"By the way, I heard Gong Wuque say before that your Motian God Clan also prepared a big gift for us?"

"not sure what it is?"

After Lin Wudao put away the ten saint's treasures, the crazy Taoist on the side asked straight to the point.

He showed great interest!

after all!

The Motian God Clan has already presented ten treasures of saints, and the so-called heavy gifts are definitely more extraordinary.

Now, they can't wait to know what medicine Gong Tianyi and others are selling in the gourd.


Facing the mad Taoist's inquiry, Gong Tianyi's lips revealed a mysterious smile.

"Don't worry, you will definitely not disappoint your three fellow Taoists."

"Actually, the so-called heavy gift this time does not come from my Motian God Clan. We are just acting as a middleman."

"There is someone else who really wants to give you a big gift..."


Upon hearing this, Lin Wudao and the other three became more and more shocked and suspicious.

Bang bang~

Just when they were curious, they saw Gong Tianyi gently clapped his hands.


A man in purple robe, who was calm and elegant, walked out from another room in Qingfeng Villa.

His whole body exuded an aura of nobility.

You can tell at a glance that he is no ordinary person!


The man in purple robe himself is a saint!

"Prince Chen Xuanjing of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom?"

Looking at the man walking out of the next room, Lin Wudao showed an extremely surprised look.

He really didn't expect that the other party turned out to be from the ancient Qinglong Kingdom.

This is too narrow a road for enemies!


The crazy Taoist on the side also understood Chen Xuanjing's identity and origin.

"Prince of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom?"

"Sage Tianyi, is this the great gift you are talking about?"

The mad Taoist pointed at Chen Xuanjing in front of him.

Gong Tianyi nodded lightly.


"It seems that the three fellow Taoists already know the identity of Chen Xuanjing. He is indeed the prince of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom."

"The worthy prince!"

"After hearing about the three Taoist friends' extraordinary methods and powerful strength, Prince Chen brought a heavy gift."

"At the same time, I would like the three of you to do a little favor..."

Gong Tianyi introduced with a smile.


As soon as these words came out, Lin Wudao and the others suddenly became interested.

The ancient Qinglong country is a fat sheep!

"I've met three fellow Taoists!"

"I have long heard about the name of the Evil Trio. When I saw them today, they are indeed extraordinary."

"I heard that the three of them are extremely accomplished in digging graves, delivering salvation, and collecting corpses."

"I don't know, are you interested in the ancestral tombs of my Qinglong Ancient Kingdom?"

Chen Xuanjing asked with a smile.


The ancestral tomb of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom?

Hearing these words suddenly, whether it was Crazy Taoist, Qin Daofu, or Lin Wudao, they were all startled.

This is what a prince of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom can say?

They looked at each other!

"Prince Chen, you...just said that you want us to dig the ancestral graves of your Qinglong Ancient Kingdom?"

The crazy Taoist picked his ears, fearing that he heard wrongly.


Chen Xuanjing nodded seriously.


"What I just said is indeed the ancestral tomb of my Qinglong Ancient Kingdom."

"Our ancient Qinglong country has a long history, and at least hundreds of saints are buried in the ancestral tombs."

"Among them, there are many treasures buried with him!"

"Many people have been coveting the ancestral tombs of my Qinglong Ancient Country for a long time."

"It's just that because the ancestral tomb is hidden in a secret realm, it cannot be opened unless you are the direct descendant of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom."

"Therefore, outsiders are not allowed in at all!"

"This time, it happened that a saint ancestor of our ancient Qinglong Kingdom died unfortunately and needs to be buried in his ancestral grave."

"I feel like this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"I am fully responsible for the funeral of our ancestor this time. If the three of you are willing, I can arrange it..."

Chen Xuanjing said calmly.

Hundreds of saints?

As his words fell, the eyes of Lin Wudao and the three of them revealed a bright light.

This is a huge fortune!

"Prince Chen, you are the crown prince of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, and will be the legitimate leader of the kingdom in the future."

"Isn't it a little bad for you to encourage outsiders to dig your own ancestral graves?"

"What do you want our brothers to do for you?"

The crazy Taoist asked with interest.

Even his own ancestral tombs are being sold. What Chen Xuanjing has in mind must be huge.

To this!

He didn't care at all, and his expression remained calm and indifferent.

"Have you ever heard that there is no prince in this world who has lived for three thousand years?"


As soon as he said these words, Lin Wudao and the other three people immediately understood.

It turns out I can’t wait any longer!


"A prince who has lived for three thousand years is indeed very rare."

"So, Prince Chen wants us to help you ascend to the throne of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom?"

The mad Taoist blinked.


"The position of leader of the country shall be occupied by those with strength!"

"Chen Batian is a saint, and I am also a saint. Why can he be the king of the country for three thousand years, but I can only be the prince?"

"He is old and it's time to give up his position!"

"My request is very simple. I only need three people to help me win the title of king."

"In return, I am willing to dedicate the ancestral tomb of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom."

"I wonder what you three think?"

Chen Xuanjing looked at Lin Wudao and the others with burning eyes.

Hear the words!

They did not answer immediately, but fell into silence, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Brother Ren, Qin Daofu, do you think what Chen Xuanjing said is credible?"

"The Taiyi Divine Clan seems to be the clan of gods under the jurisdiction of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom."

"Could they know that we want to destroy the ancestral tombs of the Taiyi God Clan, so they deliberately lured us into the trap?"

"Could it be that a trap has been laid long ago, waiting for us?"

The mad Taoist secretly transmitted the message.


"What Chen Xuanjing said is true!"

"Recently, I just learned a mind-reading skill. I can get a glimpse of a person's true inner thoughts."

"According to my snooping, Chen Xuanjing did not lie to us."

"He has indeed been impatient with the position of prince for a long time. He wants to kill the king and usurp the throne, and establish himself as the leader of the country."

“It’s just that I haven’t found an opportunity over the years.”

"His rebellious heart has nothing to do with the Taiyi Divine Clan..."

At this time!

Qin Daofu's voice transmission rang.

Hear this.

Lin Wudao and Mad Taoist instantly cast surprised looks at Qin Daofu.

None of them thought that Qin Daofu had such a method.

"Since it has nothing to do with the Taiyi Divine Clan, then this deal can be done."

"There are hundreds of saints buried in the ancestral tombs of the Qinglong Ancient Kingdom. If their graves are dug, then..."

Speaking of which!

The crazy Taoist could hardly contain his inner excitement.


Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu were also greatly moved.

"Let's dig out the ancient Qinglong Kingdom first, and then go after the Taiyi Divine Clan."


"no problem!"


The three of them secretly unified their opinions and plans.

"Prince Chen, I have to say, you are very discerning!"

"Since you are so sincere, then our brothers will naturally be willing to help."

"Is there a prince who has lived for three thousand years in this world?"

"We promise to unseat the leader of the country, Chen Batian, and then put you in power."

"This matter rests with our brothers..."

There was a moment of silence.

The mad Taoist raised his head, patted his chest and promised.


After getting the answer he wanted, a touch of joy flashed across Chen Xuanjing's eyes.

"In that case, let's plan how to act next."

"By the way, when will your ancestors be buried in their ancestral graves?"

"Three days later!"

"My idea was that the three of them would put on a disguise and act like pallbearers."

"In this way, you can enter the ancestral graves legitimately."

"I will be responsible for the funeral, there will be no problems at all..."

Chen Xuanjing expressed his thoughts.

After listening!

Lin Wudao and others unanimously gave him a thumbs up.

This is definitely the filial son of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom!

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