Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 49 The Supreme Taoist Talisman, the City of All Heavens!

"Humble mortal, offer your soul, and I can give you powerful power..."


A disembodied voice came from the stone statue.

at the same time!

It is also accompanied by unparalleled pressure.


Lin Wudao didn't feel anything when the powerful pressure came, but Zhao Mang, who was standing behind him, instantly took a breath of air.

That majestic body started to tremble violently!

at the same time.

His eyes also showed unprecedented panic and fear. Under the pressure of Demon Tushan, his body involuntarily knelt down.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

With a big wave of his hand, Zhao Mang was instantly blasted out of the secret room.

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Wudao directly took out the Great Wild Cauldron, and the mighty Ji Dao power exploded, hitting the stone statue of Tushan Demon hard.


The loud noise that shook the sky swept across all directions!

Under the suppression of the power of the Jida, the stone statue of Tushan Demon showed traces of cracks visible to the naked eye.


is constantly expanding...

"The ultimate spiritual weapon?"

"How could a mere junior have such an opportunity? It seems that you must be a person of great luck. As long as I devour you, my power will increase by one point."

The cold and ferocious voice echoed in the secret room.


When the words fell, a bright black light suddenly rushed out from the stone statue of Tushan Demon, turned into a terrifying big hand, and went straight towards Lin Wudao to suppress it.

See it!

Lin Wudao's eyes flashed with fierceness!

"Ha, you want to devour me? You think too highly of yourself."

"I'm just a homeless dog that's living on its last legs. How dare you take advantage of me? Let's see who devours whom..."

The Great Wilderness Cauldron fell.

However, with the mighty power of the Jidao Spirit Soldier, it was unable to shake the Tushan Demon.

To this.

Lin Wudao had expected it, and he didn't have high expectations.

after all!

The Great Demon Tushan is an unparalleled demon that has dominated the ages. Although it is just a divine thought that has come to this world, it cannot be suppressed by ordinary power.


Seeing that Demon Tushan's big hand was about to fall on him, Lin Wudao, who had been prepared for a long time, pressed down his big hand suddenly. In an instant, an ancient bronze coffin stood in front of him.

Along with the low impact sound, an eternal and boundless will suddenly descended and directly wiped out the big hand of Tushan Demon.

"damn it!"

"What the hell is this?"

Facing the sudden appearance of the sky-burial copper coffin, even the Great Demon Tushan felt boundless panic and fear.


Just when he was shocked, Lin Wudao suddenly pressed down his big hand and manipulated the sky-burial copper coffin to directly put the strange stone statue inside.


In an instant, Lin Wudao heard a shrill scream.

That stone statue contained a ray of true spirit of the Great Demon Tushan. At this moment, under the supreme power of the sky-burial copper coffin, his true spirit was ruthlessly wiped out.

The sky-burial copper coffin is the supreme divine object!

Even the eyes of the gods cannot understand its origin...

The Supreme Immortal Emperor will die without a burial place if he enters it, let alone a mere true spirit of Tushan Demon.

If he was not sure, how could Lin Wudao dare to confront him?


[You exhumed an immortal spirit of the Great Demon Tushan and obtained a golden talisman. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained a supreme talisman! 】

[You sacrificed the Imperial Stone Statue of Tushan Demon and gained 80,000 luck points! 】

The system prompt sound suddenly came from my mind.

Supreme Taoist Talisman?

Lin Wudao was slightly startled!

Judging from the name, it seems to be a great thing...


He checked the information about the Supreme Taoist Talisman.

Name: Supreme Taoist Talisman

Level: Supreme

Introduction 1: It is strengthened ten times by golden talismans!

Introduction 2: With this supreme Taoist talisman, you can enter the City of the Heavens, enjoy the highest level of treatment, and enjoy a 10% discount on any item you purchase.

Introduction 3: The supreme Taoist talisman, the symbol of identity in all heavens and worlds!

Evaluation: No one can ask for anything!

Note: The City of All Heavens is a trading place created by a supreme being, where everything in the world can be purchased.

So magical?

Looking at the introduction presented by the Supreme Taoist Talisman, Lin Wudao felt infinite curiosity in his heart.


