Chariot of the Undead!

One of the nine-piece set of the undead owned by the Lord of the Undead in the mythical era before ancient times.

Climb aboard the chariot and receive the blessing of infinite undead power!

By then!

There will be unparalleled combat power to fight fiercely in the world!


The moment Qin Daofu took out the undead chariot, the entire sky instantly darkened.

In the ten directions of space, there are endless undead souls, making ferocious roars and roars...

A terrifying and evil aura swept across the world!

at the same time!

The moment he boarded the undead chariot, Qin Daofu immediately received the blessing of boundless undead power, and his own cultivation directly broke through the shackles of the true god.

It has skyrocketed to the third level of God!


After boarding the undead chariot, Qin Daofu pulled out the spear of destruction standing in front of the chariot.

Immediately afterwards.

As soon as he pulled the reins, the undead war horse in front looked up to the sky and neighed. Then he pulled the chariot and killed Yun Tianshu and others with boundless momentum.

not only that!

As he boarded the undead chariot, an extremely ancient black pagoda filled with the aura of boundless underworld suddenly appeared above Qin Daofu's head.

Astonishingly, it is the Tower of Divine Treasure Huangquan!

It can be attacked when advancing, and defended when retreating.

"Eighteen levels of hell!"

Because he was facing the powerful God King of the Taiyi Divine Clan, Qin Daofu did not dare to be careless. The underworld energy surged behind him, revealing the unparalleled vision of the eighteen levels of hell.




In an instant, with the powerful blessing of the undead chariot and the eighteen hell visions, Qin Daofu's combat power climbed to an unprecedented peak.

Even if he is compared to God King Yuntianshu, he still cannot give in too much...


When he came into contact with Yun Tianshu, Qin Daofu held the Spear of Destruction tightly with both hands, raised his hand and struck out with a sharp spear, killing him through the hole.

All of a sudden!

A terrifying spear light seemed to penetrate the void, enveloping Yun Tianshu in a mighty aura of destruction.

"Tenth level true god, comparable to the king of gods?"

Feeling the powerful power displayed by Qin Daofu, Yun Tianshu was also greatly shocked.

All this subverted his cognition!

How can a true god fight against the God King?


Whether he believed it or not, Qin Daofu had real terrifying combat power.

That spear was as powerful as a strike from the God King!

"It seems that I really underestimated your evil trio..."

Yun Tianshu's eyes were cold.

The words fell!

He raised his hand and struck out with a palm. A terrifying big hand, carrying a huge force, directly suppressed the light of the spear that was crushing him.


Yun Tianshu flipped his hand and took out an ancient black magic sword. He raised his hand and slashed at Qin Daofu.

To this!

Qin Daofu was unmoved at all, and there was nothing else in his body except the fighting spirit soaring into the sky.


When Yun Tianshu's terrifying sword light struck him, Qin Daofu did not dodge at all. The tower of underworld above his head directly wiped out the sword light.

No matter how powerful his attacks were, they seemed unable to harm Qin Daofu...


Relying on the powerful defense of the Tower of the Underworld, Qin Daofu was fearless and wielded the Spear of Destruction to the extreme with both hands.

One after another, the fierce spear light turned into a terrifying river of destruction, trying to wipe out Yuntian Shu.


"What kind of treasure is this that has such strong defensive power?"

Yuntian Shu's pupils narrowed.

Once his God King's attack touches Qin Daofu, it will be blocked by the Tower of Underworld and then destroyed.

This result made Yun Tianshu frown!


Through the fights and battles with Qin Daofu, he also discovered something strange about Qin Daofu.

As time goes by, his momentum is gradually becoming messy...

See this scene!

Yun Tianshu couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

"Hmph, it seems that with your current level of cultivation, you simply cannot control the power of this chariot and pagoda."

"In that case, I want to see how long you can hold on..."

A cold smile appeared on Yun Tianshu's lips.


He felt that he had found Qin Daofu's fatal weakness.

As long as it drags on, Qin Daofu will definitely defeat himself!

"This person will be dealt with by me."

"Others, go kill the crazy Taoist and Ren Woxingna to avoid future troubles."

Yun Tianshu ordered.



Twelve tenth-level gods respectfully responded.


They rushed madly towards the crazy Taoist in the distance.

"Hey, if you don't take the road to heaven, there will be no door to hell to break in."

"They all think I'm easy to bully, right?"

Seeing the twelve gods coming to kill, the crazy Taoist's eyes also burst out with a cold and fierce light.

His expression became more ferocious than ever.

"Burial Heaven Realm!"


Following the crazy Taoist's roar, an invisible force suddenly swept across the ten directions, enveloping the twelve gods and Yun Tianshu.

"Burial Heaven Domain, Burial Heaven, Burial Earth, and Burial All Living Beings!"

"Everyone who enters this place will die!"

The extremely ferocious sound spread throughout the eighth ancestral land.


The moment the words fell, the expressions of the twelve gods of the Taiyi Divine Clan and God King Yun Tianshu suddenly changed.

this moment!

They discovered that their cultivation began to decline crazily...

The original tenth-level god was directly knocked out of the true god!

Became a demigod!

As for God King Yun Tianshu, he also transformed from the cultivation level of a first-level god king to a first-level true god in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, what's going on?"

"What kind of secret method is this?"

Yun Tianshu was so frightened that he panicked.

at this time!

Even after he cultivated the body of a god king, he still felt boundless fear.

Not just him!

The surrounding protoss and the people of the Tushan clan all showed expressions of extreme shock.

One by one, they kept gasping for air...


"Oh my god, it's too scary!"

"What kind of secret method is it that can forcibly knock down a person's cultivation level?"

"Yun Tianshu is a god king, and he was knocked down and turned into a first-order true god?"

far away.

Wu Yuanjun, who saw this scene with his own eyes, exclaimed.

His cognition was subverted!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it even to death, that there was such a terrifying and heaven-defying secret technique in this world.

this moment!

Wu Yuanjun's eyes looked at the crazy Taoist, full of fear and fear.

Even powerful beings like Yuntian Shu were forcibly knocked down from the realm of God King. If it were him, he would probably be like those people.

Knocked down and turned into a demigod!

"Now, the Taiyi Divine Clan is finished."

"Whether it is the twelve gods or the god-king Yun Tianshu, I am afraid that they will all die without a burial place..."

Wu Yuanjun muttered absentmindedly.


The moment he finished speaking, Qin Daofu, who saw the right moment, raised his hand and struck him with a spear.


A spear was thrust out, and Yun Tianshu's chest was directly pierced.

"The Great Burial Technique!"


While everyone was being suppressed, the mad Taoist used a great burial technique to transform into a terrifying tomb, and buried Yun Tianshu and others inside.




Along with the painful and shrill screams, all their cultivation, life span, luck, soul, etc. were forcibly absorbed.

After a while.

When the last scream fell, all the strong men from the Taiyi God Clan, including Yun Tianshu, died.

at the same time!

With the help of the essence of Yun Tianshu and others, the crazy Taoist's cultivation level has also been greatly improved.


In one go, he broke through the shackles of the true god and stepped directly into the realm of the gods...

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