Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 3: The cultivation level skyrocketed by ten thousand years!

[Congratulations, you have obtained the ten thousand years of cultivation from the Great Emperor Jiang Taichu! 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained the innate divine object, the Origin Stone! 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained the "Ancient Emperor Sutra", the inheritance method of the Ancient Emperor Clan! 】

Three cold beeps suddenly sounded.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao was overjoyed!

It was not in vain that he took the risk to go deep into the Divine Ruins and collect the emperor's body, and he really gained a huge harvest.

This time.

It will definitely change your destiny!

"System, are these all ten times strengthened?"


"If Emperor Jiang Taichu's 10,000-year cultivation is blessed on me, to what level will it increase my strength?"

he asked excitedly.

"Ding, this depends on the situation!"

"Because the host's bones are extremely poor and his talent is mediocre, even if he has the great emperor Jiang Taichu's ten thousand years of cultivation, he will not have very high strength."

"If nothing else happens, the host will reach the eighth realm!"

The eighth realm?

Hearing this answer, Lin Wudao clenched his fists, his eyes shining brightly.

Although he cannot reach the sky in one step, if he reaches the eighth level of cultivation, it will be very good for him. Looking at the realm of Jiuzhou, he can be regarded as a master.

"Is it instilled with the great emperor Jiang Taichu's ten thousand years of cultivation?"


Lin Wudao chose to refuse.

at the moment.

We are in the midst of a sacred ruin, and danger is always present!

Furthermore, if he suddenly becomes a cultivator with the eighth realm from a mortal, he will definitely attract the attention of those outside.

Therefore, he chose to wait and wait until he got back.

"System, can I check the information about the Stone of Origin and the Ancient Emperor's Scripture?"



The screen turned, and two panels appeared in front of you.

Name: Stone of Origin

Introduction: The supreme divine object before the creation of the world, it has the shape of a triangular pyramid and has three heaven-defying attributes: 'invincible', 'immortal', and 'clone'.

Invincible: Those who hold the Stone of Origin will have their combat power permanently increased to a great level!

Immortality: No one in this world can destroy your body!

Clone: ​​You can evolve a clone with the same strength as yourself. The stronger the cultivation level, the longer the evolved clone will last.

Name: Ancient Emperor's Scripture

Introduction: In the great world of Shenhuang, the inherited method of the ancient imperial clan can originally be cultivated to the ninth level of the Great Emperor. After being strengthened ten times by the system, it can be cultivated to the realm of the Heavenly Emperor.

"With them, why can't I reach the top of my life?"

Lin Wudao was greatly refreshed.

This time Shenxu collected the emperor's body, and his harvest was extremely huge. He obtained three things, each of which could change his life and destiny.


After taking a deep breath, Lin Wudao suppressed the shock in his heart, and then with the help of the system, he put the Origin Stone into his body.

This will be one of his powerful trump cards for survival in the future!

"Jiang Taichu's emperor's corpse has been successfully collected and it's time to go out..."

call out!

While talking.

Lin Wudao checked again, and at the same time wiped out all traces, and then drove the spirit boat towards the outside of Shenxu.

Standing on the spirit boat, he suddenly seemed to remember something and took out Jiang Taichu's identity token.

Looking at it, Lin Wudao was thoughtful!

"For 80,000 years, the ancient imperial clan has been unswervingly searching for Jiang Taichu's body. There must be some unknown reason."

"Now, Jiang Taichu's emperor corpse has been recovered by the system. It is impossible to give it to them. However, this token can be manipulated."

"I wonder if it can be exchanged for a wish from the Ancient Imperial Clan?"

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

He thought he could give it a try!


There are many people with mixed eyes. If the identity token is handed over directly to the Ancient Imperial Clan in this way, it will definitely attract the attention and covet of many people, which will cause constant trouble.


Lin Wudao was not sure whether there were enemies of the Ancient Imperial Clan lurking around here. If he was targeted, it would definitely lead to disaster...

Therefore, this matter needs to be carefully planned.

In short, there is no rush!

Think of this.

Lin Wudao stored the token in the system space, and then drove the spirit boat towards the exit of Shenxu.

Outside the Divine Ruins!

Han Qingshan is waiting anxiously.

"God bless me, I hope nothing happens to the young master..."

He kept praying.

call out!

Right now.

A beam of spiritual light cut through the void, carrying a young man and rushing out of the divine ruins. He looked extremely embarrassed.

Moreover, his face was full of horror!

Seeing this scene, the onlookers couldn't help but secretly laugh...

"Hey, isn't this Lin Wudao? He actually wants to find the emperor's body?"

"Huh! It's just trash!"

"Looking at him like this, it's obvious that he suffered a great terror, but he didn't die?"

"This guy is so lucky..."

Everyone was talking about it.


None of them took Lin Wudao seriously, nor did they think he could find the emperor's body.


After some scorn and ridicule, he stopped paying attention to him.

On the other hand, Han Qingshan's old face was full of surprise when he saw Lin Wudao come out successfully...

"Master, are you okay?"

"Well, it's okay."

"Uncle Han, let's go back quickly."


Han Qingshan did not hesitate and immediately drove the spirit boat and left the Shenxu with Lin Wudao.

The whole process did not attract anyone's attention.

This is also the result Lin Wudao wants!

After returning to the manor.

Lin Wudao washed up first, then came to a secret room and sat down cross-legged.

"System, help me imbue the Great Emperor Jiang Taichu with ten thousand years of cultivation!"

"Ding, instilling..."




As the beep fell, waves of mighty torrents, like the Milky Way, appeared in the body out of thin air, washing away Lin Wudao's body crazily.

Seeing this scene, Lin Wudao immediately kept his mind tight, began to run the "Ancient Emperor Sutra", and began to practice...

Physical state!

Dragon Elephant Realm!

Divine Tibetan Realm!

The sea of ​​suffering!

Luntai realm!

Dao palace realm!

The other shore realm!

Under the erosion of Emperor Jiang Taichu's ten thousand years of cultivation, Lin Wudao's cultivation began to increase crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Half a day later.

When the last trace of power was exhausted, Lin Wudao broke the shackles of the other side realm and was promoted to the eighth realm.

Become a god!

"It's not easy!"

"After all the twists and turns, we finally got a good start..."

Lin Wudao sighed softly.

Say it.

With a thought in his mind, an attribute panel appeared instantly.

Name: Lin Wudao

Cultivation: Early stage of becoming a god

Kung Fu: Ancient Emperor Sutra

Skills: Basic boxing skills, Kaishan Mahamudra

Items: Bronze Coffin, Hidden Corpse Map, Stone of Origin

Lifespan: seven hundred and thirty-six years!

Note: There is an ancient curse on the body: as life passes, one year of life will be forcibly deprived of it every day.

A large amount of information is presented in front of you.

After reading it, Lin Wudao frowned and looked a little gloomy.

"It seems that the curse must be lifted..."


He thought of the Ancient Imperial Clan, maybe they could find a way?


Thinking of this, Lin Wudao was silent for a moment, and immediately communicated with the Origin Stone in his body with his mind. He saw a ray of divine light passing through the air, and a clone was condensed.

After changing the appearance and breath of the clone, Lin Wudao controlled it and headed towards the Shenxu...

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