evil men.

"Brother Ren, I have to say that your great disguise technique is truly amazing."

"With this look, I even doubt that I am a good person..."

The crazy Taoist grinned.

"Brother Ren, there are many saints here, and there may even be more powerful beings."

"Your great disguise won't be seen through, right?"

Qin Daofu secretly conveyed the message.

"Do not worry!"

"My great camouflage technique has been blessed with ten thousand times the power. Not even a saint, not to mention a saint, can even hope to see through it."

"That's good!"

"It would be embarrassing if you wear it..."

The three of them walked and talked.

After a while!

Under the leadership of Chen Xuanjing, they entered the imperial city of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom.


We came to an ancient palace called Huanglong Palace.


When he stepped into the Yellow Dragon Palace, Lin Wudao found that there were already many figures inside.

Every one of them is a semi-saint!

"Brother, is this the person you are looking for outside?"

Just as Lin Wudao was looking around curiously, a slightly feminine voice sounded from behind.

Turn around and take a look!

I saw, at some point, a man in brocade clothes wearing a jade crown appeared outside the Huanglong Palace.

The whole body exudes an extraordinary aura...

at the same time!

Behind the man in brocade, there were six figures who looked extremely majestic.

"Second Prince, Chen Xuanjun!"

With a glance, Lin Wudao learned the identity of the man in brocade clothes.

Moreover, the other party is also a saint!

The aura is just a little lower than that of Chen Xuanjing...

"Are there so many princes in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom?"

The crazy Taoist said in surprise.

"According to the information I got from Chen Xuanjing, there are three princes in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom."

"The eldest prince Chen Xuanjing, the second prince Chen Xuanjun, and the third prince Chen Xuanfeng."

"Although Chen Xuanjing is the nominal crown prince, Chen Xuanjun and Chen Xuanfeng are both qualified to be the kings of the country."

"Therefore, there has always been open and covert fighting among the three princes."

"Moreover, in addition to the eldest prince Chen Xuanjing, the second prince Chen Xuanjun and the third prince Chen Xuanfeng also have thoughts of rebellion."

Qin Daofu secretly conveyed the message.

Hearing this, Lin Wudao nodded calmly.

He was not very interested in Chen Xuanjun.

Instead, it was the six coffin bearers behind him that caught his attention.

"Old madman, Qin Daofu, and the six coffin bearers behind Chen Xuanjun don't seem to be ordinary people."

"This time, we seem to have met our colleagues."


Upon hearing this, the mad Taoist immediately looked over.

After seeing those six people, his expression couldn't help but change slightly.

"As expected, we are colleagues!"

"Moreover, he is from the Tomb Robbers Alliance..."

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