"Is this the Forgotten Altar?"

Feng Changqing's eyes showed surprise.

The altar in front of me looks extremely ancient and exudes a vast and majestic atmosphere.


On it, Feng Changqing also felt an inexplicable sacredness. Vaguely, he seemed to hear many creatures praying and worshiping.


Just when he was about to listen attentively, the sounds of prayers from all living beings mysteriously disappeared.

It seems that it has never appeared...

See this scene!

The look of surprise and suspicion in Feng Changqing's eyes became more intense.


While looking at the Wangchuan Altar in front of him, Feng Jitian also showed an extremely complicated look in his eyes.

"This thing is the Wangchuan Altar I mentioned before."

"You can regard it as the inherited treasure of the Tianfeng tribe, or as the artifact of the Forgotten River God."

An inherited treasure?


Feng Changqing didn't know why, but he was full of curiosity.

"The Altar of Forgotten River has a mysterious origin and has been passed down for endless years. It seems that it has existed since the birth of the Forgotten River."

"With it, you are equivalent to becoming the river god of the River of Forgetfulness!"

"In the ancient years before this, our Tianfeng tribe has always believed in the Wangchuan River God, so this Wangchuan altar is connected with the fate of the Tianfeng tribe."

"It carries the fate of the Tianfeng tribe!"

"As long as you can be recognized by the Wangchuan Altar, you can sense everything in the Tianfeng Tribe like a god."

"In addition, it can also give you great strength!"

"But at the same time, you must also shoulder the responsibility as the messenger of Wangchuan, which is to patrol the entire river of Wangchuan and protect the people of the Tianfeng tribe."

"Only when the tribe becomes stronger, you will become stronger, and you will live longer."

"The Forgotten Messenger and the Tianfeng Tribe complement each other and are linked by fate..."

Feng Jitian slowly introduced.

Hearing this, Feng Changqing nodded with some understanding.

"There have been many Wangchuan envoys before, but have they not been recognized by the Wangchuan Altar?"


"This requires opportunity, and it also depends on everyone's destiny. Since you are lucky enough to be here, it is fate."

"You should also give it a try and see if you can be recognized by the Forgotten Altar and become a true Forgotten Messenger."

"You should be the last person to come here. If you can't do it, once I disappear from this world, I'm afraid there will never be a real messenger of Wangchuan again."

"Naturally, there will be no one to protect the Tianfeng Tribe..."

Feng Jitian looked sad.

While talking.

There was a hint of expectation in his eyes when he looked at Feng Changqing.

Hear the words!

Feng Changqing also felt more pressure in his heart.

Naturally, he didn't want to see the Tianfeng tribe wither and decline...

"So what should I do?"

"It's easy!"

"As long as you drip your own blood on the altar, if the altar responds, it will be regarded as its approval."

"At that time, you can inherit my mantle and become the true messenger of Wangchuan."

"If there is no response from the altar, it means that you have no chance with the Messenger of Wangchuan..."

Feng Jitian said lightly.


"Let me try~"

Taking a deep breath, Feng Changqing followed Feng Jitian's instructions, slowly came to the Wangchuan altar, and dropped a drop of blood on it.


As the blood dripped, the Forgotten Altar still remained silent without any response.

See this scene!

Both Feng Changqing and Feng Jitian looked disappointed.

"It seems that I don't have that fate..."

Feng Changqing smiled bitterly.

To this!

Although Feng Jitian also sighed secretly, the expression on his face did not change much.

Over tens of thousands of years, he has seen too many disappointments.

Not less than Feng Changqing!


"Maybe it's fate here. From now on, the Messenger of Forgotten River will be completely reduced to history and submerged in the long river of time."

"Throughout the ages, I don't know how many people have failed, not least like you..."

Feng Jitian wanted to comfort him.


However, just as he was about to finish his words, suddenly, the originally silent Altar of Wangchuan suddenly burst into rays of golden light.


A bright beam of divine light rushed out from the altar, directly into Feng Changqing's eyebrows, and turned into a mysterious mark.

Branded on his soul...

"What...is going on?"

Seeing this sudden scene, Feng Changqing couldn't help but froze on the spot.

Not just him!

Even Feng Jitian was slightly startled!

But then, a smile of surprise and relief appeared on his face.

"Congratulations, you have been recognized by the Wangchuan Altar!"

"From now on, you are the fourth generation messenger of the River of Forgetfulness, and you will assume the great responsibility of patrolling the River of Forgotten River and protecting the Tianfeng Tribe."

"God favors me, the messenger of Wangchuan finally has a successor..."

Feng Jitian's shadow trembled violently.

In the eyes!

Full of infinite joy!

In his final moments, he finally found a guardian for the Tianfeng Tribe, which could be regarded as completing his final mission in life.

at the same time!

As a huge roar sounded in his mind, a lot of information poured into Feng Changqing's mind like a torrent.

Among them, some were told by Feng Jitian, and some were not told by him...

This opened Feng Changqing's eyes!


When he was recognized by the Wangchuan Altar, he had a magical ability. As long as he thought about it, all the things and scenes about the Tianfeng Tribe would instantly appear in his mind.


Even the entire River of Forgetfulness can be seen clearly!

“It’s amazing~”

Feeling the perspective that seemed to come from God, Feng Changqing was greatly shocked.

This was the first time he felt such a magical and heaven-defying ability...

The Altar of Forgetfulness is indeed an artifact!

"How is it? Do you have a magical feeling of gods looking down on the world? All the scenes of the Tianfeng Tribe and the River of Forgetfulness appear in front of you?"

Feng Jitian smiled.

Hear the words!

Feng Changqing took a deep breath and nodded.

"This Wangchuan Altar is so amazing!"

"That feeling... is like a god who controls all living things and looks down on the mortal world, transcending all things."

Feng Changqing's eyes showed obsession.

This kind of power was something he had never experienced before!

"This is just one of the abilities of the Forgotten Altar."

"I said that controlling it will give you powerful power. It is connected to the fate of the Tianfeng tribe."

"Now that you have become a true messenger of Wangchuan, you will get feedback from the Tianfeng tribe..."

"What do you mean? How to give feedback?"

Feng Changqing's eyes showed curiosity.

"It means that after you become the true messenger of Wangchuan, everyone in the Tianfeng tribe will extract part of their cultivation and strength and pour it into you."

"Gathering the power of all the tribesmen, you will reach the sky in one step and gain powerful power..."


Everyone takes a part of their cultivation to bless me?

Hear this!

Feng Changqing was greatly surprised!





He was just about to say something.


At this moment, streams of majestic and pure spiritual power suddenly appeared out of thin air, flowing like a great river throughout his body.


Feng Changqing was shocked to find that, driven by the majestic spiritual power, his cultivation level was increasing crazily at a terrifying speed.

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