"Dragon blood brew is indeed a good thing!"

"It is said that after drinking it, not only can one's own Qi and blood be increased, making it more powerful; it can also strengthen one's spiritual power and save years of work."

"It is of great benefit to practitioners..."

Lin Wudao picked up the wine glass in his hand and pretended to be impressed.

His voice is huge!


When the words rang out, many practitioners in the lobby looked over.

One by one, their eyes were full of strong desire...

See it!

King Li Yang was shocked. He couldn't understand Lin Wudao's intention.

"Captain Lin has a sharp eye!"

"This dragon's blood brew is indeed what the governor said. It has the magical effect of increasing qi and blood and strengthening spiritual power. It can be called a treasure medicine for cultivators in the world."

"Since the Governor recommends it so highly, why not taste it in public and see what the effect is? It will also open our eyes..."

King Li Yang tried his best to persuade him.

His words immediately gained support from many people.

Everyone was making noises, wanting Lin Wudao to personally test the magical effect of this dragon blood brew.

To this.

Lin Wudao smiled lightly.

"Not urgent!"

"The prince also has a whole jar of dragon blood brew here, and I have plenty of opportunities to taste it. How can I be allowed to enjoy such a peerless treasure to myself?"

"Today, since the prince is gracious and advocates having fun with the people, it is natural that such good things as dragon blood brew should be tasted by everyone."


Before King Li Yang could react, he poured another cup of dragon blood brew and held it in his hand.

"King Liyang invites everyone to drink dragon blood brew!"

"I wonder which hero dares to drink from this cup?"

The loud voice resounded throughout the audience.

Upon hearing this.

King Li Yang's expression changed instantly!


The dragon's blood brew in this wine pot was laced with Hua Gong Powder. If others were to drink it, they would be exposed on the spot.

Once the secret is exposed, all the efforts will be in vain!

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still...

"Captain Lin, this dragon blood brew..."

"What's wrong, Your Majesty? You just said it yourself, you want to have fun with the people. Are you reluctant to part with this dragon blood brew? Or do you look down on all the heroes present?"

"Do you think they are not worthy of tasting this dragon's blood brew?"


King Li Yang's eyes widened and he was sweating profusely.


I was thinking frantically in my mind about how to save him.


Lin Wudao had already understood his conspiracy, how could he let him succeed?


A sudden burst of spiritual power caused the wine glass in his hand to fly away...


The cup of dragon blood brew was firmly grasped in the hand of a thin man with a perfect Dao Palace.

He is the strongest among everyone present!

After winning the dragon blood brew, the man's face suddenly showed an excited look.

"Thank you, Governor Lin, and thank you, King Liyang!"

He toasted with a toast.


He must brew the dragon's blood in the cup and drink it all in one gulp.

See this scene!

King Li Yang was immediately frightened to death...

"No! Don't drink~"

He let out a loud roar, trying to stop the man from drinking the dragon blood brew.


It's too late!


The man didn't pay attention to King Li Yang's roar. In his subconscious, he thought it was because King Li Yang couldn't bear to part with the cup of dragon blood brew.

So, he drank it all in one gulp as quickly as possible.


After finishing the drink, there was an extremely satisfied look on his face...

"This dragon blood brew is indeed... ah..."


The man still had an expression of enjoyment and intoxication, but just after he drank the dragon blood brew, he suddenly felt that the spiritual power in his body was dissipating crazily.

His cultivation level continued to decline at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just a few breaths.

From the original Great Perfection of the Dao Palace, he descended to the Luntai Realm!

And, it didn't stop.

Still falling crazily...

"Damn it...what's going on? Why is my cultivation declining like crazy?"

The man looked extremely panicked.

"not good!"

"This dragon's blood brew is poisonous!"


As if he thought of something, he suddenly yelled loudly.

A pair of ferocious eyes stared at King Li Yang...

"King Li Yang...why do you want to harm me?"

"You... are so poisonous-hearted that you actually put Hua Gong Powder in Dragon Blood Brewing and completely melted away all my cultivation..."

The roar of incomparable resentment resounded throughout Lingyun Pavilion.


Dragon Blood Brewing was laced with Hua Gong Powder?

Upon hearing these words suddenly, and seeing the man's painful and miserable appearance, many practitioners in the hall were immediately shocked.

Hua Gong Powder is a monk’s nightmare!

Once you get involved, decades of hard work will be wasted...

"Damn it, King Li Yang, this idea is too vicious!"

"Hey, it's so scary!"

"Fortunately, I didn't grab that cup of dragon blood brew, otherwise, I would be the one who had all my cultivation level destroyed."

"The King of Liyang that the dog said is simply not a human being!"

From the crowd, voices of incomparable hatred came out.

this moment!

King Li Yang's character suddenly collapsed!

From being a highly respected royal family member, they suddenly fell into a situation where everyone was shouting and beating them.


Faced with everyone's anger and curses, King Li Yang was speechless.

The whole person was stunned!

He never thought that Lin Wudao would accidentally escape the disaster, but he himself would fall into a situation that would never be recovered.


Just when he was panicking, Lin Wudao's cold eyes swept over him instantly.

"King Liyang, what's going on?"

"Why is there something like Gong Hua Powder in your dragon blood brew? Is it possible that the purpose of your banquet this time is to dissolve all my cultivation?"

"No, no...I..."

King Li Yang wanted to explain.


However, just as he opened his mouth, a powerful figure suddenly emerged from the crowd, holding a simple murderous knife in his hand, and slashed towards Lin Wudao with lightning speed.

"Lin Wudao, give back my grandson's life!"

The voice full of hatred shook Lingyun Pavilion.

Lu Cangmang?

Seeing the powerful figure that suddenly appeared, Li Bingtian and others were shocked.

None of them expected that Lu Cangmang would ambush here...

"Be careful~"


As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Cangmang slashed down with a thunderous sword.

"Captain Lin!"

Everyone had no time to support him, so they could only watch the terrifying blade fall on Lin Wudao.


Just when they all thought that Lin Wudao would definitely die.


A shrill scream suddenly rang out in Lingyun Pavilion.

Take a closer look!

Lu Cangmang's slashing blade was firmly grasped in Lin Wudao's hand, unable to make any progress.

at the same time.

A terrifying big hand also hit Lu Cangmanang hard...


Unparalleled power surged out like a tyrannosaurus, directly punching through Lu Cangmang's chest, leaving a huge bloody hole.

"How...how do you transform...into a god..."

On the verge of death.

Lu Cangmang held on for his last breath and stared at Lin Wudao with disbelief. There was both shock and boundless fear in his eyes.

"You want to kill me, but you're not qualified enough!"


Arriving in front of Lu Cangmang, Lin Wudao crushed his neck with his foot, extinguishing all hope of life.

"Lu Cangmang is so audacious that he dares to attack and kill the governor in public. He is committing a heinous crime!"

"Zhao Mang, immediately take people to the Lu family, arrest everyone, and punish them for treason. They will all be executed at noon tomorrow..."

A cold voice swept through the entire place.


Zhao Mang bowed in response.


Under the gaze of everyone, he left Lingyun Pavilion with murderous intent.

"King Li Yang, now it's time to settle the score between us..."


The cold blade was pressed against King Li Yang's throat.

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