
The appearance of the woman caused a huge sensation in Jiutian Tower.

For a moment.

Countless eyes fell on her in unison...

"Hey, isn't this the number one goddess of the Jiutian Merchant Alliance, Ji Ruyue? She actually came to the Jiutian Tower to preside over this auction in person?"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"She is indeed the number one goddess!"

"Hasn't Ji Ruyue been in charge of the Immortal Tower in the second heaven? Why did she suddenly come to the first heaven?"

"The entire Jiutian Merchant Alliance belongs to others. You can go wherever you want..."

"I heard that Ji Ruyue has become a true immortal?"

"It seems so! I have only practiced for one hundred and eighty years..."

All kinds of exclamation sounds kept coming out.


Listening to the discussion in the crowd, Lin Wudao in the distance was slightly shaken. Since he embarked on the path of cultivation, he has encountered some powerful beings.

Such as the Great Emperor Jiang Taichu, the Fallen Demon Lord, and the Great Demon Tushan, etc., but they all came into contact through collecting corpses and never really saw a living person...


When I arrived at the City of All Heavens, I saw a living true immortal!

This made Lin Wudao extremely sad.

"The number one goddess of the Jiutian Merchant Alliance has only practiced for one hundred and eighty years before she became an immortal. Her qualifications must have reached an incredible level."

"Moreover, the resources she has at her disposal are beyond the imagination of ordinary people..."

He sighed secretly in his heart.

some people.

Stand at the pinnacle of life as soon as you are born!

This is fate, it cannot be compared.

"I have always heard people say that birth is also a science. Now it seems that it is indeed true..."

While sighing.

Lin Wudao suppressed the shock in his heart and continued to cast his calm gaze on the auction platform in the distance.

At this time!

Ji Ruyue glanced lightly, raised her jade hand gently, and the whole audience fell silent for an instant.

No one dares to say another word!

"Today's auction will be hosted by me!"

"According to the rules of Jiutian Tower, at the auction, the person with the highest bid for the items said to be auctioned will get it. No credit, no regrets, no repudiation!"

"Otherwise, Jiutian Tower has the right to permanently expel those who do not abide by the rules from the City of All Heavens."

The cold and calm voice resounded in all directions!

Hear the words.

Everyone remains silent!

They are already familiar with the rules of Jiutian Tower...

Therefore, there was no resistance.

"Now that everyone knows the rules, let's get started!"

"Next, let me invite you to the first auction item."

call out!

As Ji Ruyue's voice sounded, suddenly, a ray of cold divine light cut through the void, carrying the mighty power of the Supreme Emperor, and appeared on the auction stage.

That was a dark ancient sword!

"This object is called Tianhuang Emperor Sword!"

"It is the ultimate imperial weapon refined by Emperor Tianhuang during the Emperor Burial Era. It is made of Xuantian Divine Gold as the main material, mixed with thirty-six kinds of extreme materials, and took three thousand years to refine."

"Among them, there are eighty-one emperor's prohibitions engraved on them, and they belong to the top extreme emperor soldiers!"

"The starting price is: 10 trillion top-grade divine crystals, and each increase in price must not be less than 10,000 top-grade divine crystals..."

Ji Ruyue slowly introduced.

Emperor Tianhuang?

Isn't that the unparalleled emperor who ranks ninth on the list of emperors in the Emperor Burial Era? The imperial army he spent three thousand years on was actually found?

There was an uproar among the crowd.

"The first item to be auctioned is the top-notch Imperial Emperor Armament. It seems that the final item this time is very likely to be the legendary Imperial Treasure..."

Mu Jiutian frowned and whispered.


Lin Wudao was also secretly surprised.


He finally felt the grand scene of Jiutian Tower!

When he appeared on the scene, he was the top-notch Ji Dao Imperial Soldier. This would be something that would be unimaginable in the world of Shenhuang.

"I'll give you 11 trillion!"

Someone started bidding.

"I'll give you twelve trillion!"

"Thirteen trillion!"

As the first person started bidding, the price of the Tianhuang Emperor Sword skyrocketed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Under Lin Wudao's gaze, the price of the Tianhuang Emperor Sword exceeded 20 trillion.

Moreover, it is the ultimate divine crystal!

This is something more advanced than the best divine stone...

