Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 617 The Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit, pretending to be dead!

"Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit!"

Looking at the mysterious realm manifested above the void, bursts of exclamations suddenly erupted from the crowd around the Qinglong Hall.

A series of blazing eyes looked over in an instant...

The Holy Spirit Secret Realm is the ancestral land of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom!

Rumor has it!

It has three floors in total!

On the first floor, the ancestors of the saints of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom are buried; on the second floor, there are unparalleled treasures.

As for the third floor, it is the practice and resting place of the saints and ancestors of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom.

Whenever a saint is about to pass away, they will enter the secret realm of the Holy Spirit and seal themselves off.


It can be regarded as continuing a strength for the ancient Qinglong Kingdom.

When encountering a crisis, these saints who have been dormant in the secret realm of the Holy Spirit will wake up again and burn the last bit of light in their lives.

In general.

The Holy Spirit Secret Realm is of extremely great significance to the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom.

It is the foundation for their survival!

Under normal circumstances, it is never easily displayed. Only when the saint dies or is about to pass away, the secret realm of the Holy Spirit will be opened.

"What a secret realm of the Holy Spirit!"

Looking at the scene in the secret realm and the ancient tombs on the sacred mountain, the crazy Taoist couldn't help but praise it.

There was a strong desire in his eyes!


The same goes for Qin Daofu on the side.

"Brother Ren, old madman, according to the information I snooped out, there are three levels of the Holy Spirit Secret Realm."

"The first floor is the tomb, the second floor is the place where the treasure is hidden, and the third floor contains the dormant saints of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom."

"Now, we are going to get rich..."

Qin Daofu said in a message.

Between words!

Revealing excitement!

"Don't rush to do it yet."

"After all, we promised Chen Xuanjing that we would help him seize the throne of the country."

"We are the best at framing people!"

“Right now, it’s also a great opportunity.”

"After entering the secret realm of the Holy Spirit, we will pretend that we cannot bear the evil influence of the coffin and lie on the ground pretending to be dead."

"In this way, our suspicion will be cleared."

"Because, in the eyes of outsiders, we are already dead."

"How can a dead man come alive to dig his grave?"

"Then, old madman, you secretly used the Golden God's Tomb to block the door to the Holy Spirit Secret Realm."

"As long as outsiders cannot see what is happening in the secret realm and cannot enter, then we can proceed with confidence and boldness."

"When the time comes, kill Zhao Yuanxie and the others directly..."

Lin Wudao revealed his plan.

Hear the words!

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu immediately praised him.

"Wonderful, Brother Ren!"

"Then let's do it, everything is up to you!"

The two had no objections.

Talking time!

They secretly discussed some other details.

Just like that, another moment passed.

"The time has come, please invite our ancestors to ascend to heaven!"


A sharp and hoarse voice spread throughout the ten directions of Qinglong Hall, making the atmosphere in the whole place suddenly solemn to the extreme.

at the same time!

The moment the old eunuch's voice sounded, Lin Wudao and the other twelve coffin bearers were also ready.

"Lift the coffin!"

"Farewell to our ancestors!"

"Farewell to our ancestors!"

Following the voice of the spirit guide, Lin Wudao and others, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately used all their strength to lift the cyan dragon coffin on their shoulders.


The moment the cyan dragon coffin left the ground, the entire coffin suddenly trembled in low tones.

at the same time!

There were also bursts of violent knocking sounds coming from the coffin, as if something was trying to break out of the coffin.


Lin Wudao also clearly saw that a large amount of evil dark matter surged out of the coffin, trying to corrode and obliterate everything around it.

"This coffin is very dangerous!"

"The fallen saint ancestor of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom was contaminated with dark matter during his lifetime, and will have bad luck after his death."

"I thought the reason why the ancient Qinglong Kingdom wanted a coffin bearer who was tough and not afraid of death was for some reason. It turned out to be for this reason."

"Crazy Taoist, Qin Daofu, please be careful..."

Lin Wudao secretly transmitted the message.

He also didn't expect that there was something ominous hidden in the coffin.

But after hearing his reminder, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu didn't pay much attention.

"Don't worry, brother Ren, how can it be possible for me to be wiped out by this mere ominous thing?"

