"After endless years, someone finally proves eternity again..."

Mu Jiutian exclaimed.

at this time!

There was infinite awe in his eyes, making him want to kneel down and worship immediately.

"What is the Supreme?"

Although he already knew that the supreme Taoist talisman was extraordinary and had a huge background, Lin Wudao, who had just arrived, did not know the level and grade of the Taoist talisman.

Even more unclear is the identity and significance of the owner of a supreme Taoist talisman.

To this!

Mu Jiutian didn't hide anything, and immediately explained patiently...

"In the City of All Heavens, identity and status are distinguished by Taoist talismans. The stronger one is, the higher the level of Taoist talismans he possesses."

"The lowest one is the white jade Taoist Talisman, which is the most common!"

"The White Jade Taoist Talisman can only enter the City of All Heavens to purchase things. It does not enjoy any treatment or discounts."

"Ninety-nine percent of the people in the City of All Heavens hold white jade Taoist talismans!"

"On top of the white jade Taoist Talisman, there are black iron Taoist Talisman, bronze Taoist Talisman, silver Taoist Talisman, gold Taoist Talisman, and the highest Supreme Tao Talisman."

"The black iron talisman has a certain status and enjoys a 10% discount; the bronze talisman enjoys a 20% discount, the silver talisman enjoys a 30% discount, and the gold talisman enjoys a 50% discount."

"The higher the level of the Taoist talisman, the higher the identity, status, and strength it represents..."

Mu Jiutian said in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded understandingly.

Now, he finally understood the extraordinary identity of the Supreme Taoist Talisman in the City of All Heavens. This was like reaching the sky in one step.

"As the owner of the Golden Taoist Talisman, Tushan Demon is also very powerful..."

He sighed secretly.

While talking.

Mu Jiutian had already steered the Shenzhou towards the Ninth Avenue.

call out!

A bright divine light cut through the void. Standing on the Shenzhou, Lin Wudao could more clearly see the magnificence and greatness of the City of the Heavens.

Here is an unimaginable existence!

After a while.

Under the leadership of Mu Jiutian, Lin Wudao arrived at the so-called Ninth Avenue.

Look up!

I saw that the entire Ninth Avenue was a majestic street with no end in sight. It was like a Milky Way under the vast starry sky, blooming with endless mysterious colors.

Everywhere you look, there are various shops and a dazzling array of products...

"Brother Dongfang, this is the Ninth Avenue where mortal items are sold."

"From the lowest realm of the physical body to the ultimate realm of true gods for mortals, everything related to cultivation can be found here."

"What is sold in the City of All Heavens are the best divine objects and treasures in the world. Ordinary things are not eligible to enter here, and you don't have to worry about fakes here."

"Because the products here will undergo strict screening..."


Mu Jiutian began to take Lin Wudao for a stroll on the Ninth Avenue.

Along the way, he saw many products.

No matter which one, if placed in the great world of Shenhuang, it would be enough to cause an uproar.

"Are there any treasures that can improve your qualifications?"

At this time.

Lin Wudao suddenly asked.

To improve qualifications?

Mu Jiutian glanced at him with some confusion, then nodded.


"The magic of the City of All Heavens is that you can buy whatever you want. Even if that item is not available, you can pay a high price and have it specially made."

"As long as the price you offer is high enough, someone will definitely meet your requirements."

"On this Ninth Avenue, there is a Wanbao Building, which sells the best heaven and earth artifacts or treasures at the mortal level, but the price is a little more expensive..."

Mu Jiutian pointed forward.


He drove the Shenzhou and led Lin Wudao to an ancient and magnificent nine-story attic.

"Hey, Emperor Mu Tian is here?"

A lean man dressed as a boy came up to him with a smile.

"Gong Jiu, is your boss here?"

"here I am."

"Well, this time I brought a friend here to see some magic items that can improve my qualifications..."

"I understand, little man. Please come in, Emperor Mu Tian~"

The man named Gong Jiu is extremely enthusiastic.

See this.

Mu Jiutian didn't hesitate and immediately walked in with Lin Wudao.

"I didn't expect Brother Mu to be a Heavenly Emperor?"

"Oh, I, the Emperor of Heaven, can only barely make a living in the City of All Heavens. Here, just throwing a brick can hit a large area of ​​Emperor of Heaven."

"Well, isn't it said that there is no such thing as a great emperor in all eternity? It is even more difficult to become a heavenly emperor, right?"


"Brother Dongfang, can't the emperor do it with his hands? The situation you mentioned only exists in a world where resources are exhausted or the world level is extremely low."

"In any high-level world, its emperor is just like an ordinary mortal..."

Mu Jiutian curled his lips and said.


Is the emperor like a mortal?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao was quite shocked.

In the great world of Shenhuang, the Great Emperor is a rare existence throughout the ages and is synonymous with power; however, in Mu Jiutian's mouth, it is not worth mentioning.

Just like ordinary mortals!

It can be seen from this that Mu Jiutian must have come from a high-level world.

at the same time!

This also proves from the side that the level of Shenhuang World is not high...

Entering the Wanbao Tower, everything will be brilliant!

The dazzling divine light and precious energy shook Lin Wudao to the point where he could not open his eyes.

"Brother Mu is here?"

"I heard from Gong Jiu that your friend wants to buy some magical items to improve his qualifications this time?"

Just as Lin Wudao was looking at it.

