Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 490 The contract between heaven and earth, the sword of killing Dao!

After entering Jiutian Tower!

Lin Wudao asked Ji Ruyue and the others to wait on the eighth level, while he himself went to the ninth level of Jiutian Tower.

Then, with the supreme authority and will of the Supreme Taoist Talisman, three decrees were printed.

Done it all!

He returned to the eighth attic again...

"Everyone, this is a problem for you."

"My enemies will arrive in three days at the latest, so you must find the right person within three days."

"If it doesn't work, a saint can do it."

Lin Wudao handed the supreme decree to the hands of Ji Ruyue, Xiao Qinglan, and Mu Jiutian.

See it!

All three of them nodded solemnly.

"Young Master Ren, don't worry. Although the tenth-level God-King who killed the Saint is rare in the ages, it is not impossible to find."

"Even if we search all the big worlds controlled by my Penglai Immortal Clan, we still have to find a suitable candidate for the young master."

Xiao Qinglan promised.


"After two days, I will definitely bring you an invincible divine king who can kill the saint."

Ji Ruyue followed closely behind.

"Me too!"

Mu Jiutian also nodded.

The Ji family is an ancient fairy clan, among which there is a giant fairy king who controls a higher world and has countless geniuses.

The Penglai Immortal Clan where Xiao Qinglan belongs is the top Immortal Clan in the universe, with ten high-level worlds under its jurisdiction.


There is also a big original world!

It is not too difficult to find an invincible god king who can kill a saint among so many big worlds.

Even if they can't find one, they still have to create an invincible god king.

after all!

This was a good opportunity to get closer to Lin Wudao, and none of them wanted to miss it.

Among them, only Mu Jiutian's family has a weaker foundation, but after experiencing the previous turmoil, their Mu family's strength has also greatly increased.


It is not difficult to create an invincible god king!


All three of them have decided to complete the tasks assigned by Lin Wudao at all costs.

Lin Wudao could also guess some of their thoughts.

However, nothing more was said.

"By the way, Goddess Ji, your Jiutian Tower is the first level and the largest trading place in this city of heavens."

"Is there any way to strip away the rules of the world, or a way for people to control the origin of the world?"

At this time.

Lin Wudao seemed to have thought of something and asked Ji Ruyue.

Hear this!

Ji Ruyue pondered for a while and nodded gently.


"Jiutian Tower has previously auctioned the origins of Heavenly Dao in many worlds. All you need to do is use powerful force to destroy the will of Heavenly Dao."

"If we just simply strip away the rules of the world and let people control the origin of the world, it is naturally possible."

"In my Jiutian Tower, there is something called the Contract between Heaven and Earth, which can forcibly contract a world and plunder its original power."

"Make it your own!"

A contract between heaven and earth?

As soon as these words came out, Lin Wudao suddenly became interested.

"The place I am now is just an evolution of a small, desolate world. The rules of heaven and earth have collapsed, and the original power has been lost."

"Can't even conceive a saint!"

"Moreover, my enemy only controls nine-tenths of the rules and origins. The remaining one-tenth is turned into a key to the world, and I obtain it."

"Can the contract between heaven and earth help me control the remaining one-tenth of the origin?"

he asked.

Hear the words!

Ji Ruyue nodded.

"As long as the world does not have a complete world will, the remaining rules can be controlled by using the contract between heaven and earth."

"In addition, Mr. Ren, if you want to completely kill that enemy, in addition to using the contract between heaven and earth, it is best to use the Dao-killing sword to kill the opponent directly."

The Tao-killing Sword?

Hearing this name, Lin Wudao's heart moved.

"The Dao-Killing Sword is specially used to kill the Dao of Heaven?"


"In the universe, there are many crazy plunderers and lawless fanatics who specialize in plundering the origin of each world."

"The Dao-Killing Sword is the weapon they use to kill the will of Heaven."

"The powerful Tao-killing sword can even destroy the will of heaven in the original world. It is extremely terrifying."

"However, generally speaking, the Great Origin World is under the control of Immortal Emperors. If you want to plunder the world origin of the Great Origin World, you need at least two powerful men at the level of Immortal Emperors to take action."

"This kind of thing happened several epochs ago."

"And, it was successful..."

Origin predator?

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

The situation mentioned by Ji Ruyue seems to be very similar to that of the First Emperor.

"Could the First Emperor be an origin plunderer?"

There was doubt in his mind.

"Goddess Ji, is the Tao-slaying sword effective against the original predators?"


"The Dao-Killing Sword can cut the will of heaven at the top, and kill all living beings in the world at the bottom. It is a very cruel and terrifying thing."

Ji Ruyue replied in a condensed voice.

"How many divine stones are needed for a contract between heaven and earth for a small god-level world and a Tao-killing sword of the same level?"

"'s a bit expensive."

"The contract between heaven and earth in the small god-level world and the Tao-killing Sword require at least 80 trillion top-grade divine crystals."

"The origin of the world is an extremely precious thing!"

"Even if it is just a small god-level world, its world origin is of great use to the creatures at the emperor level."

"As for the Tao-slaying sword, it is also a taboo item!"

"So, although these two items are of low level, their value is no less than that of emperor-level treasures..."

Ji Ruyue said cautiously.


Hearing this, Lin Wudao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Selling the 100 billion top-grade divine crystals from the Heavenly Talisman is simply not enough to spend.

But the good thing is, you can get a discount!

"Help me buy a contract between heaven and earth and a sword of killing Dao."

"Charge the account to the Supreme Head~"

He endured the heartache and said.


Ji Ruyue nodded.

"By the way, Goddess Ji, can you keep this heavenly talisman for me? When I have enough divine crystals in the future, I will consider redeeming it."



Everyone chatted for a while, and then Ji Ruyue and the others left Jiutian Tower.

"Alas, this city of the heavens is not a place where I can spend money. It is still too poor."

"It seems that we have to find a way to make money."

"It's not an option to continue like this..."

Lin Wudao sighed deeply.

No money!

It’s difficult anywhere!

Xiao Qinglan and the others were not clear about Lin Wudao's heartache and sigh.

After walking out of the Jiutian Tower, they each returned to their own big world.

The big world of heaven!

This is the original world where the Penglai Immortal Clan is located!

Among them, the Immortal Emperor is in charge!

"I am Xiao Qinglan, the quasi-immortal emperor. I ask the masters of all worlds to immediately bring the strongest people in the realm of god kings to see me."

"Time: limited to one day!"

"Anyone who is negligent will be killed without mercy!"

The majestic sound spread throughout the great world of Heaven and the ten higher great worlds under its jurisdiction.

As soon as these words came out!

The Penglai Immortal Clan was shocked!

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