Outside the Divine Ruins!

Jiang Lingyue is waiting patiently.

She couldn't help but feel anxious in her heart as she saw figures one after another coming out of the Divine Ruins, but without any information about the Great Emperor Jiang Taichu.

Could it be that we have to return empty-handed this time?

"God King, almost everyone has come out, could there be another one..."

She looked at the white-clothed God King beside her.

Hear the words!

The white-clothed God King's face was calm, there was no wave in his eyes, and he didn't even look at Shenxu.

"Don't worry!"

"Everything has its destiny. What should come will always come. Just wait patiently..."


What Jiang Lingyue wanted to say finally turned into a sigh.

Seeing that the white-robed God King was so calm, she could only suppress her anxiety in her heart and continue to wait.


Another hour has passed!

At this time, no one came out of Shenxu.


Even the void passage opened by the emperor's soldiers could not withstand the mighty power of heaven and earth at this time, and was annihilated with a loud noise that shook the sky.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Lingyue's body trembled slightly, and her heart sank into the abyss.


"Did you fail again this time?"

She murmured bitterly.

at the same time!

When the void channel of Shenxu collapsed, the calm God King in white also opened his eyes slightly. With a pair of deep eyes, he looked in the direction of Shenxu, not knowing what he was thinking.

"God King, let's go."

"In the past 80,000 years, our imperial clan has tried many times, but every time we have failed, our ancestors have not pinned their hopes on this one."

"If you want to enter the Divine Ruins again, you can only wait three thousand years..."

Jiang Lingyue squeezed her palms.

at this time!

As the void passage collapsed, the thousands of creatures that were watching began to gradually leave.

Before they knew it, only the two of them were left.

See this.

The last glimmer of hope in Jiang Lingyue's heart was shattered...

"God King, there is no one left."

"Wait another half hour!"

A calm voice came out slowly.

After hearing this, Jiang Lingyue did not hold out any hope, but she did not dare to disobey the white-clothed God King's will and could only wait patiently.

call out!

About a quarter of an hour later, a strange figure came to them.

He is a tall man!

What surprised Jiang Lingyue was that she couldn't see the cultivation level of the person in front of her. What shocked her especially was that there didn't seem to be any vitality in him.


A look of surprise flashed across her beautiful eyes.

"Your Excellency is here..."

"I would like to ask, do what you ancient imperial clan said before still count? Is it true that as long as you find the emperor's body, you can fulfill three wishes?"


"I, the Ancient Imperial Clan, have kept their word, how can the words they say be false?"

Jiang Lingyue looked solemn.


She cast her expectant eyes on Lin Wudao.

"Do you know the whereabouts of the body of our great emperor? Or have you successfully brought the body of our great emperor out of the ruins of the gods?"


Lin Wudao shook his head.


This answer disappointed Jiang Lingyue.

"Then what do you plan to do?"

at this time.

She has given up any hope!

Lin Wudao looked indifferent to Jiang Lingyue's reaction.

"Let me ask again, if you find items related to the Great Emperor, can you get a wish from the Ancient Imperial Clan?"

The Emperor's items?

As soon as these words came out, not only Jiang Lingyue, but also the God King in white looked over.


Just when they were in shock, Lin Wudao took out the identity token of the Great Emperor Jiang Taichu. In an instant, an ancient and grand imperial power swept across all directions.

The pressure made Jiang Lingyue unable to breathe...

But more than anything, it’s excitement!

"Is this the emperor's identity token?"

Her eyes widened in disbelief.


The deep eyes of the white-clothed God King also fell firmly on the identity token, and there was an inexplicable meaning in Lin Wudao's eyes.

"This is indeed the personal belongings of our great emperor, and it is a symbol of status. I wonder where did my little brother find it?"


Lin Wudao replied lightly.

"Can this thing be exchanged for a wish from the Ancient Imperial Clan?"


The white-robed God King nodded gently.

"I wonder what my little brother wants to exchange for this item?"

"I want an elixir of immortality!"


The elixir of immortality?

Jiang Lingyue frowned when she suddenly heard this.

The elixir of immortality is extremely valuable!

That is the supreme elixir that can extend the life of the emperor, and even help him live in his second life. With just an identity token, you want an elixir of immortality?

This appetite is a bit big!

"Why, you can't change it?"

As if he noticed the change in Jiang Lingyue's expression, Lin Wudao couldn't help but calm down.

See this.

The white-robed God King smiled.

call out!

He raised his hand and pointed lightly, and in an instant, a divine light flashed through the air, and it turned out to be a simple jade box.


When the jade box was opened, a mighty divine light rushed out, and there was a substantial real dragon phenomenon manifested in it, which was extremely powerful.

Just after taking a sip, Lin Wudao felt that his life span had increased a lot.

"This is a true dragon elixir!"

"After swallowing it, your life span can be increased by twelve thousand years. From now on, it belongs to the little brother..."

Real dragon elixir?

Lin Wudao was shocked!

Originally, he just wanted to test it out, but he didn't know that the Ancient Imperial Clan was actually willing to take out an immortal medicine in exchange for Jiang Taichu's identity token.

"It seems that this thing is very important to them."

"Maybe there are other wonderful uses..."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

Although he had some doubts, he didn't worry too much. Jiang Taichu's identity token was completely useless to him. If he could exchange it for an immortal medicine, it would be a dream.


With a wave of his hand, he handed Jiang Taichu's identity token to the God King in White.


Feeling the ancient and thick imperial power on the Emperor's Token and the familiar aura belonging to the ancient imperial clan, the white-clothed God King felt a wave of emotion in his heart.

Then, he looked at Lin Wudao with a hint of gratitude...

"Little brother, do you have anything else to do?"

"Well, I do need to ask you something~"

"But it doesn't matter!"

The white-clothed God King had a gentle look on his face.

"I would like to ask, if you are cursed, how can you remove it?"


Hearing these two words, Jiang Lingyue's pupils shrank.

"Are you cursed?"

Her eyes fell firmly on Lin Wudao, as if she wanted to see some clues from him.


Lin Wudao ignored him and kept staring at the God King in White.

"A curse is something weird and evil!"

"If a person is cursed and wants to lift it, generally speaking, there are two methods available. First, find the person who is cursed and kill him!"

"Second, use the power of external objects to forcibly remove or purify the curse, such as: Jingtian Divine Water, Haoran Divine Tree, Duhe Golden Pill..."

The God King in White listed various divine objects in the world.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded.

"Thanks for letting me know!"

Say it.

He cupped his hands and turned away without hesitation.

This line.

He already got what he wanted...

Looking at Lin Wudao's leaving figure, Jiang Lingyue on the Shenzhou had a look of surprise on her face.

"God King, is that a puppet?"


"This person probably doesn't want us to know his identity and origin, so he used an incarnation to come..."


Jiang Lingyue was startled.

"Anyone who can become an incarnation is an ancient and powerful existence. He..."

"Don't pay too much attention to this matter!"

"We have got what we want, and he has also got what he wants. It can be said that everyone is happy. As for who he is and what his identity is, it doesn't matter."

"All this is just a transaction between each other, everyone gets what they need."

The white-robed God King said calmly.

Hear the words.

Jiang Lingyue nodded.

"God King, aren't we looking for the emperor's body? This is just the emperor's identity token in exchange for a true dragon elixir, isn't it..."

"It's not an identity token, it's a key!"


Jiang Lingyue was puzzled.

However, the God King in White did not explain anything.


He waved his sleeves, and the divine boat under his feet instantly cut through the void. In just a blink of an eye, it disappeared from this place...

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