Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 46 There are always troublesome people trying to harm me!

"Your Majesty has a decree. Lin Wudao, the master of the Demon Hunting Palace, kills the demons and captures the remnants of the Demon Sect. He has made great contributions to the court and protected his people with his own efforts. He is the pillar of the country!"

"In recognition of his meritorious service, he has been promoted to the position of Deputy Governor of the Yuanzhou Demon Division. I commend him for this!"

In the main hall of the Demon Suppressing Division, a sound of reading rang out.


Headed by the Grand Governor Zhao Xuanxiao, Li Bingtian, Lin Wudao and other senior officials of the Demon Suppression Division gathered together to listen to the decree from the capital of Dali.

The announcer is a kind-hearted old eunuch!

The name is Mu Tiansang!

According to the information Lin Wudao learned, this person came from the Imperial City Division of the Dali Dynasty. Although his status was not very high, his cultivation had indeed reached the state of becoming a god.

"Congratulations to Governor Lin!"

"After your Majesty heard about Governor Lin's deeds in Tianyuan Ancient City, he praised Governor Lin very much. He praised him as a pillar of the dynasty and his future prospects will be limitless."

"From now on, I hope that Governor Lin will fulfill his duties faithfully and not let down His Majesty's expectations..."

Mu Tiansang said with a chuckle.

While talking.

His pair of deep eyes were still looking at Lin Wudao calmly, as if he wanted to see through him.


No matter how much Mu Tiansang peeked, he could not get any useful information from Lin Wudao.

This result made him frown slightly.

This time!

Not only did he come here to read out the decree, but he also wanted to see what kind of character Lin Wudao, the ruthless master of the Demon Hunting Hall, was.


In his opinion, with his own pair of magical eyes, he could easily understand everything about Lin Wudao; however, after real contact, he realized that he seemed to be underestimating him.

Lin Wudao was even more extraordinary than he imagined...

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty!"

Lin Wudao calmly cupped his hands.

He didn't take Mu Tiansang's scrutiny seriously at all.

"Grand Governor, I haven't seen you for a while. Your Yuanzhou Demon Suppression Division has a dragon. In the future, with Governor Lin, I think the good days of Grand Governor are about to come."

"Your Majesty, you have been thinking about the Governor..."

At this time.

Mu Tiansang said meaningfully.

Hear the words!

Zhao Xuanxiao nodded and said nothing more.

Judging from his expression, it seems that he doesn't have much favorable impression of Mu Tiansang, who was born in the Imperial City Division...

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, King Li Yang stood up immediately.

"Congratulations to Governor Lin!"

"In order to celebrate Governor Lin's promotion to the position of Deputy Governor, I have hosted a banquet in Lingyun Pavilion and asked the Governor to honor me. It just so happens that Eunuch Mu is also coming from the capital."

"I'll take this opportunity to help my father-in-law..."

King Li Yang invited with a smile.

Celebrate me?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao glanced at King Li Yang strangely.


No clues could be seen from his face.

"Captain Lin, Lingyun Pavilion's meals are very famous in Yuanzhou and the surrounding areas. There are a lot of good things there."

"For example, the Wuji soup that can relax muscles and cleanse the marrow, the divine tea that cleanses the soul, the spiritual water that purifies spiritual power, and the spiritual meal that enhances understanding..."

"When Governor Lin comes to Tianyuan Ancient City, he must not miss Lingyun Pavilion!"

"It is said that as long as you go to Lingyun Pavilion, you will be blessed with great blessings in your life. If you can walk in the sky, Governor Lin might as well go and have a look?"

Seeing Lin Wudao, he was unmoved.

King Li Yang was silent for a while, and then strongly invited again.

Lingyun Pavilion?

Lin Wudao raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that there is some interest...

"Captain Lin, since it is King Li Yang's wish, let's go and have a look."

"Besides, this time the prince said a lot of good things for the governor in front of His Majesty..."

