One-turn Nirvana Pill, priced at 800 top-grade divine stones!

Even if Lin Wudao owns the Supreme Taoist Talisman and can enjoy a 10% discount, if he wants to buy it, he still needs to come up with 80 top-grade sacred stones.

He doesn't even have a top-grade spiritual stone now. Where can he get a top-grade divine stone?

"When I came to the City of All Heavens, I realized how poor I am..."


He couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

With that said, he forcibly moved his eyes away from the Nine Turns of Nirvana Pill, and was about to leave Wanbao Tower. However, at this moment, Mu Jiutian's voice came from beside him.

"I want this one-turn nirvana pill!"


Without hesitation, he took out eight hundred top-quality sacred stones and placed them in front of Qian Ruming.

"Brother Mu also needs this?"

Qian Ruming was a little confused.

"I plan to buy it and give it to a younger generation. He has the qualifications of a great emperor. Maybe by using this Nirvana Pill, he can be promoted to the qualifications of a heavenly emperor."

Mu Jiutian said calmly.

Hear the words!

Qian Ruming glanced at Lin Wudao and seemed to have guessed something, without saying much.

"By the way, if this second round of Nirvana Pill is specially customized, how long will it take to get it? And what's the price?"

"Well, almost a year or so!"

"The Nirvana flower, the main medicine required to refine the second-turn Nirvana pill, takes three thousand years to mature. We still need to wait a little longer."

"In addition, few people are willing to refine something like the Second-turn Nirvana Pill, and you need to pay a lot of money to hire someone."

“Hence, it’s a little more expensive!”

"If you really want to order it, you can get eight million top-quality sacred stones at a fixed price!"

Qian Rushing said calmly.


Just for the second time, the price increased ten thousand times?

Lin Wudao was secretly shocked.


"Let me find out first, and we'll talk about it then!"


Mu Jiutian picked up the One-turn Nirvana Pill, turned around and walked out of Wanbao Tower.

"Brother Dongfang, this is for you~"

Just left Wanbao Tower.

Mu Jiutian directly handed the Nirvana Pill to Lin Wudao.

"I don't have any money to give you today!"

"Hey, isn't it just 800 top-grade divine stones? I don't lack this little money. I even gave you a sky-shielding cloak and a mask of all heavens worth one billion top-grade divine stones. Do you still care about these?"

"When you have money in the future, just return it to me. It's no big deal..."

Mu Jiutian said nonchalantly.

He didn't care at all about the mere 800 pieces of top-quality sacred stones.

"Aren't you afraid that I will default on my debt? What if I leave this city of the heavens and never come back?"

Lin Wudao joked.

To this.

Mu Jiutian curled his lips.

"If you are really like that, it proves that I, Mu Jiutian, have seen the wrong person. It is quite worthwhile to be able to see a person's true face with just a few hundred top-grade sacred stones."

"But, you and I are just meeting by chance..."

"Oh, my biggest hobby is to make friends with heroes in the world. In other words, it also paves the way for my own future."

"As humans, there will always be times when we encounter difficulties!"

"I helped you today, but I might need you to help me tomorrow. Only by helping each other can we go further on this road of life."

"Finally, I think Brother Dongfang, you are not that kind of person..."

Mu Jiutian said with a smile on his face.

To this.

Lin Wudao just sighed lightly and did not speak.

"Brother Dongfang, you finally made it to the City of All Heavens. While it's still early, how about I take you to an interesting place and see the big scene?"


"Jiutian Tower!"

"This Jiutian Tower is an industry under the Jiutian Merchant Alliance. It is the largest auction house in the first heaven of the City of All Heavens. At the end of every month, a grand auction will be held."

"At the auction, there are all kinds of top-notch products that cannot be seen in the outside world."

"Every auction is a thrilling war. The competition is about everyone's identity, status, strength, and financial resources. Once you get there, it will definitely open your eyes."

"I heard that something incredible appeared at the auction this time..."

Mu Jiutian said eloquently.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao's interest was also piqued.

call out!

Under the leadership of Mu Jiutian, the two drove the Shenzhou and arrived at Jiutian Tower at lightning speed.

That is an island suspended in the void!




At a glance, there are thousands of strange phenomena in the void around the Jiutian Tower, and there is a vague manifestation of the supreme principles of heaven and earth. A peerless god who reaches the sky and the earth stands in all directions, which is extremely majestic.


Because it happened to be an auction held once a month, countless divine lights passed by in the void, and powerful figures came riding on divine rainbows and walked across the sky.

Finally, under the awe-inspiring gaze of many creatures, I walked into the Jiutian Tower...

"The time is coming, let's hurry up!"

Say hello.

Mu Jiutian immediately drove the Shenzhou and landed Lin Wudao outside Jiutian Tower.


The two walked in step by step.

After entering Jiutian Tower, Lin Wudao discovered that there was actually a separate world inside.


In the Ten Directions Void, millions of creatures have been waiting for a long time...

In the center of it, there stands a huge auction platform.

At the same time!

Around the auction platform, there are boxes, in which sit ancient and powerful beings.

"Let's find a place to sit down."

"The auction will start soon..."

Mu Jiutian pulled Lin Wudao, found a seat, and sat down.

"Hey, Brother Mu?"

The two had just sat down, and suddenly, with a divine light falling, a familiar figure came into view.

It turned out to be Qian Ruming from Wanbaolou!

"Brother Mu is also interested in this auction?"


"I heard that there are good things this time. If there are suitable ones, I would like to participate..."

Mu Jiutian responded with a smile.

"Then you came at the right time!"

"Today's auction will have the Imperial Treasure..."


Imperial Treasure?

Mu Jiutian took a breath of cold air, and a brilliant divine light bloomed in his eyes.

"This Imperial Treasure is related to becoming an immortal. After reaching the ninth level of the Heavenly Emperor, if one can cultivate to the highest level of the Human Dao, the Imperial Dao, and the Heavenly Dao, one can become an immortal."

"If the Imperial Treasure really appears, there will be a shocking competition. If one wants to get it, one must pay a huge price..."

Mu Jiutian said with a sigh.

His expression was both shocked and full of yearning!

"It seems that Mu Jiutian's identity and background are also very unusual..."

Lin Wudao glanced at it and thought secretly.

All those who can participate in this auction are top wealthy families. If it really involves the Imperial Treasure, I'm afraid that ordinary Heavenly Emperor forces cannot participate.

At least, it must be the Immortal Dao forces!

After all.

The auction is all about background and financial resources...

In this regard, it seems that Mu Jiutian is not lacking?

Thinking of this.

Lin Wudao couldn't help but feel a little interested. He didn't say anything, but looked around calmly while waiting for the auction to begin.


Finally, I don’t know how long it has been.

Accompanied by a majestic and magnificent bell, the originally noisy Jiutian Tower became quiet in an instant.


A ray of divine light descended, and a palace-dressed woman with peerless beauty and no worldly desires slowly appeared...

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