Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 541: Within three months, your ancestral graves were dug!

The Taiyi Divine Clan was completely wiped out!


Seeing this result, both Wu Yuanjun and others from the Night Demon Clan, as well as the people of the Tushan clan who were watching around them, all took a breath.

The eyes looking at Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu were full of intense fear and apprehension...

That was a god king, twelve tenth-level gods!

Just die like this?

at last!

Having been drained of all his lifespan and cultivation, he became a stepping stone for crazy Taoists?

"The three evil men are so terrifying!"

Wu Yuanjun sighed sincerely.

At this moment!

He finally understood why Fu Tianjiang was so afraid.

The cruelty and power of the evil trio far exceeded his imagination!


Their background and methods completely subverted his understanding...

Such a person, once he becomes an enemy, will definitely suffer disaster.

Think of this!

Wu Yuanjun couldn't help but secretly feel lucky that he didn't have the impulse to attack the evil trio just now.

Otherwise, now he and the Night Demon Clan will end up in the same fate as Yun Tianshu and others.


Wu Yuanjun was not the only one who was secretly glad.

The same goes for the other protoss who were watching!

"Now, the Taiyi Protoss has hit a brick wall. If they offend the evil trio, I'm afraid the entire Protoss will not be able to live in peace."

Someone in the crowd sighed.

"Oh, this evil trio is so outrageous. I really don't know where they came from."

"If this goes to the land of Shenzhou, won't it cause a stir?"

"This world is already chaotic enough. If we add the evil trio, I really don't know what it will be like."

"It won't take long before the entire Divine Continent will be turned into a mess by them..."

Many whispers came from the crowd.

at this time!

They are all worried that the evil trio will bring trouble to the land of Shenzhou.

Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu ignored their reactions and worries.

After putting away the bodies of Yun Tianshu and others, they looked fiercely in the direction of the Taiyi God Clan.


The golden divine boat where Yun Zongheng and others were originally located has long since disappeared.

"Hey, you actually ran away?"

Qin Daofu looked surprised.

"Humph, look where they can run!"

"The relationship between the Taiyi God Clan and my wicked trio has been completely forged. Within three months, we will definitely dig up the Taiyi God Clan's ancestral graves."

"Please tell the Taiyi Divine Clan and let them prepare."

"Anyone who offends us will not end well..."

The mad Taoist said viciously.


Do you want to dig the ancestral graves of the Taiyi Divine Clan?

As soon as these words came out, Wu Yuanjun and others suddenly looked shocked.

None of them expected that the crazy Taoist would be so direct and openly threaten to dig up people's ancestral graves.

"Okay, everyone has had enough of watching the show, right?"

"The Tianlong God Clan, Split Sky God Clan, Jiuyang God Clan, and other God Clan, do you still want to return to the Son of God and your clan?"

"If you want it, hand over the treasure quickly and redeem it."

"If it's too late, I might change my mind..."


While talking.

The crazy Taoist waved his hand, and an ancient golden tomb of the god immediately appeared in the air.


Ying Changsheng and others were thrown to the ground by him.

However, their current condition is not very good, each of them has been drained of half of their lifespan and cultivation by the crazy Taoist.

"A crazy Taoist like a dog actually treats the son of our clan like this!"

The strong man from the Tianlong God Clan cursed fiercely in his heart.

Full of anger and hatred!

The other gods were also filled with strong resentment when they saw their respective sons of gods and clansmen.


Afraid of the mad Taoist's powerful power, they did not dare to show it in person.

Instead, his face was filled with smiles...

"The Son of God of our clan has offended you, so please show mercy."

"We, the Tianlong Divine Clan, are willing to offer ten treasures of the gods to redeem the Son of God and all the clan members..."

The Celestial Dragon Clan.

A dignified-looking middle-aged man in mysterious clothes took a step forward, cupped his hands and said.


He immediately took out ten treasures of the gods and handed them to the crazy Taoist.

