Shenxu is not far from Qingyuan Ancient City!


When Lin Wudao and the old man in green arrived in the spirit boat, they saw tens of thousands of creatures gathered outside the sacred ruins, most of them mortals.

In this world, force is supreme!

For those who do not have any cultivation resources, entering Shenxu to try their luck may be an opportunity to change their life destiny.


Lin Wudao also had this idea!


Compared with those people who are running around like headless flies, Lin Wudao's goal is clearer...

Once he entered the Divine Ruins, he would be able to find the emperor's corpse without any mistakes.

By the time.

This is the moment that changes his destiny!

To this.

Lin Wudao was filled with infinite expectations...


After standing on the distant hilltop and looking at it for a moment, Lin Wudao finally focused his attention on an ancient and majestic Shenzhou.

There, there are two figures!

One of them is naturally the unparalleled powerhouse who previously held the imperial weapon and used his great power to forcibly break the space barrier of Shenxu and open up a space passage...

He was dressed in white, and his face was like a crown jewel. Just standing there, he gave people a vast aura of being upright.

It seems that one person can hold up the entire world!

As for the other person, she is a young woman.

She has a peerless appearance and a cool temperament like a moon goddess. At first glance, she looks dignified and holy, like an immortal who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

"The Ancient Imperial Clan is indeed extraordinary than ordinary people!"

Lin Wudao praised.

Say it.

He just moved his eyes away and focused on the void passage in Shenxu.


at this time.

The ancient and vast black cauldron was suspended in the void, and the mighty imperial power it released seemed to suppress the entire world.

Even if the surrounding void continues to be annihilated, the passage remains motionless...

Lin Wudao was full of yearning for such supreme power!


Just as he was looking at it intently, suddenly, a ray of divine light hit the ancient black cauldron, and a vast and majestic sound swept across the world.

Everyone present fell silent instantly!

"I am the emperor's daughter Jiang Lingyue!"

"Today coincides with the arrival of the Divine Ruins once in three thousand years. According to the past rules, our ancient imperial clan invites everyone to go to the Divine Ruins to find the body of the great emperor of our ancestors."

"Everything must be done on a voluntary basis!"

"If anyone can find the ancestor's great emperor body and bring it out, then our ancient imperial clan can grant their three wishes."

"Whether it's the Imperial Scripture, the Imperial Weapon, or the Immortal Medicine, it can all be realized..."

At this time.

Jiang Lingyue's voice rang out.

Hear the words!

All the creatures present suddenly began to become restless.

One by one, they began to gear up and prepare to enter the sacred ruins and have a big fight...

"The ruins of the gods contain great terror!"

"The void passage opened by our imperial soldiers can only last for half a day; during this half day, no matter whether you gain anything or not, you must come out on time."

"Once you miss the time, you will be trapped in Shenxu for at least three thousand years!"

"In short, after entering the Divine Ruins, life, death, misfortune, blessings, and blessings all depend on God's will..."

The cold voice resounded in all directions.


She stopped talking!

Seeing this scene, everyone who could no longer restrain themselves surged toward the void passage the moment she finished speaking, scrambling to enter the Divine Ruins.

See this scene.

Lin Wudao also took steps and walked over...

"Uncle Han, just stay outside. I can go in alone."

"Master, how can this be done~"

"Don't worry, it's okay!"

"Just leave the spirit boat to me. As long as you are in danger, I will come out..."

He said calmly.

"Oh well!"

"Master, you must be careful. If anything goes wrong, don't worry about anything and just run for your life. The old slave will take care of you at the exit."


The old man in green handed a bag of spirit stones to Lin Wudao, and also told him how to control the spirit boat.

call out!

After some experiments, Lin Wudao drove the spirit boat, turned into a stream of light, and rushed into the divine ruins...

Not long after.

Most of the thousands of creatures that had gathered before disappeared.

See this scene!

Jiang Lingyue, who was on the Shenzhou, couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Deep in the eyes, a glimmer of expectation emerged...

"King God, do you think we can recover the emperor's body this time?"

"The Great Emperor entered the Divine Ruins 80,000 years ago, and then the news of his death spread. To this day, our ancient imperial clan has spent all our efforts and efforts, but we have been unable to find his old man's body."

"Seeing that the Imperial War is resuming, if the emperor's body cannot be recovered in this era, our ancient imperial clan will probably decline in the next era."

"When the time comes, what awaits us will be catastrophe..."

Her eyes were filled with worry.

To this!

The God King in white sitting cross-legged in front of him had an unruffled face and always remained calm and composed.

"Everything, just let nature take its course!"

"Before coming, I have already found someone to calculate. This trip to the Shenxu will be fruitful..."


Upon hearing this, Jiang Lingyue's spirit suddenly lifted!

"God King, you mean... we can recover the emperor's body this time?"


"Oh, I hope this time it can really succeed. The Ancient Imperial Clan can't afford to wait anymore..."

She clenched her palms slightly.

Looking in the direction of Shenxu, I am full of infinite expectations.

Lin Wudao didn't know much about the conversation between Jiang Lingyue and the White God King.


He has entered the divine ruins.

Everything is just as the old man in green said. The Shenxu is filled with boundless mist of chaos, and the world is even darker. Even with the naked eye, it is impossible to see clearly the scene three feet away.

After finding a hidden place, Lin Wudao took out the corpse map...

[Ding, the host has successfully arrived at Shenxu! 】

[In view of the fact that the host is weak and has no ability to protect itself, a safe route to the location of the emperor's corpse is being planned for the host. 】

[Ding, the route has been planned! 】

[The host can safely reach the corpse hiding place by following the route shown in the corpse hiding map...]

A cold notification sound suddenly sounded in my mind.

Hear the words.

Lin Wudao was overjoyed!

He was worried about how to avoid danger and go to the place where the corpse was hidden, and the system solved this problem for him.

call out!

At the moment, he carefully steered the spirit boat and began to gradually move forward along the route shown in the corpse map, towards the location of Emperor Jiang Taichu's corpse.

About an hour later, under the guidance of the corpse map, Lin Wudao finally arrived at a deserted and lonely cliff...

At the deepest point at the bottom of the cliff, he successfully found the body of the great emperor Jiang Taichu.

Jiang Taichu, a middle-aged man with a dignified appearance!


He is sitting cross-legged under an ancient tree. Although he has been dead for 80,000 years, there is no trace of decay in the body of the emperor, and there is still divine light flowing in it.

Wave after wave of mighty imperial power surged like a mighty river...

"The Great Emperor is not invincible!"

Lin Wudao sighed.

Say it.

He turned over his hand and took out the bronze coffin for burial in the sky!


As soon as the sky-burial copper coffin appeared, the ancient and vast aura was released, causing Jiang Taichu's unparalleled emperor's pressure to be instantly wiped out and vanished in an instant.

See this scene!

Lin Wudao no longer hesitated, and immediately came to Jiang Taichu and started rummaging.

After all, as a great emperor, he must have a lot of good things. If he could get the Emperor's Sutra or Emperor's Arms, he would reach the sky in one step.

However, to Lin Wudao's disappointment, Jiang Taichu seemed to have been prepared. When he searched all over his body, there was nothing except a mediocre identity token.

"Did you know that you were going to die, so you moved all the treasures in advance?"

Lin Wudao didn't know why.

Think of this.

Without hesitation, he immediately took out the bronze coffin and put Jiang Taichu's body inside.

[Ding dong! 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have successfully collected a corpse of the Great Emperor. You will receive the following items...]


A cold notification sounded in my mind.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao was greatly refreshed. The part he was most looking forward to finally arrived...

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