Although it was a little difficult to deal with the eighty-eight corpses of the titled God King, it did not take much time.

The mountain world is different from the past...

Crazy Taoist, Qin Daofu and the others disposed of all the corpses in just twenty days.

Twenty days in the outside world, and two hundred days in the mountain world!

All in all, it took a lot of time.

Each of the titled god-kings buried in the God Burial Land is an invincible strong man with great luck and great opportunities.

After disposing of their corpses, both Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu's strength has been greatly improved.

During this period!

Crazy Taoist has been promoted from the original first-level god king to a third-level saint; while Qin Daofu is even more terrifying.

Directly reaching the eighth level of saint!

Equivalent to the peak state of a saint...

As for Lin Wudao, the harvest was not small.

He divided the eighty-eight corpses of the titled God King into four parts.

Forty-four of the corpses were used to obtain luck points. After collecting all of them, he obtained 18,536 flowers of luck.

Lin Wudao was not too happy with so many luck points.


Somewhat disappointed!

After all, these are the corpses of the titled God King, and each one is blessed with great fortune.


Still after being strengthened a hundred times, only 18,536 flowers of luck were obtained.

Calculated this way, the gain is not big!

As for the other forty-four corpses of the God King, the harvest was not satisfactory either.

After collecting twenty-two of the corpses, Lin Wudao's cultivation level only reached the fifth level of God King.

Of the last twenty-two, half had three top-grade innate divine treasures, and half had a world-class invincible method.

The rest are all in vain!

"too difficult!"

"But fortunately, the corpses of eleven titled God Kings have created a world-class invincible method."

"It can be regarded as making up for some losses..."

Lin Wudao sighed in his heart.

He had great expectations for these eighty-eight corpses of the titled God King.

However, the final result disappointed him.

To this!

Apart from being helpless, he had no choice but to accept the fact.

After gathering his thoughts, Lin Wudao began to examine the world-class invincible method.

Name: Qiankun Strike

Level: World Law/Holy Level

Quality: Invincible

Realm: None

Evaluation: Use this method to conquer the world!

Introduction: 1. After using this method, you can gather the power of the world for your own use and turn it into a powerful blow.

2. With one blow, the saint becomes invincible!

Remarks: 1. Those who are not physically comparable to the Great Saint cannot use it; otherwise, they will definitely not be able to carry the power of heaven and earth, and their bodies will explode and die.

2. This method can be used with other methods or physical blessings. The power is not limited to the realm of saints and is not higher than that of a quasi-emperor.

"As expected of an invincible method, it is indeed powerful!"

After reading.

Lin Wudao couldn't help but praise him.

There is no doubt about the power of Qiankun's attack!


What's amazing about it is that it can also be used in conjunction with other methods or constitutions.

In other words, Lin Wudao can bless 10,000 times the power of the Supreme Dao Body.

"If Qiankun's strike is strengthened ten thousand times, how powerful should it be?"

"I wonder if my physical body can bear it?"

Lin Wudao secretly took a deep breath.

Just at the level of a saint, the physical body must at least reach the level of a great saint. If used in conjunction with the supreme body of the avenue, on this basis, the blessing will be ten thousand times.

By then!

Even the emperor's physical body cannot bear that kind of power...

"In other words, the ultimate power of the Qiankun Strike at the holy level is under the Great Emperor?"

"As long as the physical body is strong enough, you can even use it to kill a quasi-emperor?"

Thinking about this!

Lin Wudao couldn't help but feel shocked.

This invincible method is a bit too scary.


If you want to use its power to kill a quasi-emperor, your physical body must at least reach the level of the Emperor of Heaven.

According to Lin Wudao's current physical strength, it would be difficult to kill the Saint King with one strike from the universe.


This is still relying on the Stone of Origin.

Without the Origin Stone, he couldn't even kill the Saint...

"It seems that the "Dao Immortal Golden Body" must be upgraded. Otherwise, it is really impossible to use this invincible method."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

The Qiankun Strike's requirements for the physical body are too high.

Ordinary people, even if they get it, cannot show its power.

If you use it forcefully, you will be crushed to death by the power of heaven and earth!

Even Lin Wudao didn't dare to use it easily.


Among the people he knew well, there was someone who was most suitable for this Qiankun strike.

That is, The Undertaker!

"Li Zangtian and the other twelve mourners have immortal bodies, and they can use them without any restrictions or scruples."

"As long as this Qiankun strike is passed to them, with Li Zangtian's saint cultivation, even a quasi-emperor can be killed."

"In this way, it is equivalent to adding a powerful protective umbrella to the Tushan clan and the Divine Realm."

"Even if I'm not here, Li Zangtian can still protect the Mountain Realm and the Divine Realm..."

Lin Wudao's eyes were shining brightly.

Thinking about this!

He began to think deeply, and he had many new plans in his heart.

After a while.

Through the divine power and will of the Great Demon God of Qingshan, Lin Wudao passed on the technique of Qiankun Strike to Li Yantian.


He looked at the luck value on the book again.

[System, raise the pure land of all heavens to the peak state! 】

[Upgrade the level of the Supreme Chaos Law from the God King Law to the Saint Law! 】


With his order, eighteen thousand flowers of luck were instantly deducted from the account.

Name: Lin Wudao

Cultivation: fifth level god king

Luck value: 551 trillion

In an instant, he returned to his original form!


After consuming 30,000 flowers of luck, Lin Wudao's own foundation and strength also increased greatly.

All the methods he has mastered are the methods of saints!

Even if it is a strong man at the level of the Ancient Saint, he can kill it now.

Lin Wudao was quite satisfied with this result.


Even if he goes to the land of Shenzhou, he still has the capital to waste money.

Think of this.

Lin Wudao was so proud that he wished he could go to the land of Shenzhou immediately and show off his talents.

at the same time!

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu, who had greatly increased their strength, were also inexplicably excited at this time.

"I finally became a saint!"

"Sure enough, compared to ordinary people's normal cultivation, it is faster to rely on the corpses of dead people."

"If there are dozens more such titled God Kings, I can become a Saint King."

Qin Daofu yelled with excitement.


"It's a pity that I didn't dig the tombs of these titled god kings. Otherwise, I'm afraid I could have become a saint king."

The mad Taoist sighed.

The eyes looking at Lin Wudao were full of resentment.

See it!

Lin Wudao curled his lips.

He also wanted to take the crazy Taoist and the others there, but unfortunately he didn't have the financial resources...

"In the future, there will be plenty of opportunities!"

"Now that all the matters in the Twelve Territories of the Wilderness have been resolved, it's time to go to the Divine Continent to have a look."

Talking time!

Lin Wudao took a deep breath and led Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu to the broken bridge in the endless abyss.


They passed through the teleportation array behind the broken bridge and stepped into the majestic world behind the space fault.

at the same time!

Behind the space fault, there is also a figure, looking forward to it.

He has been waiting for three months...

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