As soon as I thought about it, I saw a ray of noble purple light passing through the air, and a purple token the size of a palm, exuding an ancient and vast atmosphere, appeared in front of me.

On the front of the token, the word 'Supreme' is engraved; on the reverse, the word 'All Heavens' is engraved.

Extremely mysterious!

"How to use this thing?"

Lin Wudao seemed to have been examining it for a long time, but could not find a way to enter the city of the heavens.


He tried to infuse a ray of spiritual power into the Supreme Taoist Talisman...

call out!

In an instant, a bright divine light suddenly rushed out and hit the void.


Under the influence of the supreme will, a mysterious passage was instantly opened up, leading to an unknown place...

"Behind this passage is the City of All Heavens?"

Lin Wudao frowned in thought.

The void channel is like a huge black hole that seems to be able to swallow everything.

There was silence for a long time.

Lin Wudao used the Origin Stone to evolve a clone. After changing his original appearance, he took steps and stepped into the passage step by step.


After entering the passage, Lin Wudao felt his eyes go dark. When he appeared again, he was in a strange world.

The first thing that catches the eye is a magnificent ancient city.

It doesn't know how high it is, and it doesn't know how big it is!

At a glance, the vastness is endless!

Just standing in front of him, Lin Wudao felt the aura of the Supreme Being surge in. If he wasn't physically invincible, the aura alone might be able to obliterate him.


In the sky above the City of All Heavens, bright divine light flashes across from time to time. An unparalleled god-man who can reach the heavens and the earth, ancient and magnificent divine boats, and various divine objects and treasures that destroy the heavens and the earth are all above the nine heavens. Complement each other.

See this scene!

Lin Wudao felt like a country bumpkin entering the city...

Everything here exceeded his knowledge and imagination!

"Is this brother's first time coming to the City of All Heavens?"

Just when Lin Wudao was immersed in the magnificence and greatness of the City of All Heavens, suddenly, a young man with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes and extraordinary weapons came in front of him.

A pair of eyes as bright as stars looked at him curiously...

"Your Excellency?"

"My name is Mu Jiutian, and I am the guide of this city of the heavens. I specialize in guiding the direction and path for all the prodigies and nobles who have just arrived."

"I have been a guide in the City of All Heavens for 80,000 years. Looking at the world, there is no one who is more familiar with the situation than me..."

"Brother, if you need anything, just ask me!"

"As long as it's in the City of All Heavens, there's no place that I don't know about, and there's nothing that I don't know about."

"Of course, as a guide, I also have to charge a small service fee..."

Mu Jiutian said with a smile.

Although he exuded a noble and powerful aura, he did not dare to show it. Instead, he appeared extremely respectful and humble.

Because, anyone who can come to the City of the Heavens has a great background.

Either it is an unparalleled talent that will never be seen again, or it is an unparalleled power that suppresses a large world, or it is a supreme existence that dominates the eternal world.

No matter who it is, he can't afford it!

As the guide to the City of All Heavens, Mu Jiutian only had the most ordinary white jade Taoist Talisman.

The level is the lowest!


He can only act as a guide!

Even though he has been here for 80,000 years, he can only consume the most common things in the City of All Heavens, but if placed in the outside world, they would all be divine objects and treasures.


Entering the City of All Heavens is a great blessing...

To this.

Lin Wudao naturally didn't know.

"This is indeed my first time coming to the City of All Heavens."

"I heard that in this city of the heavens, you can buy everything in the world?"

Lin Wudao asked curiously.

Hear the words!

Mu Jiutian smiled and nodded.


"Theoretically, that's true!"


"Well, in the City of All Heavens, as long as you have enough divine stones, immortal stones, and Taoist stones, you can buy everything you want."

"It's just that the more precious something is, the higher the price will be..."

Mu Jiutian explained with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Wudao was thoughtful.

"By the way, brother, it's your first time in this city of the heavens. Is there anything you need?"

"Can you take me for a walk first?"


"It's just that my level is limited and I can only take you around the first heaven of the City of All Heavens. As for places above the second heaven, I am not qualified to go."


Lin Wudao nodded slightly.


He then followed Mu Jiutian and walked into the City of All Heavens...

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