Behind the space fault of the endless abyss is a desolate ruin.

At a glance!

Within ten directions, the sky is filled with yellow sand, showing a scene of desolation and decay.


Just as Lin Wudao was looking at his surroundings curiously, suddenly, a slight exclamation came from his mouth.

at this time!

He discovered that there was a mysterious man sitting cross-legged under a stone wall in the distance.

Although the man's entire body was hidden under the black cloak, through the Eye of the Avenue, Lin Wudao still gained insight into his identity and origin.

"Son of Motian God, Gong Wuque!"

"Why did he appear here? And it seems he is waiting for someone?"

Lin Wudao's eyes showed surprise.

at the same time!

The crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu on the side also discovered Gong Wuque's existence.

"Hey, isn't that Gong Wuque, the god of the Motian God Clan? What is he doing here?"

The crazy Taoist said in surprise.

"have no idea!"

"Looking at it like this, he seems to have been waiting here for a long time..."

"Is this guy waiting for us?"


Just as Lin Wudao and the other three were discussing curiously, Gong Wuque suddenly seemed to sense something in the distance and immediately came to them as quickly as possible.

"You finally showed up~"

Gong Wuque's stern face showed a hint of surprise.

at the same time!

There was also a strong fear in his eyes.

"Boy, are you waiting for us here?"

"Yes, it is."

Facing the mad Taoist's malicious gaze, Gong Wuque suppressed the fear in his heart and nodded.

Seeing his admission, Lin Wudao and the others became even more surprised.

"What are you doing waiting for us here?"

"And how did you know that we would appear from this place?"

"Hehe, well... nothing is difficult in this world. If you are willing, it will not be difficult to find this place."

"I paid a lot of money to go to Tianji Pavilion and found this teleportation array that the Lishan God Clan had set up in the past."

"Then, wait here!"

"Actually, I wasn't sure that you would come out of here. You just came here to try your luck."

"I didn't expect that I would actually wait for you."

Talking time!

Gong Wuque didn't hesitate, turned over his hand and took out a simple-looking storage ring, and handed it to the three of them respectfully.

"I, the Motian God Clan, have been offended a lot in the past. If there is any offense, I would like to express my gratitude to the three of you."

"This is the intention of our God Clan. It is an apology for our previous actions."

"As for the Saint's Treasure that we promised the three of us before, we are ready."

"At this moment, the patriarch of my Motian Divine Clan and the saint ancestors are waiting for the arrival of the three of them in Fenglai Ancient City."

"When the time comes, I will give you a big gift..."

Gong Wuque behaved very sincerely and respectfully.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao and the three looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise and surprise in each other's eyes.


None of them expected that the Motian God Clan would be so aware of current affairs.

The storage ring in front of you contains many god-level treasures, all of which are rare treasures.

It can be seen from this!

This time, the Motian God Clan came with sincerity.

"Boy, are you, the Motian God Clan, planning a Hongmen Banquet and trying to catch us in a trap?"

"Oh, how can I?"

"With the incredible skills and strength of the three of them, how dare we, the Motian Clan, do such a thing?"

Gong Wuque said with a smile.


"I don't even dare to measure you!"

"If you dare to trick us, we will definitely destroy your Sky God Clan..."

Qin Daofu threatened fiercely.

To this.

Gong Wuque shrank his neck, a deep fear flashed across his eyes.

The evil trio does have this strength.

"We accept the sincerity of your Motian God Clan."

"It was all a misunderstanding before!"

"Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, we will be friends from now on. We are very loyal to our friends."

"By the way, you just said that your Ferris God Clan has prepared a big gift?"


Gong Wuque nodded seriously.

"Oh? What kind of gift is this?"

"Uh, well, please allow me to keep it a secret for now, and then let my ancestor of the God Clan tell the three of you personally?"

"Don't worry, this gift is guaranteed to satisfy the three of you..."


It’s quite mysterious!

After hearing Gong Wuque's words, whether it was Mad Taoist, Qin Daofu, or Lin Wudao, they all showed interest.

"In that case, then you can lead the way."

"If you dare to lie to us, be careful to dismantle your Ferris God Clan."