"The Tianlong God Clan, not bad!"

The crazy Taoist nodded appreciatively.


With a wave of his hand, he collected ten treasures of the gods.

"I will split the Celestial God Clan, and I am willing to give ten of the Celestial God's treasures in exchange for the Son of God and his people."

"I, the Nine-Yang Divine Clan, are the same!"

"Zhurong God Clan, the same!"

Following the Tianlong Divine Clan, representatives of the major divine clans stepped forward one after another and took out ten treasures of the gods.

See it!

The crazy Taoist will not reject anyone who comes, and will take them all into his pocket.

The smile on his face became even brighter.

"Sir, can we take the person away now?"


"My evil trio are all about credibility. If they say they are just seeking money, then their lives will not be harmed."

"Now, you can take them away..."

The mad Taoist waved his hand.

Ying Changsheng and others exchanged ten pieces of the God's Treasure, which was already a huge profit for them.

All the value on them was blown away.


There is no use in keeping it in your hands.


Hearing what the crazy Taoist said, everyone was relieved.


Without any hesitation, they left Shanling Realm as quickly as possible with their respective gods and clansmen.

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu didn't care about them.

When all the people from the God Clan left, they immediately came to Lin Wudao.




At this time, an extremely majestic and mysterious sound came from the vast sky.

Immediately afterwards.

An immeasurable divine light penetrated the void and enveloped Lin Wudao's entire body.

Under the illumination of the divine light of the Dao, Lin Wudao's body emitted bursts of roaring sounds, and the flesh and bones all over his body were manifested by the rhyme of the Dao.


His body, soul, and life levels are all undergoing unprecedented sublimation and transformation.

The whole body is intertwined with the divine patterns of the Great Dao!

It looks mysterious~

"Brother Ren's tribulation this time seems to be extraordinary."

"Once he becomes a true god, his combat power will be even more incredible. Can he kill the God King with just one hand?"

Qin Daofu exclaimed.


"Brother Ren is much more powerful than you and me. Looking at him like this, it seems that it will take a few more days to build a divine body and complete his own sublimation."

"Let's stay safe here..."


The mad Taoist sat cross-legged on the ground.

"By the way, old madman, how much life wasted by the Sky Burial Domain you just used?"

At this time!

Qin Daofu seemed to have remembered something and asked solemnly.

The Burial Heaven Realm can forcibly knock down the cultivation and realm of the God King to the True God. This kind of power is simply unbelievable.

According to the strength of the crazy Taoist, he definitely paid an extremely heavy price.

To this!

The crazy Taoist also nodded heavily.

"Seven hundred thousand years of life!"

He said calmly.


Seven hundred thousand years?

Hearing this, Qin Daofu couldn't help being shocked!

"Then how long did you live before?"

"Eight hundred thousand years!"

"So, you lost nine-tenths of your lifespan before you used the Sky Burial Domain?"


"Old madman, you are so awesome~"

Qin Daofu held out his thumb and praised.

Losing 700,000 years of life, the crazy Taoist's accumulated wealth in the past ten years has been consumed today by most of it.

The loss is not small!

"When Brother Ren becomes a true god and ends the Lishan Divine Kingdom, we must go to the Taiyi Divine Clan to take revenge."

"Get back all your losses!"

Qin Daofu growled viciously.

The fierce light in his eyes is revealed!

"it is necessary!"

"The Taiyi God Clan caused me to lose 700,000 years of life. How can this debt be settled like this?"

"When the time comes, I will definitely bury them all..."

The mad Taoist looked ferocious.

With a life span of 700,000 years, he was extremely heartbroken!

Lin Wudao didn't pay attention to what was happening in the outside world.

at this time!

He focused all his mind and attention on building the divine body.


After three days of being washed and baptized by the divine light of the great avenue, he finally succeeded in being promoted to the realm of the True God.

at the same time!

Created the supreme body of the avenue...

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