Qingshan Temple!

Lin Wudao was sitting cross-legged in the space of the statue, practicing quietly.


At this moment, as if he sensed something, he looked into the deepest part of the void with a pair of deep eyes.

"God of the Green Mountain, come out and meet me!"


A disembodied voice sounded in his mind.

Through the control of divine power, Lin Wudao clearly saw that in the depths of the distant void, there was an illusory human face, watching him.

First Emperor?

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes slightly.


With a thought in his mind, he used the divinity and will of the Great Demon God Qingshan to condense an incarnation of God and came to the deepest part of the void.

"Are you... the First Emperor?"

Lin Wudao's eyes swept over the face, but what surprised him was that the eyes of the gods could not see much useful information from the First Emperor.

All I know is that he is the condensed incarnation of the First Emperor...

"It seems that the First Emperor must be a big shot."

Lin Wudao was shocked.

For a long time, there were only a handful of things that the eyes of the gods could not discern.

Apart from the "Burial Book" in the hands of the mad Taoist, there was only the First Emperor in front of him.

This made Lin Wudao very surprised!

The identity and origin of the First Emperor must be extremely extraordinary.

"Your Excellency, why are you here?"

"Of course it's for the key to the world. If this emperor's prediction is correct, the key to the world that the Tushan clan's God of War and their group won in the past has probably fallen into your hands, right?"

"Your Majesty, it's of no use if you hold it!"

"How about using it to make a deal with this emperor?"

The First Emperor said calmly.


Hearing this, Lin Wudao was a little curious.

"Your Excellency, do you think there is anything that can impress this god?"


"The sword talisman you used before contains the power of a saint. This thing does not exist in the Shanling Realm at all."

"It can be seen that your Excellency is not a creature of this mountain world, but an outsider."

"Your Excellency practices the way of incense and fire, and I practice the way of the world. There are no conflicts or threats between you and me."

"On the contrary, we can help each other succeed!"

"As long as you give me the Key to the World, in exchange, I will also hand over the control of the creatures in the Mountain Realm. How about that?"

"At that time, by gathering the incense and sacrifices of all living beings in the mountain world, we will surely be able to easily become a god king." "From now on, I will be in charge of the sky and you will be in charge of the earth, and they will not invade each other. What do you think?"

The First Emperor said bewitchingly.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao smiled.

"It seems that your calculation is quite good."

"It's just that I can't trust you!"

"Once you control all the rules and origins of the Shanling Realm, won't this god be at your mercy?"

"Now, I at least have a chance to resist. If I really give you the key to the world, wouldn't it be self-destruction?"

The First Emperor's words sounded good, but Lin Wudao didn't believe that he would be so kind.

"Haha, you are worrying too much."

"Actually, this mountain world is not as important to me as you think. It is just a test subject of me."

"It doesn't matter whether you can control it or not!"

"It is certainly a good thing to master all the rules and origins, but if some are missing, it doesn't matter."

"If it reaches the point where it is beyond control, I will have no choice but to abandon everything and leave this small place."

"It's just that by that time, this mountain world will no longer exist."

"The Mountain Realm is a game played by this emperor in the human world. Winning or losing is not important, but the hundreds of millions of living beings living here will perish because of this."

"When the time comes, even if you become a god of incense and fire, I'm afraid there won't be any good results, right?"

"Between you and me, cooperation will bring us both benefits, and separation will bring us two harms. Which one is lighter and which one is more serious? Don't you know?"

Joking voices slowly sounded.

Upon hearing this, Lin Wudao sneered coldly.

"If the Mountain Realm is really not important to you, why have you stayed here for tens of thousands of years? Trying to control all the rules and origins?"

"If it is as you said, once the Shanling Realm is destroyed, I will certainly be affected to some extent, but the loss to you, the First Emperor, will definitely be greater than mine."

"So, what do I have to worry about?"

Lin Wudao looked indifferent.

The Shanling Realm may really be a game ground for the First Emperor; but for him, how can it not be a game ground?

Worst case, flip the table!

