The City of All Heavens is as lively as ever!

The Great Emperor, Heavenly Emperor, True Immortal and other peerless strongmen come in an endless stream...

Although the cosmic tide has passed, there are still a large number of strongmen staying in the first heaven of the City of All Heavens.


When Lin Wudao entered the City of All Heavens, he immediately saw the figures of Mu Jiutian, Ji Ruyue and others at the gate of the city.

At the same time!

The appearance of Lin Wudao also attracted their attention.

Master Ren?

Everyone was very excited!

Then, Mu Jiutian, Ji Ruyue, Ji Wuya, Xiao Qinglan, Xiao Baiyi and others came to the front quickly.

Everyone had a strong smile on their face.

Even though Xiao Qinglan was a high-ranking quasi-immortal emperor, he was still very respectful when facing Lin Wudao's identity of "Ren Woxing".

There was no airs of a quasi-immortal emperor at all...

"Hello, Master Ren!"

"Hello, Master Ren!"

"Hello, Master Ren!"


Everyone greeted him warmly.

Seeing this! Lin Wudao also smiled and nodded. "Everyone, long time no see!" "This time I came to the City of All Heavens, there may be some things that need your help." Help? Hearing this, everyone's eyes suddenly became eager. "Mr. Ren, you are too polite!" "If there is anything, just tell us. As long as we can help, we will die." Ji Wuya said loudly. "That's right!" "Since Mr. Ren thinks highly of us, your business is our business." Xiao Qinglan also said with a smile. "Well, let's go to Jiutian Tower to talk." "Okay!" "Mr. Ren, please~" While speaking. Xiao Baiyi drove a Shenzhou and quickly headed towards Jiutian Tower. Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Wudao also focused his mind on the system panel. Name: Lin Wudao

Cultivation: Early stage of the Divine Power Realm

Lifespan: 34656246

Luck Value: 10035963500

"According to the previous narration by the God of War, in order to fight against the First Emperor, the Mountain and Ling Realm lost many God Kings, Heavenly Gods, and True Gods."

"It seems that the status of the Mountain and Ling Realm is not very high."

"The ultimate limit is the Saint!"

"At present, the First Emperor has blessed the rules and origin of the Mountain and Ling Realm, and his power should not have reached the Saint level."

"At most, it is only a tenth-order God King!"

"If I can invite a Saint to go, I will definitely be able to suppress the First Emperor..."

Lin Wudao calculated in his heart.

Thinking of this!

He immediately had a goal and a plan.

[System, if I use the Supreme Dao Talisman to recruit strong men and enter the Mountain and Ling Realm, do I need to pay a price? ]

[Of course! ]

[Anything that does not belong to the host must be paid for! ]


[How many divine stones are needed to recruit a creature in the early stage of Sainthood and enter the Mountain Realm? ]

[Ten trillion high-grade divine crystals! ]


Ten trillion?

High-grade divine crystals?

Lin Wudao was shocked when he heard this.

This price is far beyond what he can afford...

[Is this price calculated according to cultivation or strength? ]

At this time!

A flash of inspiration flashed through Lin Wudao's mind, and he asked hurriedly.

[Calculated according to the cultivation of the recruited! ]

[That's good! ]

Lin Wudao smiled.

At this time!

He already had a wonderful idea to save money.

[What is the price of recruiting a tenth-level God King? ]

[Ten billion high-grade divine crystals! ]

Ten billion?

The tenth-level God King and the early stage of Sainthood are only one small realm apart, but the gap between them is so big that it is outrageous. "Recruiting saints is too expensive!"

"It's still more cost-effective to recruit the tenth-order god king."

"After all, there is no shortage of monsters in this world."

"I don't believe that in those advanced worlds, or even in the origin world, there is no monster that can kill the saints with the tenth-order god king."

"In this way, with the price of a saint, many tenth-order god kings can be recruited..."

Lin Wudao thought happily.

This can be regarded as taking advantage of the system!


Although he thought of a way to save money, Lin Wudao still needs to solve the biggest problem at the moment.

That is, the god crystal!

He now has only more than 30 million years of life, which is equivalent to more than 30 million top-grade god stones. He can't afford the cost of recruiting the god king.

"What should I do?"

Lin Wudao racked his brains, and his mind kept scanning the system panel.

After a while!

When his attention was focused on the item bar, he suddenly thought of a way to make money.

"Goddess Ji, since your Jiutian Tower has an auction, do you accept selling things?"

Selling things?

Hearing this, Ji Ruyue was stunned at first, but then nodded with a smile.

"Of course!"

"Our Jiutian Tower is the largest trading place in the first level of the City of All Heavens. Whether it is buying or selling things, we accept it."

"That's good!"

"I'm new to the City of All Heavens. I heard that the God Stone and God Source are needed for transactions here, so I want to use this to exchange for some God Stone."


Lin Wudao turned over his hand and took out an ancient golden talisman.

"Is this... the divine talisman of heaven?"

Ji Ruyue's eyes showed surprise.


"I got this thing by chance. It can strengthen the Great Emperor and the items under the Great Emperor ten thousand times."

"I wonder how much sacred stone this thing is worth?"

Lin Wudao asked curiously.

At first!

He knocked on the fourth heavenly gate that opened the way to heaven, and obtained a total of three heavenly talismans.

I used one for Yin Siming before.

There are two pieces left!

If it weren't for the lack of money, Lin Wudao wouldn't be willing to take this thing out and exchange it for the divine crystal.

"Goddess Ji, just give me the price according to Jiutian Tower's price, don't worry about anything else."



Ji Ruyue was still thinking about what price she wanted to give.

Now that she heard Lin Wudao's words, she seemed to understand that the Supreme One must have strict requirements for him.

"This heavenly talisman is a treasure for creatures at the emperor level."

"There are similar items in the City of All Heavens, and the price is around one hundred billion top-quality divine crystals."

Ji Ruyue replied.

One hundred billion top-grade divine crystals?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao nodded.

My heart is on fire!

For him, this is simply a huge sum of money.

"Mr. Ren, do you need to exchange it?"


"Okay, wait until we get to Jiutian Tower, I will become Mr. Ren and you can redeem it."

"Thank you!"

"By the way, Goddess Ji, the three of you are all supremely trusted people, and the level of the world you live in must be quite high."

"Then can you find a monster who is the tenth-level god king who killed the saint?"

"In my world, I encountered a powerful enemy. The opponent controlled a small god-level world and occupied nine-tenths of the world's origin."

"I want to find three masters who can kill the saints to help me suppress that enemy..."

Lin Wudao said in a deep voice.

Upon hearing this, Ji Ruyue, Ji Wuya, Xiao Qinglan, Mu Jiutian and others all nodded lightly in unison.

"The tenth-level God-King kills a saint in reverse. Such a person is rare throughout the ages, but it is not impossible to find him."

"The world we are in is at least a high-level world. The emperor is just like a mortal, so it is not a problem."

Xiao Qinglan said with a smile.

A person at a level similar to that of a God King cannot enter their eyes at all.


Since Lin Wudao needed it, they had to get this done.

"Mr. Ren, the lowest cultivation level in the City of All Heavens is in the Great Emperor. If you want to find the God King as a helper, you can only go to other worlds to find it."

"This requires the supreme decree!"

"Ok, I know."

"You can just help me find someone. I will ask the Supreme Being for a decree later..."

call out!

While everyone was chatting and laughing, they had arrived at Jiutian Tower.

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