Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 539 The Great Dao Divine Tribulation, the siege begins!

"The Great Dao Divine Tribulation!"

Seeing the black thunder falling from the sky and full of boundless aura of destruction, Yin Siming, who was watching from a distance, suddenly widened his eyes.

An exclamation of disbelief came from his mouth...

at the same time!

The eyes that looked at Lin Wudao were filled with unprecedented shock.

That way!

It seemed like he had seen something extremely terrifying!

His reaction immediately aroused the curiosity of Tu Shan Cang Yue beside him.

"What is the Great Dao Divine Tribulation?"

"High Priest, according to the information I got from the "Book of Fate", the Great Dao Divine Tribulation is a tribulation experienced by creatures above the Immortal Realm."

"It adheres to the supreme will of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and is a huge test for the creatures above the fairyland."

"Its level is higher than the way of heaven!"

"In a large world, the catastrophes that living beings endure are at best derived from adhering to the will of heaven or the will of the world."

"The Divine Tribulation of the Great Dao is a kind of divine calamity brought down by the will of the Great Dao."

"No matter the level or the power of the divine tribulation, it is not comparable to the divine tribulation of heaven..."

Yin Siming took a deep breath and replied.

Hear the words!

A flash of surprise also flashed across Tushan Cangyue's eyes.

"So, Ren Woxing is not from the Shenhuang World?"


"High Priest, not just anyone can bring down the Great Dao Divine Tribulation. My subordinates guess that either I am not from this world."

"Either, his fate is supreme and surpasses the creatures in the fairyland."

"Or maybe he is a supreme existence beyond the fairyland, reincarnated..."

Yin Si Ming said secretly.

this moment!

His expression became extremely serious.

No matter which one it is, it indicates that Ren Woxing's identity and origin are extraordinary.

This has surpassed the world’s cognition!

Even he only knew this information through the Book of Fate in his hand.

"Let me go and follow my footsteps. It's extraordinary!"

"So, the origins of Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu are also extremely extraordinary?"

Tushan Cangyue narrowed her eyes.


"My subordinates can't even see through these three people!"

"Their heel and fate are definitely not something that can be nurtured in the desolate world..."

Yin Si Ming said meaningfully.

Hear this!

Tushan Cangyue's heart moved slightly, and some subtle changes began to occur in the eyes of Lin Wudao and the others.


What she didn't know was that in Yin Siming's eyes, apart from the evil trio, she herself was also considered one.

Yin Si Ming can’t see through her either!


Yin Siming didn't say anything about this...

"Will there be any benefit from surviving the Great Dao Divine Tribulation?"


"When the time comes, those who have overcome the tribulation will be blessed by the will of the great road, and the light of the great road will shine down."

"If you're lucky, it's possible to create a great body in one fell swoop..."

Speaking of which!

Yin Siming's eyes looked at Lin Wudao. In addition to shock and horror, there was also a trace of inexplicable expectation.

The Great Dao Divine Tribulation is unprecedented!

He was also looking forward to whether Lin Wudao could survive this supreme divine calamity.


At this moment, he was not the only one who was nervous, but also Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu.

Although they couldn't understand the origin of the black thunder, they knew it was not simple just by the power it exuded.

Compared with the previous tribulation of Tu Shan Cang Yue, it was ten thousand times more terrifying.

The two don't seem to be on the same level!

"I hope nothing happens to Brother Ren..."

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu prayed secretly in their hearts.


At this moment, the first divine tribulation of the great avenue, carrying the supreme will of the great avenue, struck Lin Wudao hard.


The sound of thunder shook the world!


What shocked everyone was that although Lin Wudao fell from the sky in the face of the black thunder that destroyed the world, he was not harmed.


With him as the center, the surrounding area continued to collapse, turning into a bottomless hole.


"Resist the tribulation of the Great Dao God? How powerful a physical body is required to do this?"

far away.

Yin Siming was amazed again and again.

Lin Wudao once refreshed his knowledge and imagination...

Compared to him, Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu were greatly relieved after seeing Lin Wudao unharmed.

The hanging heart just now was finally let go.

"Let me just say that if Brother Ren dares to survive the divine tribulation, he must be well prepared."

The mad Taoist was all smiles.

"Yeah, brother Ren's physical body is too strong!"

"A mere divine calamity can't hurt him at all..."

Qin Daofu was also very excited.

Lin Wudao is powerful beyond imagination!


They were happy and relieved.

However, the expressions of the protoss surrounding them became gloomier.

"It seems that you still underestimated me and let me do it."

far away.

Wu Yuanjun frowned.

"Clan leader, the Taiyi God Clan is here~"


Fu Tianjiang's voice sounded next to him.


Wu Yuanjun followed the sound and saw a bright divine light piercing the void.


It turned into an ancient golden temple, standing in the void.


There were three powerful figures walking out hand in hand.

There was a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi with a Chinese character face and a majestic temperament, an old man in gray, and another person who was shrouded in a cloak and whose face could not be seen clearly.

"Yun Zongheng, the patriarch of the Taiyi Divine Clan, and Yun Chunqiu, the elder of the clan..."

Wu Yuanjun's eyes swept over the three people in turn.

When it fell on the cloaked man, he couldn't help but frown.