A fat man wearing brocade clothes and a smile on his face came in front of him.

"Brother, this is Qian Ruming, the shopkeeper of Wanbao Tower. We all call him Fatty Qian. If you want anything, just tell him."

"As long as it's at the mortal level, he can basically take it out..."

Mu Jiutian introduced.

Money is life?

The name is quite interesting.

Lin Wudao looked at him calmly and nodded lightly.

"I need a magical item that can improve my qualifications without causing any side effects on myself."

He pondered for a long time.

Lin Wudao said.

"Well, I wonder what level I need, brother?"

"There are many divine objects that can improve qualifications, and the levels and qualities are also different. Some allow people to have the qualifications of a great emperor, and some allow people to have the qualifications of a heavenly emperor."

"In addition, there is also the talent to ascend to the sky and reach the true immortality in one step. Even the Immortal King has it..."

Qian Ruming asked tentatively.


The lowest level is the Great Emperor?

Lin Wudao was shocked.

"Brother, how about I pick some out and let you choose?"


"Please wait~"

Qian Ruming turned and left.


He returned again, waving his big sleeves, and infinite divine light burst out in an instant, manifesting various divine objects and treasures in the void.

It seems to reflect the image of the heavens!

Every divine object has an extremely grand aura.

Lin Wudao's divine eyes swept across, and a large amount of information was immediately presented in front of his eyes...

[Name: Taixu Sword Bone]

[Introduction: A supreme root bone condensed from the innate Taixu Qi. When combined with itself, it can forge the Taixu sword body. After it is completed, it can evolve into the Taixu sword world. 】

[Remarks: Forcibly dug out from the body of the Taixu God Son, after fusion, he will have the qualifications of a great emperor! 】

[Price: 10 billion top-quality sacred stones! 】

[Name: Cleansing Divine Water]

[Introduction: A high-level world, an innate divine object from the beginning of the world, can cleanse one's own talents and roots, make them harmonious with heaven and earth, and create an innate Taoist body. 】

[Remarks: The gift of the Emperor of Heaven! 】

[Price: 10 trillion top-quality sacred stones! 】

[Name: Blood of the Eternal Emperor]

[Introduction: The divine object taken from the origin of the Tao of Heaven in a certain medium-sized world, evolved over countless epochs, can be integrated into one’s body to create the body of an innate Taoist god! 】

[Remarks: Obtained by killing a party of Heavenly Dao. After fusion, you can have the qualifications of a true immortal. 】

[Sale price: 100 billion of the best divine crystals! 】

Lin Wudao was dazzled by the many divine objects and treasures.

What’s in front of you are all good things!

But there are often hundreds of millions of top-grade divine stones, and even the divine crystals are measured in hundreds of millions. After taking a glance at them, Lin Wudao felt that his vision was too low.

Too poor!

He can't afford anything here...

"Why, are you dissatisfied?"

"It's okay, this is just a small part. There are many other magical objects. You can choose slowly. There will always be one that suits you. Don't worry..."

Seeing Lin Wudao not speaking, Qian Ruming thought he was dissatisfied.


With a wave of his hand, many divine objects and treasures appeared out of thin air, no matter in terms of level or quality, they were all superior to them.


Lin Wudao remained silent!

Seeing this, Qian Ruming was about to change a batch, but was stopped by Mu Jiutian who was standing aside.

He knew that Lin Wudao didn't bring any money today.

"Shop Manager Qian, I remember that there seems to be something called the Nine-turn Nirvana Pill in your Wanbao Tower? Why don't you take it out and show it to my brother?"

"I heard that this Nine Turns of Nirvana Pill is a supreme divine item that can elevate a person's qualifications to that of an Immortal Emperor. I wonder if you don't have one yet?"

Mu Jiutian said in a deep voice.

There are also magical objects that are the property of the Immortal Emperor?

Lin Wudao was a little curious.


Qian Ruming, who was opposite him, looked a little embarrassed after hearing about the Nine-turn Nirvana Pill.

"What, there's no more?"

Mu Jiutian said disappointedly.


"Yes, yes, it is... there is only one Nine-turn Nirvana Pill left, and it is sold separately. Every time you take one of the Nine-turn Nirvana Pill, your qualifications will increase by one level."

"Only after nine turns can one's qualifications and potential be upgraded to Immortal Emperor."

"This Nine-turn Nirvana Pill becomes more precious the further you go, and it is extremely difficult to refine. It requires a long period of time to collect materials and hire someone to refine it."

"Now, I still have one in Wanbao Tower, which is suitable for the mortal stage. After swallowing it, one's own qualifications and roots can be increased tenfold."

"As for the elixirs for the second level and above, they need to be specially customized..."

Qian Ruming explained.


As he spoke, he turned over his hand, took out an exquisite jade bottle, and poured out a thumb-sized elixir that was shimmering with divine light.

Just taking a whiff of the aroma, Lin Wudao felt refreshed!

[Name: Nine Turns Nirvana Pill (First Turn)]

[Introduction: The supreme magic medicine suitable for the mortal stage, which can increase one's qualifications tenfold. After the second turn, continue to improve tenfold on the original basis. 】

[Remarks: After nine turns, you can create the capital of the Immortal Emperor! 】

[Price: 800 top-quality sacred stones! 】

After reading.

Lin Wudao fell into silence again.

This may be the cheapest thing in Wanbao Tower, but he still can't afford it...

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