Lin Wudao couldn't imagine how much it would cost.

"One price, fifty trillion!"


Just as everyone was fiercely fighting for the Tianhuang Emperor Sword, suddenly, a domineering voice came from a box on the auction stage.

Lin Wudao followed the sound, but it was the third box in Tianzi!

It seems to be an ancient and powerful force!

"Sixty trillion!"

At this time.

There was a dull voice coming from the second box in Tianzi.


This master is also somewhat interested in the Tianhuang Emperor Sword...

"Eighty trillion!"

Faced with the competition for Tianzi's No. 2 box, Tianzi's No. 3 box did not hesitate at all and directly increased the price by 20 trillion for the best divine crystal, pushing the price to 80 trillion.

"Fuck, people are really stupid and have too much money!"


Mu Jiutian clicked his tongue.

He looked like he was watching a good show...

"What is the real value of this Tianhuang Emperor Sword?"

"Well, up to one hundred billion!"

"If 80 trillion can be obtained, it will not be considered a profit, but it will not be a loss. However, when you meet people who really need it, it will be a different price."

"After all, there are always a group of people in this world who like something called 'feelings'..."

Mu Jiutian said pointedly.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded.


Faced with the high price of 80 trillion for the Tianzi No. 3 box, Tianzi No. 2 box was silent for a moment, and finally pushed the price to 90 trillion for the best divine crystal.


The third box of Tianzi is obviously determined to win the Tianhuang Emperor Sword, and continues to increase the price by 10 trillion on the original basis.


At the sky-high price of one hundred billion top-quality divine crystals, he successfully obtained the Tianhuang Emperor Sword!

Watch this scene.

Lin Wudao couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Today, he had his eyes opened...

"Congratulations to the distinguished guest in the third box of Tianzi for successfully winning the Tianhuang Emperor Sword!"


A majestic bell sounded from the auction stage.

“Next, I’d like to invite you for the second auction item!”

Ji Ruyue's voice sounded again.

call out!

Another ray of divine light descended and turned into an exquisite jade bottle only the size of a thumb.

"This thing is called water of life!"

"Its greatest effect is to extend life span. There are three drops of water of life in this jade bottle, and one drop can extend your life for 18,000 years!"

"The starting price is: One hundred billion top-grade divine crystals. Each time the price is increased, it shall not be less than one hundred thousand top-grade divine crystals."

"Special note, these three drops of water of life are only effective for creatures below the realm of the Emperor of Heaven..."

This is also a good thing!

Lin Wudao sighed secretly.

A drop of water of life is even more precious than the true dragon elixir he obtained before.

For those thousand-year-old emperors, it is simply the ultimate magic medicine!

"One hundred and ten trillion!"

"One hundred and twenty trillion!"

Good stuff, don’t worry about selling it.


The price of the water of life has skyrocketed, and in the blink of an eye, it has skyrocketed to 300 billion top-grade divine crystals.

Moreover, the price continues to increase...

See this scene!

Lin Wudao and Mu Jiutian sat quietly in the audience, watching the crazy competition between the big forces.

Mutual exchange.

After a fierce competition, the three drops of water of life were finally successfully auctioned by the Tianzi No. 2 box at a sky-high price of 150 billion.

"Congratulations to the second box of Tianzi for successfully capturing three drops of water of life!"

"Next, the third item to be auctioned is a Heavenly Emperor Creation Pill. After being swallowed and refined, it can break the shackles of the Emperor and advance to the realm of the Heavenly Emperor."

"The starting price is: 300 billion of the best divine crystals. Each time the price is increased, it shall not be less than 300,000,000 of the best divine crystals..."

On the auction stage, Ji Ruyue presided over the auction in an orderly manner.


Lin Wudao watched quietly, watching as an outsider and watching the excitement.


Mu Jiutian was a little uninterested. He had been chatting with Qian Ruming and would glance at the auction table from time to time.

Obviously, the current treasures are not very attractive to him.

that's all!

Time passes by unconsciously...

After a long time.

After going through various bidding for divine objects and treasures, the auction finally came to its peak, and Ji Ruyue took out the grand finale item.

"There is only one final item in this auction, and its level is an imperial treasure that is rare to find."

"The name is: Tiandi Xuanhuang Fruit!"


Ji Ruyue's cold voice sounded from the auction stage.


