"Feng Changqing?"

"He actually wants to ask me to do something again? Could it be that he found the body of some strong man in the River of Forgetfulness?"

Looking at the information displayed on the Book of All Living Beings, Lin Wudao had a smile on his lips.

at the same time!

There is also a touch of expectation in the eyes!

To him, Feng Changqing could barely be regarded as a little fat sheep. As the tombkeeper of the Tianfeng tribe, he hung out by the Wangchuan River all year round, so he had a lot of resources in his hands.

This time when asking him to do something, he obviously prepared the corpse of a strong man...


Thinking of this, Lin Wudao did not hesitate too much and immediately used the power of the system to project Feng Changqing's scene.


I saw Feng Changqing sitting on the bank of Wangchuan River, staring blankly at the strangely black water in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

From his body, Lin Wudao felt an aura that was completely different from before, and there was also a mysterious mark between his eyebrows.

This made Lin Wudao a little surprised...

"I haven't seen you for a while. How can Feng Changqing change so much? Why does he have the aura of the River of Forgetfulness in him?"

"Also, what's going on with the mark between his eyebrows?"

Lin Wudao was quite curious.


It's just curiosity, he has not forgotten the business...

[Feng Changqing, why did you sincerely invite me this time? 】


Messenger from the East?

Hearing this sudden sound, Feng Changqing woke up suddenly, and then fell to the ground with an extremely respectful attitude.

A rich surprise floated in the desperate eyes!

[Meet the Eastern Envoy! 】

[Tell me, what’s the matter with you? 】

[Eastern Messenger, you said before that as long as I offer the corpses of three powerful people in the Divine Wheel Realm, you will solve the crux of my body and practice like a normal person. 】

[Now, I have gathered three corpses of the Divine Wheel Realm, and asked the Eastern Envoy to help me solve my own problems and change my fate of being unable to practice. 】




While speaking, Feng Changqing fell to the ground and kowtowed heavily.

Got it all together?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao was startled at first, but then he showed a bright smile.

Feng Changqing really did not disappoint him!

[Well, since you have gathered three Divine Wheel-level corpses, then present them. Then I will solve the crux of your body for you. 】

【yes! 】

After receiving the response from Lin Wudao, Feng Changqing did not hesitate and immediately took out three corpses from the grass nearby.

Taking a closer look, they are all in the Divine Wheel Realm!

【very good! 】

[Since you have offered me something that satisfies me, I will fulfill your wish. 】

[The fundamental reason why you cannot practice like a normal person is that your body is like a leaky net and cannot store spiritual power. 】

[No matter how much spiritual power you inhale, they will all be lost like running water. 】

[Therefore, if you want to change this situation and practice like a normal person, you can only make up for your physical defects. 】

[I will give you new life now...]

Say it.

Lin Wudao immediately used the Taixu Heaven-Mending Technique on Feng Changqing!

The Taixu Heaven-Mending Technique is a sub-god-level method with heaven-defying power. After being used, it can repair the physical defects of creatures below the true gods.

Including but not limited to: qualifications, roots, meridians, Dantian...

at the moment!

For Feng Changqing's situation, Taixu Mending Heaven Technique is just right.


As Lin Wudao pressed the seal, in an instant, mysterious forces were drawn from the world, passed through the black hole in front of him, and landed on Feng Changqing.


With the blessing of that mysterious power, Lin Wudao could clearly see that Feng Changqing's body, which had slipped through the net, was repairing quickly.

After a long time!

When the last ray of mysterious power dissipated, all the flaws in Feng Changqing's body had been repaired.

No more flaws to be seen!

"This Taixu Heaven-Mending Technique is truly miraculous!"

"Today, it is only a sub-god-level method that can only repair creatures below the true gods. If it were upgraded to a true god-level method, how unnatural would it be?"

"If I have the chance, I would like to try it..."

Lin Wudao secretly made up his mind.

This magical and heaven-defying method must be preserved, and it will definitely be of great use in the future.