"I have the power of the underworld to protect my body, so I am not afraid of bad luck!"

Qin Daofu replied carelessly.

"My job is to dig graves. How can I be frightened by a mere ominous thing?"

"With the Burial Book in hand, I can refine it directly!

The crazy Taoist's voice followed closely behind.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao didn't speak.

In fact, he was not worried about Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu, he just gave them a little reminder.

"Farewell to our ancestors!"

Lin Wudao and others carried the cyan dragon coffin and walked step by step towards the Holy Spirit Secret Realm under everyone's gaze.

Wherever you go.

All the descendants and clansmen of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom knelt down and wept in mourning.


Under the guidance of the spirit guide, Lin Wudao and the others carried the cyan dragon coffin and entered the secret realm of the Holy Spirit.

"For the record, Lord Qi, I have received definite information. The six coffin bearers brought by my second brother from outside are actually tomb robbers."

"This time, they pretended to be coffin bearers and wanted to dig up the ancestral graves of our ancient Qinglong Kingdom."

"Please make preparations early!"

When the funeral procession entered the Holy Spirit Secret Realm, Chen Xuanjing immediately stood up and came to Chen Batian and loudly announced.


One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

As soon as Chen Xuanjing spoke these words, the eyes of everyone present fell on him.

at the same time!

Chen Batian's expression also changed suddenly.

"What did you say?"

"The coffin bearer Chen Xuanjing hired is a tomb robber? He still wants to dig up the ancestral graves of my Qinglong Ancient Kingdom?"


"Master, this is absolutely true. Those people are indeed tomb robbers. I am willing to use my own head as a guarantee."

Chen Xuanjing said loudly.


Seeing him swear so firmly, everyone around him took a deep breath.

"The show is about to begin!"

"What are Chen Xuanjing and the evil trio doing?"

"If everything is true, then this evil trio has met their peers..."

in the crowd.

Gong Tianyi and others gloated over the misfortune.

at this time!

Each of them showed strong interest and looked at Chen Xuanjing and Chen Xuanjun without blinking.

"Master, brother is deliberately slandering me!"

"Those people are definitely not tomb robbers. Please don't believe my brother's words."

"Brother, everything must be based on evidence, right?"

"Today, at my ancestor's funeral, you slandered me so wantonly. What is your intention?"

Chen Xuanjun came to the front and asked loudly.

He looked furious!

"Huh, evidence?"

"Second brother, if the person you are looking for is a tomb robber, you will know if you keep reading."

"If they really dig up the ancestral graves of my Qinglong Ancient Kingdom, how do you explain it?"

"You found this person. You couldn't have persuaded him, right?"

Chen Xuanjing faced each other with a cold expression.

"Master, I will never abandon the ancient Qinglong Kingdom and collude with outsiders to dig up my ancestral graves."

"Please take a closer look, Lord!"

Chen Xuanjun knelt down and bowed.

Seeing the two of them arguing and blushing, Chen Batian's face began to darken.

"Shut up, everyone!"

"No one can dig up the ancestral graves of my Qinglong Ancient Kingdom under the eyes of this humble man."

"Whether those people are tomb robbers or not, you will know after reading them."

"When the time comes, I will never let you off lightly!"

The majestic voice resounded throughout the audience.

Say it!

Chen Batian held the Azure Dragon Seal in one hand and looked at the Holy Spirit Secret Realm with his deep and cold eyes.

As long as anything happens, he will immediately seal the secret realm.

By the time!

Even the Saint King cannot escape!

Lin Wudao and others did not know much about the confrontation with the outside world.

at this time!

They have followed the footsteps of the spirit guide and successfully entered the secret realm of the Holy Spirit.

"Do it!"

"Start pretending to be dead!"

The moment he entered the secret realm of the Holy Spirit, Lin Wudao immediately sent a message to the crazy Taoist and the others.


He began to pretend to be overwhelmed, his body carrying the coffin kept shaking, and his face gradually turned purple.

Then, there was black energy lingering...


About half an hour later.

With a painful scream, Lin Wudao fell to the ground under everyone's gaze.

The body kept twitching.

After a few breaths, there were no signs of life!

Waves of terrifying black mist began to envelope his entire body...

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