As soon as these words came out, all the eyes of the audience were instantly focused...

I saw.

As a ray of divine light descended, a mysterious fruit about the size of a fist and golden in color appeared in a jade plate.

Blooming with an extremely mysterious aura of rules!

"Is this...the rule of heaven?"

In the audience, some people were shocked.

"With the blessing of the rules of heaven, it is indeed the most precious treasure of the emperor!"

"This Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Fruit has such a strong aura of rules. If it can be swallowed, it will definitely be able to create the ninth level Heavenly Emperor and cultivate the golden body of the Emperor in one fell swoop."

"With this thing in hand, the imperial way can be greatly accomplished!"

"This level of treasure has not appeared for many years. I don't know what the starting price is..."

At this moment, everyone is watching!

The eyes of almost everyone present were focused on the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Fruit.

Even Mu Jiutian, who was dozing off, suddenly raised his head at this time, staring straight into his eyes, with extremely strong desire flowing in his eyes.

"Are you interested in this thing?"


"This is an imperial treasure that is rare throughout the ages. Even in the first heaven of the City of All Heavens, it rarely appears. I happen to have cultivated to the extreme realm of humanity."

"If you can get this thing, you will definitely be able to create the ninth-level Heavenly Emperor and cultivate the golden body of the Emperor in one fell swoop."

"At that time, we can have a glimpse of the ultimate realm of heaven..."

Mu Jiutian's eyes were filled with light.

Say it.

He began to count the financial resources he possessed.

This time, the battle for the royal treasure will be extremely fierce!

One can imagine.

The final transaction price must be very amazing!

He must prepare in advance...

See it!

Lin Wudao didn't bother.

Just watch quietly as a bystander.

"The most precious treasure of the Imperial Path, the Mysterious Yellow Fruit of Heaven and Earth, is an innate divine object evolved from the rules of the Heavenly Dao. After using it, one can cultivate the Golden Body of the Imperial Dao in one fell swoop and peer into the extreme realm of the Heavenly Dao."

"The starting price is: one billion catties of the best divine source. Each time the price is increased, it must not be less than one hundred million catties of the best divine source..."

After a while.

Ji Ruyue's voice rang from the auction stage.

Divine source?

Lin Wudao was slightly shocked.

As far as he knew, the Divine Source was an exclusive cultivation resource for the powerful above the Emperor of Heaven. It contained terrifying innate spiritual power, which was far beyond what the Divine Crystal could match.

One billion kilograms of the best divine source, even among the ancient forces at the level of the Emperor of Heaven, is extremely precious and cannot be obtained by ordinary forces.

"It's really a big deal!"

Lin Wudao praised.

Say it.

He watched with concentration...


After a short silence, the fight for the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Fruit has begun.

"One billion kilos!"

"Two billion catties!"

"Fifteen billion catties!"

"Two billion pounds!"

Huge roars came and went in the void.

The competition is extremely fierce!

Often before one price falls completely, a second high price comes out.

In just ten breaths, the Xuanhuang Fruit of Heaven and Earth rose to the astronomical price of five billion kilograms of the best divine source...

"Fifty-five billion!"

Mu Jiutian couldn't sit still anymore and started yelling.

"Six billion!"

There was a voice coming from the third box of Tianzi.

"Seven billion!"

Mu Jiutian didn't want to give up and continued to bid.

"Eight billion!"

"Nine billion!"

After Mu Jiutian, one high price after another directly drowned out his voice.


Mu Jiutian cursed fiercely.

Clenching his fists, his eyes were full of helplessness and sighs...

at last.

He sat down in his seat dejectedly.

Seeing this scene, Lin Wudao frowned.

"How many top-quality divine sources do you have?"


Hearing this, Mu Jiutian raised his head again and looked at him blankly.

"Ten billion catties!"

"Brother Dongfang, why do you ask this?"

"Nothing, it should be enough..."

Lin Wudao whispered.



What is enough?

Mu Jiutian was stunned by Lin Wudao's words.


Lin Wudao ignored him and just continued to watch the fierce competition in the auction with a calm expression.


The price of Tiandi Xuanhuang Fruit has soared to 30 billion kilograms of top-grade divine source!

at this time.

The only ones who continue to bid are the three private rooms in Tianzihao...

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