[Feng Changqing, your physical defects have been repaired. Under the power of this throne, there are no more flaws. 】

[Now you can practice like normal people! 】

【You can have a try……】

A majestic voice came from the void.


No need for Lin Wudao to say anything, Feng Changqing had already felt the huge changes in his body.


When the repair of the physical defects was completed, he could clearly feel that waves of spiritual power began to pour into his body.


No more lost!

This situation means that he can now practice like normal people...

[Thank you, Eastern Envoy! 】

[Your kindness in rebuilding will never be forgotten by Feng Changqing! 】

Dong Dong Dong~

Feng Changqing cried with joy!


He began to kneel on the ground and kept kowtowing to Lin Wudao.

That way!

Only in this way can he express his inner infinite excitement and gratitude...

To this!

Lin Wudao didn't stop him. He could understand Feng Changqing's mood.

[By the way, although you have solved the crux of your body and can practice like a normal person, you are still a mortal with no power. 】

[Don’t you want to become stronger quickly? 】

[It just so happens that I have a magical demigod inheritance furnace in my hand. As long as I accept its inheritance, I can become a strong man in the demigod realm in one leap. 】

[When the time comes, it will be enough to dominate the ten directions and dominate the pinnacle of the mountain world! 】

[Feng Changqing, are you interested in this demigod inheritance furnace? 】

At this time.

Lin Wudao said with a smile.

Demigod inheritance furnace?

Become a strong man in the demigod realm in one leap?


Hearing these words suddenly, Feng Changqing was shocked, and his eyes naturally showed unprecedented yearning.


When he thought about the price paid for such a good thing, most of his original excitement dissipated.

[That... Messenger of the East, I wonder what kind of price you have to pay for the demigod inheritance furnace in your hand? 】

There was a moment of silence.

Feng Changqing finally plucked up the courage and asked carefully.

[Well, good things are naturally not cheap! 】

[Since you are my old customer, I will give you a preferential price. As long as you can bring out the corpses of five demigods, I will give you the demigod inheritance furnace. 】


Five corpses of demigods?

Hearing this, Feng Changqing was shocked!

A bitter smile appeared on his lips...

Now, although he has become the messenger of Wangchuan and can freely enter and exit the river of Wangchuan, the corpses found are only at the Shenlun level at best.

As for existences like demigods, he didn't even dare to think about it!

[Emissary from the East, I don’t have the body of the demigod in my hands right now...]

[It doesn’t matter, I can wait for you! 】

[Just wait until you gather five demigod corpses, and then sincerely invite me. By then, you will be a demigod. 】

Say it.

Lin Wudao smiled faintly and cut off contact with Feng Changqing.

Although his request was very high, he didn't think Feng Changqing had the strength to gather five demigod corpses.

But what if it really comes together?

Luck is really hard to say!

Temple space!

After ending the deal with Feng Changqing, Lin Wudao put the three Divine Wheel-level corpses into the sky-burial copper coffin.


[You buried a corpse in the Divine Wheel Realm and obtained 10,000 top-grade spiritual stones. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained 100,000 top-grade spiritual stones. 】

[Unfortunately, you got nothing...]

[You buried a corpse in the Divine Wheel Realm and obtained a ten-thousand-year elixir. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained a hundred-thousand-year elixir. 】

Three beeps sounded in my mind.


In Lin Wudao's system space, there were an additional 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones and a 100,000-year-old elixir.

[The system sacrificed the 100,000-year-old elixir! 】

[Congratulations to the host, you sacrificed a 100,000-year-old elixir, and your luck value +80,000,000! 】

Only 80 million?

Lin Wudao was a little disappointed.

However, after all, it is just a magical medicine. It cannot even reach the demi-god level, and it is barely worth 80 million.

Better than nothing…

Think of this!

After sorting things out, Lin Wudao sank into practice.

at the same time!

Feng Changqing, who was far away by the Wangchuan River, looked at the Wangchuan River in front of him.

After some tangle, he immediately drove a small boat and slowly sailed towards the depths of the River of Forgetfulness.


A previous chance encounter allowed him to see a mysterious place deep in the River of Forgetfulness...

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