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

Gong Wuque kept responding with a smile.


He turned over his hand and took out an ancient divine boat, carrying Lin Wudao and three others, and left this desolate area.

Feng Lai Ancient City!

In the vast territory of Tianhuang, there is a small and famous ancient city located on the shore of Xuanhai.

It has been said from ancient times that a colorful phoenix descended here long ago.

Hence the name Feng Lai!

It covers an extremely vast area, covering millions of miles in radius.


The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely rich, and the spiritual power is as vast as a great tide. The cultivators seen along the way are far more powerful than the creatures in the wilderness.

Basically, they are all above true gods!

Occasionally, you can still feel the powerful aura of the saint...

call out!

About half a day later, under the leadership of Gong Wuque, Lin Wudao and the others finally arrived at Fenglai Ancient City.


They came to a loft in the center.

Fengming Tower!

The biggest entertainment place in Fenglai Ancient City!

"The vast territory is filled with outstanding people!"

"This place is much better than the Twelve Territories of the Wilderness. It will definitely be fun if you cut leeks."

"This Fengming Tower is also very good..."

The crazy Taoist looked at it and made comments.

After a while!

They followed Gong Wuque to Qingfeng Courtyard on the fourth floor of Fengming Building.


After stepping into the gate of the other courtyard, four powerful figures immediately came into view.

Three saints and one half-saint!

"The Motian Divine Clan, the clan leader's palace battle, the ancestors Gong Tianyi, Gong Jiuyang, and Gong Beiming."

"Gongzhan, first-level saint!"

"Gong Beiming, Half Saint!"

"Gong Jiuyang, a second-level saint!"

"Gong Tianyi, a fourth-level saint!"

Scan at a glance!

The identities of the four people and their respective cultivation levels were instantly grasped by Lin Wudao.

at the same time.

When Lin Wudao and the others entered Qingfeng Courtyard, Gong Tianyi and others also looked over.

"Let me introduce you. This is the Tianyi Saint, the Nine Yang Saint, and the Beiming Saint from our Motian Divine Clan."

"This is the leader of my God Clan, Gong Zhan!"

"The ancestors, the clan leader, they are the evil trio..."

Gong Wuque introduced it.

Hear the words!

Gong Tianyi and the other two stood up immediately with bright smiles on their faces.

"Three Taoist friends, I have long admired your name!"

"Before, Saint Beiming of my God Clan acted recklessly and offended three fellow Taoists. Please forgive me."

"Today, the four of us are here to apologize..."


Gong Tianyi took out another storage ring and handed it to Lin Wudao.

"Ten treasures of saints?"

Lin Wudao showed surprise as his spiritual thoughts swept over him.

He did not expect that the Motian God Clan would be willing to take out ten treasures of saints to apologize.

Although they are only the treasures of low-grade saints, they are also very precious to a great protoss.

Taking out these ten things, even the Motian God Clan would have to lose part of its heritage.

Lin Wudao was very satisfied with their sincerity.

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist!"

"Actually, it was just a misunderstanding before."

"As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. After our last encounter, we and God Son Gong Wuque also became good friends."

"However, since it is what the Motian God Clan wants, our brothers cannot refuse."

"Otherwise, we will look down on the Motian God Clan..."

Say it!

Lin Wudao generously put away the storage ring.

Hear this.

Gong Tianyi and others cursed secretly in their hearts.

This time!

Their Motian Clan can be said to have spent a lot of money.

Not only must he swallow his anger, he must also forcibly swallow the bad breath that Gong Beiming has knocked down the realm of a saint.

He also had to take out ten treasures of saints for bribery.

The reason is to save your life!

After what happened last time, they were afraid that the evil trio would go crazy and destroy their Sky God Clan.


This time I came with money to please the evil trio and asked them not to attack the Motian God Clan.

Lin Wudao and the others were very clear about the thoughts of Gong Tianyi and others.

In fact!

Nowadays, they have no great interest in gods like the Motian God Clan.

after all!

Their strongest ones are just saints.

Since the Motian God Clan has taken out ten treasures of saints, Lin Wudao doesn't mind letting them go...

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