When the time comes, go to the divine world outside and start everything from scratch...

"It seems that you are unwilling to cooperate?"

The First Emperor's tone was as calm as ever.


The threat in the words is obvious!

To this.

Lin Wudao didn't care either!

"Different ways are not worth trying!"

"First Emperor, let's each rely on our own methods. Without you, I can still control all living beings in the Mountain Realm and reach the top."

"I just don't know if you can get what you want without the key to the world?"

"Perhaps everything is just like what you said. This mountain world is just your playground and is insignificant at all."

"If you want to overturn the table, I will accompany you to the end..."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

Say it!

He did not continue talking nonsense to the First Emperor, and the incarnation of God disappeared instantly.


"I don't know how to praise!"

Looking at Lin Wudao's departing back, a slight gloom appeared on the illusory face of the First Emperor.

However, an inexplicable smile appeared immediately afterwards.

"It's been a long time since I've encountered an opponent like this."

"Since you want to play, then I will play with you once. I hope you won't disappoint me..."

The words fell.

The illusory human face of the First Emperor also disappeared into the void.

"Reporting to the high priest, Li Heishui has something important to ask for an audience with!"

Castle Peak Temple.

Yu Kui came to Tu Shan Cang Yue and bowed.


He has become the chief guard of Qingshan Temple and is responsible for controlling the many divine attendants in the temple.

He is a true servant of God!

"Let him in."

Tushan Cangyue spoke calmly.


Li Heishui brought the Treasure Book of Heaven and Earth to the temple.

"Meet the high priest!"

"Li Heishui, did you foresee any important news?"


"High Priest, according to what I saw from the Treasure Book of Heaven and Earth, the Eastern Temple is plotting to attack Daqingshan."

"They want to unite the sky god of the Tushan clan, the fire god of the Zhurong clan, and the water god of the Cangming clan in Nanling to kill my people and destroy my faith."


Jointly attack Daqingshan?

Hearing this, Tushan Cangyue's face darkened.


At the same time, the originally silent statue suddenly burst into brilliant light.


Lin Wudao condensed a shadow and manifested it.

"Li Heishui, when will the Eastern Temple take action?"

"Report to the Great God, in about three days!"

Three days?

Lin Wudao frowned secretly.

"Keep paying attention!"


Li Heishui bowed in response and then left the temple.

"Great God, according to what Li Heishui said, the Eastern Temple should be trying to contain you with the help of the God of Sky, God of Fire, and God of Water."

"Then, send troops to destroy my Tushan clan's people!"

"As long as all the people die, then your faith, Great God, will be cut off..."

Tushan Cangyue said in a condensed voice.


"This plan of the Eastern Temple is indeed a drain on the bottom of the cauldron."

"Besides them, the First Emperor will also take action!"


First Emperor?

Hearing this name, Tushan Cangyue was shocked.

Back at the Tomb of the Sunset, the God of War told her about the horrors of the First Emperor.

did not expect!

Matched up so quickly!

"Master, then...how should we deal with it?"

"Well, no need to worry."

"Although the First Emperor holds the rules and origins of the Mountain Realm, he does not control them all. The Land of the Sunset is a place he cannot touch."

"Let all the Tushan clan's people go to the land of the setting sun. We can still fight with them."

"However, if we can think of it, the First Emperor can also think of it."

“Therefore, even retreating to the sunset will not fundamentally solve the crux of the problem.”

"Regarding this matter, I have other ways to deal with it."

"If it doesn't work, just hide the people in the temple. When the time comes, even if the First Emperor is 10,000 times more powerful, he will not be able to break the temple."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

Hear the words!

Tushan Cangyue nodded thoughtfully.

"Master, then we don't have to do anything next?"


"Just wait and see what happens, everything has its own destiny!"

Say it.

Lin Wudao withdrew his divine power.

"The First Emperor is coming fiercely, it seems I have to call in foreign aid."

The idol space.

Lin Wudao whispered softly.

The words fell!

He took out the Supreme Taoist Talisman and entered the City of All Heavens as "Let Me Do It".

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