Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 319 Wangchuan Water Mansion, the third generation messenger!

The River of Forgetfulness is mysterious and strange!

The knowledge about it has been kept secret for endless years. Few people are willing to mention it, and even fewer people are willing to step into it...


Paddling an ancient boat, Feng Changqing drove slowly and unhurriedly on the River of Forgetfulness, paying close attention to the surrounding activities with a hundred thousand attention.

Although he, as the messenger of Wangchuan, can freely enter and exit the river of Wangchuan, he has still encountered many dangers these days.

This river of forgetfulness is far more terrifying than he imagined!

Time passes little by little.


I don't know how much time passed, but when Feng Changqing came to the center of the River of Forgetfulness, suddenly, a strange mist appeared on the black river.

at the same time!

In Feng Changqing's ears, there seemed to be some strange voice that could be described in words, guiding him to an unknown place.

Somewhere in the air, Feng Changqing had a feeling that by following that voice, he could achieve greater success than ever before.


He recalled his previous experiences and carefully traced the source of the sound, getting closer and closer.

After a long time!

The strange fog on the River of Forgetfulness had completely dissipated. At this time, Feng Changqing found that he had arrived in a strange area.

On the dark river, an ancient and mysterious archway appeared. At first glance, it looked like a gate.


Pushed by some force, the boat at Feng Changqing's feet began to follow the current and slowly sailed into the archway.


The moment they drove into the archway, something shocking happened to Feng Changqing.

I saw.

The black river surface in front of him suddenly collapsed, and then, under the influence of some powerful force, a passage was opened.

And the boat under his feet also drifted in...


After passing through an icy darkness, an ancient and mysterious palace came into Feng Changqing's sight.

In front of the hall, there is still a mottled stone tablet.

Several large scarlet characters are outlined on it...

"Forget the River Water Mansion?"

Looking at those big characters, Feng Changqing muttered softly.

"What is this place?"

"I can't believe that there is such a mysterious place in this cold and dry River of Forgetfulness."

"It looks like this is a temple used to worship gods?"

"Could it be the water palace of the Forgotten River God?"


Feng Changqing seemed to have thought of something, and his heart was awe-inspiring.

The Wangchuan River God is a deity that has always been popular among their Tianfeng tribe. Although they are not enshrined, they have always been highly respected.

The River God holds a lofty status among the Tianfeng tribe...

Since ancient times, it has been respected by people!

Regarding the Forgotten River God, Feng Changqing has also heard related legends, but he has never really taken it to heart.


Seeing this mysterious Forgotten River Water Mansion today somewhat subverted his cognition.


Just when he was looking at the Wangchuan Water Mansion in front of him, the boat under his feet had already entered it, driven by the river water.

When he actually arrived at the Wangchuan Water Mansion, Feng Changqing was surprised to find that it was indeed a temple dedicated to the river god.

See you!

At the end of the Shuifu Palace, there is an altar, and the statue enshrined on the altar is strikingly similar to the Heshan of the Tianfeng Tribe.


The statues in the Wangchuan Water Mansion are even older and more majestic...


After Feng Changqing looked carefully, he also discovered a mysterious corpse in a corner of the altar.

He stood with his sword in hand, and his brows revealed a majestic air.

That way!

He seems to be the guardian of this Forgotten River Water Mansion...


"Could this corpse be that of a demigod?"

Feeling the powerful aura emanating from the corpse and the faint divine light contained in the bones around it, Feng Changqing couldn't help but feel horrified.

But then, he showed a look of ecstasy!

Demi god!

To him, it was an extremely powerful being. It was already very difficult to find a corpse in the Divine Wheel Realm.

However, there is a corpse that seems to be a demigod. If it is traded with the Eastern Messenger, it will definitely gain powerful power.

Think of this!

Feng Changqing carefully looked at the Wangchuan Water Mansion in front of him, then rowed the boat under his feet and sailed towards the corpse.

After coming to the corpse and confirming that there was no danger, he carefully stretched out his palm...


At this moment, a sudden change occurred!


When Feng Changqing's hands just touched the corpse, suddenly, the corpse's originally closed eyes suddenly opened.


This sudden change frightened Feng Changqing out of his wits, and his whole body fell heavily to the ground.

"Boy, are you trying to take advantage of my body?"

At this time!

Another strange sound came from behind him, which frightened Feng Changqing so much that the hair on his body stood up.

He turned around with difficulty!

Only, an illusory figure was floating in mid-air, looking straight at him...

"Who are you?"

Feng Changqing swallowed his saliva, feeling panic in his heart.


He had no idea what kind of strange existence he had encountered.

Faced with Feng Changqing's panic and fear, the illusory figure smiled faintly, and then came to him.

Feng Changqing was so frightened that he backed away...

"Boy, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

In order to appease Feng Changqing, Xuying showed a kind smile.


This did not make Feng Changqing relax his vigilance!

See this scene.

The shadow didn't pay attention and fell next to the corpse...

"Boy, this is the legendary Forgotten River Water Mansion. Being able to come here is not only your misfortune, but also your luck."

"First of all, let me introduce you. My name is Feng Jitian, and I am the third generation Wangchuan envoy of the Tianfeng tribe."

Feng Jitian?

The third generation of Forgotten Messenger?

Hearing this, Feng Changqing couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"The third generation of Wangchuan Messenger, haven't you lived for a long time?"

he asked carefully.

To this!

Feng Jitian nodded.

"I have been here for more than 30,000 years!"

"Over the years, many Wangchuan envoys have been born in the Tianfeng tribe, but there are only a few who can come to this Wangchuan Water Mansion."

"Moreover, none of them has been recognized by the Wangchuan Altar and has become a true messenger of Wangchuan."

"If you don't come, in three days at most, my obsession will be gone and completely dissipated in this world."

"It seems that all this is destined by God, for you to inherit my mantle and become the next messenger of Wangchuan..."

Feng Jitian said with infinite sadness.


There was a relief-like smile in his eyes.

The real messenger of Wangchuan?

Listening to Feng Jitian's words, Feng Changqing was very confused.

He never knew that the Forgotten Messenger could be real or fake...

"What is the real messenger of Wangchuan?"

There was silence for a moment.

Feng Changqing asked with a hint of curiosity.

Hear the words!

An unpredictable and mysterious smile appeared at the corner of Feng Jitian's mouth, which seemed to be a sigh, but also seemed to be sad.

"The so-called real messenger of Wangchuan is the person who controls the altar of Wangchuan and has the power to patrol the entire river of Wangchuan."

"The Wangchuan envoy of the Tianfeng Tribe is nothing more than an appearance."

"The Messenger of Forgotten River can change your destiny, but it can also limit your destiny. It can make you stronger or lead you to destruction."

"Its existence may not be tolerated in the world..."

Feng Jitian laughed at himself.

Say it.

Under Feng Changqing's surprised gaze, he raised his hand and pointed out, and a strange and mysterious ancient altar appeared in front of him.

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