"Captain Lin, this... this is a misunderstanding. How could I join forces with Lu Cangmang to harm you?"

"Sin and I are inseparable!"

King Li Yang yelled in panic.


He was completely panicked!

Lin Wudao's ferocity and violence were personally witnessed by a large number of corpses. Once he suspected him, his life would be in danger.

Therefore, King Li Yang could only defend himself crazily, trying to clear up the matter.


Is Lin Wudao so easy to fool?

"Huh, misunderstanding?"


"As we all know, because of Lu Yunxiao's incident, the Lu family has always held a grudge against you and wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge on you crazily. He must have heard about the banquet held by the king in Lingyun Pavilion, so he had already laid an ambush here."

"Captain Lin, this matter has nothing to do with me..."

King Li Yang pretended to be pitiful.

His face was full of grievances.

Like that!

It seems he is also a victim!

To this.

Lin Wudao sneered again and again.

"Well done!"

"But do you think this governor is a fool?"


The cold blade flashed, and an arm instantly flew out from King Li Yang...

See this scene.

Mu Tiansang, who had been watching from the side, couldn't help but be furious!

"Lin Wudao, you are too courageous, you are simply lawless."

"King Liyang is a member of the royal family. Even if there is any fault, it should be handed over to His Majesty for judgment. You are just the deputy governor of the Demon Suppression Division. Who gave you the power?"

he snapped.


As he spoke, a powerful aura instantly crushed Lin Wudao.


Facing his strong suppression, Lin Wudao remained unmoving like a needle that fixed the sea, and the expression on his face was as cold as ever.

His eyes revealed the aura of death...

"Eunuch Mu, are you teaching me how to do things?"


"The Demon Suppressing Division is authorized by the imperial authority. Kill first and report later! King Li Yang and Lu Cangmang conspired to use dragon blood to brew the governor. The evidence of the crime is conclusive, how can we deny it?"

"I advise you to mind your own business, otherwise, there may be a bloody disaster."

"Lin Wudao, are you threatening me?"

"It's not an intimidation! It's a threat!"

That contemptuous look made Mu Tiansang filled with hatred.

for him.

Lin Wudao didn't take it to heart at all.

"King Li Yang, I will give you one last chance. As long as you are willing to tell the truth, I will never embarrass you in front of everyone present."



"Okay, I...I said. All of this is Lu Cangmang's conspiracy. Because Lu Yunxiao was killed, he has always held a grudge and wants to take revenge on you crazily."

"So, he found me and wanted to hold a Hongmen Banquet to kill you and take revenge."

"Since Lu Cangmanang has broken through to the state of becoming a god, I have no way to resist, so I can only let him control me. In fact, this was not my original intention."

"I was also threatened..."

King Li Yang blamed Lu Cangmang for everything.


As soon as these words came out, the onlookers present showed shocked expressions. As for Li Bingtian and others, their expressions were even more gloomy.

Until now, they still have lingering fears.

Just now, I almost got hit!

Fortunately, someone drank the Dragon Blood Brew in advance and verified the vicious Hua Gong Powder. Otherwise, all their cultivation would have been wiped out.

Decades of hard work, all gone in one day!

When they thought of that terrible result, they hated King Li Yang to the extreme.

This kind of person is so vicious!

"Captain Lin, I have told you the whole truth. You said before that you would not...not make things difficult for me..."

At this time.

King Li Yang suppressed the resentment in his heart and said with panic.

To this!

Lin Wudao nodded.

"I did say that!"

"Don't worry, I have kept my word to the letter and said that if I don't embarrass you, I will never put you in danger."

"Then I can go?"


Lin Wudao gave a faint hum.

Hear this!

King Li Yang couldn't care less about the pain on his body. He immediately struggled to stand up and wanted to escape from this place frantically.


God's wish is not fulfilled!


Just as he turned around, a sharp sword flashed through the air and cut off his neck with lightning speed.

All of a sudden!

A head rolled to the ground...

The one who took action was Han Qingshan who was behind Lin Wudao.

"I said I won't embarrass you, but others won't do it."

"King Liyang, have a nice journey~"

A dull voice sounded slowly.


Lin Wudao came to King Li Yang as if nothing was wrong and spliced ​​his head to his body.

This scene!

It deeply stimulated Mu Tiansang!

"Lin Wudao is too cruel and cruel, and he will definitely become a big trouble in the future."

"When I go back this time, I must report it to the Grand Governor and find a way to get rid of this person in time..."

He thought secretly in his mind.

Say it.

Mu Tiansang said hello and walked towards the outside of Lingyun Pavilion without looking back.

He felt that it would be dangerous if he continued to stay here!

In fact.

He guessed it right!

Lin Wudao had already prepared his clone and was guarding it outside Lingyun Pavilion...


Just when Mu Tiansang had just walked out of Lingyun Pavilion and was about to leave in the spirit boat, a fierce and unparalleled hand suppressed it from the sky with terrifying power.


The shrill screams resounded in all directions!

The clone of the Origin Stone also had the combat power of Lin Wudao. With one palm, Mu Tiansang's body was directly exploded and turned into a pile of powder.

Hearing the noise, everyone immediately walked out of Lingyun Pavilion, just in time to see the collapsed spirit boat in mid-air, as well as the crazy rain of blood...

"Hey, Mu Tiansang is dead?"

Everyone was shocked!


They all looked at Lin Wudao in unison, but Lin Wudao also pretended to be confused at this time.

"This matter has nothing to do with this governor!"

He snorted coldly.

"Well, indeed!"

"Captain Lin has been with us just now. Everyone has seen this with their own eyes. There is no chance that Governor Lin will kill Mu Tiansang."

"This old thief actually favors King Li Yang, and he deserves to die!"

"I think it was Mu Tiansang's enemies who did it..."


Everyone said something to each other, directly blaming Mu Tiansang's death on his enemy.


He does!

Based on the relationship, he is indeed Lin Wudao's potential enemy.

"Captain Li, let's go back."

"It's too dangerous here. There's no chance that a second Lu Cangmang will show up later..."

Everything calms down.

Lin Wudao immediately said to Li Bingtian and others beside him.

To this.

They all agreed.

At that moment, the group of people quickly left Lingyun Pavilion...

call out!

When they were halfway there, Zhao Mang quickly came to him.

"Captain, all members of the Lu family have been arrested!"

"Lu Qinghou resisted desperately, but now I have killed him on the spot..."


Lin Wudao gave a faint hum.

"In addition, we also found a strange stone statue in the secret room behind the Lu family. It looks a bit like a demon. It may be used for sacrifice."

Demonic stone statue?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao paused.

"Let's go and have a look!"


Under the leadership of Zhao Mang, he quickly arrived at the secret room and saw a strange stone statue.

Tushan Demon?

The information fed back by the Eye of God made Lin Wudao frown.


At this moment, the stone statue seemed to be stimulated by something, and suddenly a strange black light bloomed.


Immediately afterwards, there was an immense pressure falling from the sky...

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