"Who is this person?"

"Looking at his aura, he doesn't seem to be a god."

"Is it possible that the Taiyi Divine Clan also invited a certain ancestor of the God King to come out?"

He was secretly surprised.


Just as he was sizing up Yun Zongheng and others, the man in cloak on the golden temple in the distance seemed to feel his gaze.

A sharp look came over him instantly.


Just one glance frightened Wu Yuanjun, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"God King, Yun Tianshu!"

He was shocked.

Although he is a tenth-level god and is about to become a god king, he has not yet reached the level of a god king.


The gap between him and the God King is like a chasm!

After receiving Yun Tianshu's warning, Wu Yuanjun no longer dared to wait and see, and immediately withdrew his gaze as quickly as possible.

And Yun Tianshu did not pursue the matter any further.

His eyes fell on Lin Wudao who was undergoing a tribulation in the distance...

"What a terrifying divine calamity, what a powerful body!"

Yun Tianshu narrowed his eyes.


His cold eyes glanced at Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu again.

"Are they the evil trio?"


Yun Zongheng responded respectfully.

"Ancestor, that Lin Wudao's body seems to be very powerful. Even the divine calamity can't hurt him. Do we still want to do it?"

"Look first and then talk~"

Yun Tianshu replied lightly.

He did not decide immediately, but chose to observe first.

at the same time!

Just when Yun Tianshu and the others were paying attention, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu in the distance also discovered people from the Taiyi Divine Clan.

"Old madman, people from the Taiyi Divine Clan are here."


"The two tenth-level gods and the old man hiding under the cloak should be the ancestors of the Taiyi God Clan."

"My name is Yun Tianshu, and my cultivation has reached the first level of God King!"

"They didn't take action. They seemed to be looking for an opportunity..."

The mad Taoist secretly transmitted the message.

Scanning the eyes of truth, the identities and origins of Yun Tianshu and others could not be hidden at all.

"Then what should we do?"


"As long as Brother Ren remains in this state, the Taiyi God Clan should be wary and dare not take action."

"Then what if something unexpected happens to Brother Ren during his tribulation?"

"If that's the case, the Taiyi God Clan will definitely take advantage of the situation..."

The mad Taoist squinted his eyes and replied.

"In short, I won't move until the enemy doesn't move!"

"As long as the Taiyi God Clan dares to take action, we will cut off their claws to let everyone know that our wicked trio are not easy to bully."


"When the time comes, I'll take the lead!"

Qin Daofu was full of fighting spirit.

Say it.

While they were alert to the movements around them, they also paid attention to Lin Wudao's situation.




One day later.

Accompanied by the terrifying thunder sounds that shook the earth, seventy-two great tribulations had passed.

Only the last nine paths are left!

at this time.

Lin Wudao, who originally relied on the Stone of Origin for support, began to suffer some minor injuries in his physical body.


The power of the Great Dao Divine Tribulation is accumulated on the original basis. The further it goes, the more terrifying it becomes.

If it weren't for the Stone of Origin, Lin Wudao wouldn't be able to hold on now.


Even so, under the bombardment of the Great Dao Divine Tribulation, his physical body also suffered injuries.

"Taixu Heaven Mending Technique!"

Seeing that the Origin Stone seemed unable to withstand the bombardment of the divine calamity, Lin Wudao immediately used the Taixu Heaven-Mending Technique to quickly recover from his injuries.

that's all!

While enduring the bombardment of the Great Dao Divine Tribulation, he continued to recover from his injuries.


There is only the last one left in the Great Dao Divine Tribulation.


The power is also countless times more terrifying!


As the 81st divine calamity descended, Lin Wudao's body burst open, blood splashed in the void in all directions, and his muscles and bones continued to break.

The aura around me seemed to have suddenly dropped to the extreme...

"Brother Ren!"

"Brother Ren!"

Seeing this horrific scene, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu were shocked and screamed.

What they were most worried about finally appeared.

"Don't worry, I'm... fine."

Lin Wudao lay on the ground and heard a weak voice.

The voice is full of bitterness!

He didn't expect that he would actually encounter the Great Dao Divine Tribulation this time, and its power was far beyond his imagination.

Not even the Origin Stone can protect you!


Fortunately, I finally made it through with a narrow escape.

Think of this.

Feeling the almost collapsed body, Lin Wudao did not dare to hesitate, and immediately used the power of the Great Demon God of Qingshan to use the Taixu Heaven-Mending Technique to recover.


As time passed, his injuries began to improve at a speed visible to the naked eye.

at the same time!

Above the sky, there seems to be the light of the avenue shining...

"Now, do it!"

"Kill them!"

far away.

Yun Tianshu and others saw everything.

Seeing that Lin Wudao's aura had dropped to the extreme, he didn't hesitate at all, and immediately shouted loudly, carrying the momentum of the sky, and suppressed him.


As his voice fell, twelve more powerful figures rushed out of the Golden Temple and headed straight for Lin Wudao.

See this scene!

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu were furious!

"I'm waiting for you!"

"Come on, it's not yet certain who will kill whom~"

Qin Daofu was furious.


The words fell.

He stretched out his hand, and an extremely ancient and extremely mysterious chariot suddenly appeared in front of him.

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