At this time.

Mu Tiansang's voice also sounded.


After looking at the two of them, Lin Wudao nodded.

Upon hearing this.

King Li Yang was immediately overjoyed!

"I'll lead the way~"


A group of people walked out of the Demon Suppression Division in a grand manner...

Since the Grand Governor Zhao Xuanxiao was about to break through, he did not go there.

To this.

King Li Yang couldn't wish for more!

Lingyun Pavilion is located in the prosperous area of ​​Tianyuan Ancient City.

It's not far from the Demon-Suppressing Division.

After a while.

Under the leadership of King Li Yang, the group came to Lingyun Pavilion. Looking up, Lingyun Pavilion was ancient in shape, and the triple attic was magnificent, exuding a powerful meaning of Lingyun.

“Nice place~”

Lin Wudao praised.

Through the observation with the eyes of the gods, he found that the architecture and layout of Lingyun Pavilion were very particular, and actually intertwined with the surrounding weather and the energy of the earth.

Moreover, the entire Lingyun Pavilion is also a large spirit gathering array. Practicing here can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

This kind of arrangement was obviously done by an expert!

"Captain Lin, please~"

After entering Lingyun Pavilion, King Li Yang led Lin Wudao and others to the center of the lobby.

at this time!

A sumptuous banquet has been set up here!

There are other guests around. At a glance, they are either rich or noble, or they are accomplished monks...

Everyone gathered together and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

"Your Majesty, are there no private rooms in Lingyun Pavilion? Why did you choose to stay in the lobby?"

Li Bingtian asked aloud.

Compared to this noisy environment, he prefers a quiet place.

To this.

Naturally, King Li Yang could not tell him that he had deliberately arranged this to make it easier to kill Lin Wudao. The more chaotic the surrounding environment, the easier it would be to succeed.

"Captain Li, this lobby is great. It's great to have fun with the people..."

He chuckled.

After Lin Wudao and others sat down one after another, he immediately took out a pot of wine, came to Lin Wudao himself, and poured it for him...

The whole process seemed very enthusiastic!

"This wine... is very special."

A hint of surprise flashed across Li Bingtian's eyes.

The wine in front of me is as bright as blood!

Moreover, there is also an inexplicable power exuding vaguely...

"I once heard that three hundred years ago, the Grand Governor of the Imperial City Division killed a nine-thousand-year-old demonic dragon and used its blood as a raw material to brew a precious wine."

"It will be of great benefit to the monks!"

"Could it be that this is the legendary dragon blood brew?"

Li Bingtian looked surprised.

Hear the words!

King Li Yang showed approval.

"Captain Li is really a knowledgeable person!"

"That's right! This is the rumored dragon blood brew!"

"In the early years, my royal brother once gave me a jar, but I have never been willing to drink it. Today, the king is very happy and specially brought it out to celebrate Governor Lin..."


He immediately stood up and wanted to drink a glass of wine to Lin Wudao.

"Captain Lin, congratulations on your promotion to the position of Deputy Governor of the Demon Suppression Division. I wish you a bright future and reach the ninth heaven."

The words fell.

He immediately drank the wine in the glass.

See it!

Lin Wudao glanced at him calmly and immediately picked up the wine glass in his hand.


However, when his eyes fell on the dragon blood brew, his eyes instantly narrowed.

Name: Dragon Blood Brew

Quality: Superior

Introduction: It is brewed with the blood of a nine-thousand-year-old demon dragon as raw material and mixed with many precious medicines. It has the effect of increasing qi and blood and strengthening spiritual power for those who practice below the Tongtian realm.

Note: This is a cup of dragon blood brew mixed with Hua Gong Powder. Once you drink it, your whole body's cultivation will be reduced to nothing in an instant.

Hua Gong Powder?

Seeing the displayed information, Lin Wudao's eyes suddenly burst out with a fierce glare.

"There are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me..."

He sighed.

Say it.

Slowly stood up...

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